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"Uuriiupaiba." Qtiiuk, complete cures all annoying Kidney, Blad(!er and Urinary Diseuses. $1. Drnrgisf. A little boy went nto the country on a visit. About the tirst tliini; he had' was a bowl of bread and niilk. Iletasted tand then hesitated B moment when his inother asked liim if he did not like to whicb he replied : " Yes, ma ; I was only wishing our milkman kept a cow." "Rough on Rats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, Mits, bed-bugs, skunks, cblpmuokB, gophers. 15c. Drugists. ".Iohnnie,"said the teacher, "a lie can be acted, as well as told. Now, if your fatlier was to put sand in his sugar.'and sell it, he would be acting a lie a:id doinjr very wrong." " That's mother told him," sald Johnnie, impetuously; and he Mild he didn't care." An Answer Wantod. Can any one bring us a case of Kidnev or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitten will not ipeedlly cure ? We say they can not, as thoiisands of cases airead; pernia nently cured and who are ilaily recoramending Electric Bitters, will prove. Brifiht's Disease, Weak Back, or any minary complaint quloklycured. They purify the blood, regúlate tlie bowels, and act directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaran teed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by II. J. Brown & Co. A boy was sent tor B doctor, his mother betng very 111, whe, looking down the street, he nw a great crowd. 'Iiie carne a striijTfile between duty and :ui iosityï but be finally staited for the crowd, saying : " The old lady's very bad,bnl sbe wouldn't want me lo miss that fifjlit." Catarrli of the Bladder. Stinginir Irritatlon, Inflamation, ll Kklney and Urinaiy ComplaluU, curcd by " Buchu-paiba." $[. Never despise sinnll tftillg. The mosquito tluii sings sweetly by your bedside becomes a power when it gcts its work in. The little tack that lies so meekly on the Hooi nmy turn in an unguurdcü moinen and niake jou liowi in puin. No injurious eflects can follow the use of Ayer's Ague Cme n the treatment of malaria! diseases. It contains, besides a speciflc and unf..iling antidote for miasmatic poison, otlier remedial agents whlch unite to expel the poisonous liumors, purify the system, and leaveit in a healthy and reinvigorated conditlon. ' Didn't I teil you fchat I didu't w:int to see }-ou iii this conrt-room again f" asked a pólice judge of an Irishtnan. ' Yes, sor." "And didn't you promise tliat ] would never see you again ?" "Idid.your honor.1' "Then, wliydo Iseeyou?" "Because you are not blind, yer lionor."- ArkaOMW Traveller. DonH Die in the House. " Rough on Rats.'' Clears out rats, inlce, roaches, bed-bugs, flies ants, moles, chir.-' monks, gophers. 15c. Amateur boxing - lst amateur: No slu"?injr, noiv. 2d amateur: All right, no hi"ting hard, you know. lst amateur: And no knorklng out, either. 2d amateur: Keep your distanee. lst amateur: No running in on a fellow. 2d amateur: Look out for yoursclf', then.- Life. Comiucingr. Tlie proof of tlie pudding is not in chewing tlie strinji, but in liavinj; au opportunity to test the article direct. Eberbach & Son the Druggists lias a free trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Hing Syrup for each and every one who is afflicted with Couglis, Colds, Astlima, Consumntion or any Lung Aflection. - " Fine Dr.'s : no end of medicine; no relief. Dr. Benson's Skin Cure has driven away all eruptions and lm nearly weU '' Ida C. Young, Humilton, 111. Dniri;ists keep it, $1 per package. Roseoe Conkling writes us that he is prepared to make a strong rebutter wlien he gets bis oleoinargerine case to the Supreme Conri F. J. Cheney & Co., proprietors Hali's Catarrh Cure, offer $100 reward for any case of Catarrh that can't be eured witli Hali's Catarrh Cure. For sale by Eberbach & Son. It is said that a rule of art is reversed in the burlesque actress. She must learn to paint before she can draw.- New Orleans Ficayune. "Mother Swan's Worm Sjrup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic, tor fevenshness, restlessness, wonns, constipation. 25c. KlDÑlY Bladder, Urinary, and Liver Dlseases, Dropsy, Gravel, and Diabetes, are cured by HUNTSREMEDY THE BEST KIDNET jj . AMD LITER MEDICINE. HUNTSREMEDY cures Brighfs Disease, Eetentlon or Non-Retention of Urine, Pains in the Back, Loins, or Side HUNTSREMEDY cures Intomperance, Nervous Diseases, General Debility, Female Wcakness, andExcesses. I cures Biliousness, Headache, Jaundice, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipatlon, and Piles. HUNTSREMEDY ACTS AT ONCE on the Kidneys, Lívit, and Bowelg, restoring them to a healthy action, and CURES wlien all othor medicines tail. Hundreds have been saved who havo been given up to die by frieudg and physicians. Send for paniDhlet to HUNT'S REMEDÍ CO.. Providence, B. I. Trial size, 75 cents. Large size cheapest. SOI.1 BY ALL DRUGGISTS.