BUSINESS CARDS. WILLIAM BIGGS, BUILDER. SHOP: COKJVEKCHÜRCH AND ORLEANSST. Aid Arbor. W. H. JACKSOK, OFFICE: Over Bach & Abel's Entrance by First National ..ank. T-í-Lf WILLIAM HERZ Humo, Slsn, ornamental an.J FRESCO PÁINTER. :O: PaDCrtnn Glailng, Gi!d ng, and (.alc'.ininiPir nnd kot oí TCiy Jescription ln Uie brst Hyle nd wirranted ta í've satlsfai-ton. 8HOP,?íO.i WEST WASIUMJTO.N ST. Ann Arbsr. Michln. ' 38tf "TSCHAEBÊRÊËT" Residenoe, 57 South Main Street TKACIIEK Of Piano, Violin and Theory of Music Instructions given on p!un of the lioyal Couservatory of Music at Lelpsic, Saxony. FKED BAMFOR1) & CO., FRESCO ARTISTS. Dealers in Fine Wall Paper?, Lcather Paperí, LINCRUSTA, Taper Ceillng, Decorauons, Store Sbades. Decorativa Pieture Moujdlngs aud Centres. Estimatee glven and designs submitted for Ficseoing aud Paper Decoratlons. 255 Jefferson Ave., DETROIT, Mieli. tTlLLIÁM VV. X1C11 0 -s. dentist: oíSw Has RemoTOd ío uit NEW DENTAL ROOMS Ot Joe T. Je-3bi' Sur SMlt ïlTkindsof blanks PBINTED ON S1IOKT NOTICE Ai' THE COURIER JOB R00M8. Book-bhidíng quickly ütu and nllprogram , invliatlons, nul eard f.iicfnily "1boiler mm, lias opciictl a ]iop lor Building and Hepaíríng Boilers Oí every deseription, Statiouary, Portable, Threshiní Machine Boilers, and every variety of work known to the trade. Estimates furnislied for New Boilers on short noticu. Shop Cor. Main and Catharine Sts., Opiíosiic Courier Oílice. TAILOR & CUTTER, Of the late 0mi r WINKANBA BBKHY, lias lo cated liis place of business at #0. 7 HURÓN STREET, Witha ful] lino "f SÜITIMGS AM) TliOUSKRINííS, n1 wonlil say to bis oíd lrlende ami new nes IMtifthcywantaGdüd Fit nnd n Nobby "it at "easonable Piices, cali on liim ami they will be vnrij Ui get uno. DEAN, GODFREY & C0„ PAIUTERS, - a:n:d - DECOHATOnS, 167 16 QrlKiwoUl St., Dcli'oil. Fine Paper Hangings. Elepint Cciling Decorations. Fine Friczcs in all Wklths. llmisc Bhadee anfl Rollers. A large varlety of room mouldlng nul hooln. FRESCO PAINTIITG. Wemakeaspoclaltyof StoreShades and wc will ish estimates and samples oL colors on uppUca""" Shades fitted to roll f rc)m top or bottom or tho induw on Stationery or Traveling roller. Will ?!l2!ggMghading to the trilde cut to mcasurc TUK ANU AH ROlt Savïngs Bank, Nlf AltHOll, lITCirTCiy. Transacts General Banking Uusiness. CAPITAL, 850,000. suíí1?!?"1 mi" th' neral BankiDK Iw of thla tn 'J, "" Et')ckholder are Ir.divWually linble for thrai k l' !unount eaual to tho sluck hold bj 'èrXjïe'pLnor106 VUnd t0T $100,000.00. 5?tïOnprr cent' lntfrest Is allowcd on all Mln. Sl" of one d"'lnr anl upwardB, aoPounSL " rules of the l!anl[ nJ inlereït comSmuSor '"i""1"1"' Moiuiy to Loan on mMroJ rl ostate and oiher guji aecurity. iDa'RKwm'a -('?ritl" SI=K. W. W. Wine, R. A. Duim i. 'I. 1)euha. Wi am O. Uarriinim, e' Hiscock, umi Willari 11 Srallh OFriCEHS. """anMaok, Pi, i w.w.wiNïg, Vlce-1're. aü t Hmcook, CMhIr. [Í15-9SI
Fred Bamford & Co.
First National Bank
Dean Godfrey & Co.
Courier Job Rooms
Bach & Abel's
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
William W. Nichols
William Herz
William Deubel
William D. Harriman
William Biggs
Willard B. Smith
W. W. Wines
W. H. Jackson
R. A. Beal
L. Suter
J. Berry
Daniel Hiscock
Christian Mack
Charles W. Hiscock
C. Schaeerle