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Swayne's Pilis- Comfortingr totlie Sick. Thonsands die from neglect to properly reat Impnre blood, constipation, dyspeplia, miliaria, apoplexy, liver, kidney, leart discases, diopsy, and rheumatism. ïut to the debilitated burdened vvilh such erloua sickness, we conacientiously recmimend "Swayue's Pilis," whicli contaln neilieinal properties possessed by no othir remedy. Sent by mail for Ü5 cents, )ox of 30 pills; 5 boxes. f I, (in stamps). .ddress Dr. Swayne&Son, Pblladelphla, ¦'a. Sold by Diuggists. MAONETICjyiEDICINij. vJCTfBRAIN &NERVE FOOD.MftIS A care GHaranteed in all Case lor o hl and Yoiuis, M ale and lVinnhv MAONETI l! ÏDICIKE ; a Brain and Kervo Focd ; Jnfailing and Positivo Cure. Tonee up the debilitated lyHtem, arreBts all involuntary discharsep, removes oentnl gloom and despoiidincy, and restores wonlerful power to the woakcncd ornans t& With ach order for twelve packaces, accompanied with Ive dollars, we will send our Guaranteo to refund he money if the treatment does not effect a cure. [t Is the Cheapest and Best Medicine in the marker. Fnll particularii In I'amphlet, wblcb we mail free to uiy address. Sold by all Druegists.onc package 50 ;ents; Six for Í2.50, or sent by mail on reccii't oí ,ric,. by addrassing the 1ÍA6HETI0 MEDICINE CO., Detroit, Mlch. Guarantecs iaiued in Ann Arbor oy C. E. HOLMES, Uook Ilotel Block, 1135-85 o ,, % ; ' jrtf!lr wya L¦ .V vSx a 'lfifunt -i : "ii i'harniHceutical prepara tion of Potlilve ïrwrit, whlrh will bo foaud i u icrpptsble T wed} tolUo most fablidioun l'atifiit. 7ON" TAOAN'.S AI.AXINi: ih i-ompose of V Costly IIüoH Herus unU FiiiPbt Freach Brandy, and I3 tbQ most Itnpurtaut and eafeat remody ever Intruduc d i ut o thl country, ior tlie treatmm 01 uil complelnta caused oy IAvert JCidney. B'nna tr XomaefTYoubles, as ludiKmtiun, Biliiousness, Kldoey Complalnt, Diaiteci-a, Hoart A ttVotiona, Mental Exbaustton, l)bllity, Ac. Kü one sufferlng wila bick Headache sliculii lail uslnu A a Laxativo or Cntliartic, it ia abaolutcly ver fect. It use ís empecí. dly udvís-d to Ladies. We make tliis stront) asurtion, Alaxlue has no equal lor cimipiuiutsjuentluned. It ehouldüa used by evnry on, fa loasiwonfnl dnses, as a preventive of sicktiess, ty na power in aldlng digestión and kr-vmnttiebiwf is rehilar. Trv ltoDce, then sve If jou wot-.ld tvpr l) without. ll DruKiats MU It. PrlcO, t.00 per bottlö. W003TER, ADAMS rt CO.. Wsumotqm. 0., U. 3. ét 11:ï7-1188 e o. w on


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News