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Darbys Prophylactic fluid

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DARBYS PRQPHYUCTIC FLUID. A Householrt Articlo for Universal Family Use. gpSfcaiM?;%HWfftcri For Scarlet and 1 ¦EradirnfflC! BTyphoid ir e vors, I araaiCdieS iDiphtheria, SallWATÍT5TA I vation, Ulcorated MALAttlA. SorcTliroati 8mall "mmWwmgWB Pox, Measles, and all Conta-gious Diseascs. Persons waiüngon Üic Sick should use it freely. Scarlot Fverljas never been known to spread where Uio Fïuld was used. Ycllow Fevcr has been ctired wlth It afror black vomit had taken placo. The worst c.iscs of Diphtheria yield to h. SMAIX.-POX sonfi rcfreshed and and IJod Sores preven PITTING of Sinall 5Í1 y s!'ing with Yox PREVENTED Darhys Fluid. . _ ImpnreAir made A memoer of my famharmless and puiified. Sy X"" taken WIth For Soro Throat it is a ti-pox. I used tha Eure cure Fluid; tha paUent was Contagión destroyed ní "Wou. w:s " For Frosted Foet, P'"J. and was aboul Clülblalns, Piles, thchuaeagainm threo ChaílnRs, etc. weeks, and no others Ithenmatism cured. ' had " =X Y; Park" Soft White I insom, PhiLadelphia. _ ions secured hy its use. SE98BH8DRBHHh Shlp Fover pTcvanted. ¦ To purify the Broath, ¦ DínTitTi ría Cloanse the Teeth, I ¦Ulpillüeria it can't be surpassed. H -. _ I Catarrb relieved and B PrOVOHtCO.. I cured. BaiíBiMJ Erysipelas cured. BHBHBhbBSBBo or Vegetable Poisons, I Stings, etc. [ Tetter drled up. I used the Fluid durinff i Cholera prevented. out present affliction wltn Ulcera puriíied and Ecaríet Fcver with de j healed. dded advantage. It Is j ín cases of Death it Indispensable to fhe ! shonld bo used nbout room. - Wm. F. the corpso - tt wifl ford, Eyrie, Ala. prevent any unpleasDH Tlie eminent Phy. flt!w1a+ T?awftiH sidan, J. MARIÓN ¦öcarietüeverH slms, m. d., New I . Tork, says : "I 'un UUrfiu I ¦ convinced Prof. Darbys ' I I Prophylactlc Fluid Is a SjggggBBHS valuable disinfectant." Vanderbllt Univorsitj-, Nashville, Tenn. 1 testify to the ruost excellent qualltios of Prot Darbys Propbylacttc Fluid. As a disinfectant aad deterent it ís both theoretically and practicaüy supenor to any preparation wlth whlch I nm acqualnted.- N. T. Luiton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Kecommended by Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, oí Georgia Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D.D., Chtrrch of the Stríingers, N. Y.; Jos. LeConte, Columbia, Prof.UniversIty S C Roy. A. J. Battle, Prof, Mcrcer Unlrerslty ; Rev. Geo. F. Piercc, Bishop M. E. Church. ESDISPENSABrjE TO EVERT HOME. Perfectíy harmles'i. Used internally or externaUy for Man or Beast. The Fluid has btíen thoroughly tested, and w have abundant evidence that t has donecveryrhing here dftimed. For fullcr Inforniation gct of youl Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEILIN CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHU Ipinm Kalinir, Rhenmatlsm, .Sperninturrhie, or Seminal Wcakness, and flfty othet coniplaintsï' We claim it a specijlc, sim ply, becauee the viras of all diseases arises from he blood. Its Nerrine, Eesolvent, Alterative and Jaxativc propertiesmeetalltheconditions herem referredto. It's known world wide as (JpviÊïcIÓTHTQlUiElRO It ouiet and coinposos the patiënt- not by tho ntrodaction of opiatos and drastic cathartics, bnt y the restoration of activity to the stomach and nervocs syetem, whereby the brain is reheTed of morbid fancies, whieb. aro created by tho canses above referred to. „ To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary men, Merchants, Bankers, Ladies and all those whose seücntary employment canses nervous prostration, rrogularities of the blood, Btomach, bowcls or íidneys or who require a nerve tonic, appetizer or etiranlant, Samaritan Nebvinb is invalnablc. rbousands proclaim it the most wonderfnl invigorant that ever eustained the einkiug eysif,1?' 51.50. SoIdbyallDrugglut. i" s Recommended by Phyalclanai Wo manufucture and Bell it-w-ltha positiva cuacantoe that It wlll pure ny caae.and wewiü forfait the abovo amouat irfaifsin a singlo Instanoe. It i3 unlike any othtr Catarrh medy, 3 the lf you aré troubltdim luj distie38ing disoase, ask yourDruggistforit.taíl ACCEPT NO IMITATIOM OS SUD8T1TUTE. II t has cot got it, eend to us and wo -wlll forwftra Immedlately. Frico, 75 contspor bottl. F. J. CKEMEY & CO., Toiedo. Ohlo. 1x32-1188 For sale by Kberbaoh & Soa AYER'S Agüe Cure contains an antidote for all inalarlal dlgorders -nliich, o far as known, 18 U8ed Ín no other reraedy. It contain no QiUnlnc, nor any mineral nor doletorious substance whatover, and consequontly produces noinjurion olfoct upon tho constitution, bnt lave tho sjstem as healthy as it wa before tho attack. WE WAERANT AYEE'S AGÜE CUSE to curo every caso of Pover and Age, Interndttont or Cnill Fevor, Kemlttont Fcvor, Dumb Agüe, Bilioas Fevor, and Livr Comllaint caused by malaria. ín caso of fallure, after due trial, dealor aro autborized, by our ciroular dated July lst, 1SS2, to rofuiid tho money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,LowelJ,Mass. SoldbyallDrugglsts.