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JÍBY1 UU 6 VVlt you aee sufliering wltli ov and fa ]jiepsecl spirits, loss óf appetite, general (leí)ility, dlaordered blood.'weak constltutlon, headacbe, or any djsease of a bilious nature, by all ineans procure i bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprisedto see tlie rapld niprovemt'Ut tliat will follow: yu will be inspired wit li new lifu; strength and aetivity will return; pain and tuisery wlllcease, and hencefortli roa will rejoloe in tlie praise of Electric l?itters. Sokl at fifty cents h bottle by II. .1. Brown Co. Teacher : "And the Lord su Id unto Muses - Magjíie Ford put down tliat álate!" F. R. Cheney & Co., proprietois Ilall's Catarrh Cure, oflt-r $100 reward for any case of Catarrh tliat cail't be cured with Hali's Catarrh Cure. For sale by Kberbach ifc Son. The great American Itssert, - Pie. - Life. Belter Than $10,000 ! " I spent over$10,000. in 2:( years,"8ald Major II. V. Hiñes, of Boston, Mass. " in belng doctored for epilepsy. I employed the best physicians In New üi leans, St. Louis, New York, Philiidelphia, Bostón, London and Paris, but all to no purpose. Samaritan Nervine has cured me eutirely." $1.50. The best thiug in print- a pretty irl in a calicó dress.- Oil City Derrick. Uon'l Dic iu tlie House. " Huugh on Rats." Oteara out rata, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, flies ants, mole, chipmonks, gophers. 15c. " Wby didyou take your boy away from my school f asked a teacher of an oíd negro. '-Wall, I teil her. 1 heard de white folks say dat de nigjrer was In need ob biglier eddycation, an' I sent my boy up on de hill." - Arknnsaw Traveller. Not one person in a hundred, :it the age of sixty eau say tlial they are fiee trom Rheuniatic pains. All Cali be cured of tliis most dreadful disease by tlie use of Rlieumatic Syrup. Wolcott. N. Y., April 11, 8882. To whom it matj concern: This is to certlfy that I ain an engineer by trade, and for the last five years have been troubled more r less with rheuinatism, and for the last ti ve weeks bef ore this date I have been entirely unable to work, and when I commenced nslllg the Khcuniatic Syrup I could hardly leave my cbair. After uslng one-half of a bottle of the Syrup, I be:an lo grow better, and am iiüw it work again as usual, havinjr been . cured with tliree.bottles. I sbould advise any one troubled with Rlieuinatisui to use Rheuniatic Syrup. Enough caunot be .-aid in its praise. Alkuf.d Rkynolds. It'a Lowell who asks, " Wbat is so r:ire as aday in June?" isitnot? Well, uovv, if he liad only stopped to think a minute he raight have known tlmt the 2!)th of February was the answer to the riddle - LaupooD. 'Mollier Swan's Worm Svriip." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, calliartlc, for (V-vcrlincss, restlessness, worms, conitipation. 25c. It is a mean wretch who wül slvly Úrop a hair switch iu a car loaded with women, and then smile as he sees every wonian make a trnib for the back of her head when shenotices it. - Philadelphia Cliroulela Berald. - "Di: Beinoiín Celei-y and ChamomiU Pilla cnred my wife iviinedialdy of teten neuraljia..'' H. M. Conklln, Shepberdtown, lJa. 50c, at dru-íglsts. They arrested a man iu Russia for carryinif coiteealed weapons bccause he looked dagijers at one of tlie rojal fauiily. - Lampoon. Catarrli of the Bladder. Stinginír iiritation, Inflamatlon, all Kidncy and Urinary Cotoplalntg, cured by " Buchu-palba." fi. .Tust at this season, when money is so scarce and tradesmen are so pressing, comes the mosquito and puts in bis little bilí. - Lampoon. A Great Discovery. Thut is daily bringii g joy to the homes of thoiisands by savlng many of their dear ones fioni an early grave. Truly is DrKing's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, Calda, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fevei-, Loss of Voice, Tiekling iu the Thrnat, Pain in the Side and Cbest, or any diseaseor tlie Throatand Luniks, a positive cure. Guarai'teed. Trial bottles free at II. J. Brown & Co.'s Dru; Store. Laisre size $1.00. Jeemshas just hungouthisannual sign; " Family moved uto the L - mitin house closed for tlie season. Open September 1.' - Cambridge Tribune, - The first real skin cure ever discovered was Dr. Beuson's Skin Cure. It cures all rough and scaly skin diseases and makes the skin smootli and liealthy. It is an ornament to any lady's toilet. A religious paper heads its jokes witli a decidedly objectionable detinition rif a Boston man, as the east wind made flesh. - Cambridge Tribune. "Itongh on Rats." Clears out rats, mice, roadles, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmuuks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. "I would llke scalloped oysters," she remarked. He answered, meaniug to be luiinv; "I don't know how to scallop oysters." ''Then bias gome," said she. The soothing and restorative effeets of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral are realized nt once in all cases of colds, coughs throat or lung troubles, while its far reaching and powerful healingqualitlesare always demonstrated iu tlie most serlout pulinonary disoiders. "Mr. Isaaes, can you told me veré vash te flrst diamond?" "No, Mr. Yawcobs: veré vas it ? " Vy, Noah's sou on de ark ; he was a Silera order fust vater." "Biicliupaiba." Quick, complete cures all minoying Kklney, Bladder and (Jrinary Olivases. $1. Drujrgist. A lady frlend wout allow the saleswoDiaii to try on her gloves tor her, not beoause it s bard work tor the salegwomnn, but becanseonr lady frlend will have nnthiur to do with couuterfeits. The concentrated power and curative virtues of Ayer's Sarsaparilla render it the nost reliable and económica] medicine hat can be used. It eontams do dangerous or harmfid ingredients, and may be safely adminlstered topatientsof all ages. When yon are sick the best medicine that can be obtained is none too írood, and is he cheapest, whatever its cost. "No, Hir," said the practical man, " no )ric-a brie on the mantle forme! It's a misante. Where's a man to put his eet?" That Husbaud of Mine st three times the man ho was before lie (cíían ualne " Wells' Health Renewer." il. Druggists. Enny man who has kept a skool for ten 'ears uuglit to be made a major gineral nd have a penshun for the rest of his atural days, and a hoss and a wargin to o his jroiiiK around in. - Josh Billings. ïï"No family Dyes were ever so poplar as the Diamond Dyes. They never lil. The Black is far superior to logvood. Any color 10 cents. Posillve cure for Piles. To the people of this County we wonld ay we have been jdven the Agency of Dr. Vlarchisi'sltalian Pileüintment - emphatcally guaranteed to Cure or money re'unded - Internal, Externa!, Blind, Bleedng or Itching Piles. Price 50c. a box. ío cure, No pay. For sale by Eberbach fe Son, Druggists.