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MANUKACTUKEKS of Platform. Hay Wheat ,r . ncí Counter Scales. NEW AND SECONDUA u Aculen aDd Safes for sale nd repaired 1128 1179 M. N. ROWLEY, Detroit, Slich. BELL-HAN6IN6 & LOCKSMITHING. RUSÍ&AR ALARM nd ELECTRIC BKLLS, P_ KBY FITTING. SAFB REPAIRING, ETC GENERAL KEPAIRERS AND JOBBERS lus-in Ml N E0WLEY' Detroit MicL We are aga'.n in tlie market with WÁYM'S CELEBRATED SELF-VEJíTILATING ¦III! ! and they s'and the test of putting Ín Mili, Rice, Meáis, Fish, Onions, íIiE APPLES, or any kind of food, and one artlole will not smell or taste of another. Nootlier raake of Refrigerators manulactured will stand thistest. Send lor a circular of thetn. We hava also a full stock of SÜMMER HARDWARE OH Stoves, Ice-Crcam Freezers, Hammocks, asollne Stoves, Fly Traps, Cherry Stoners, Etc. Send for our Illustrated Catalogue, gratis. COULSOU & MOHHOUS, 115 IVoodm-ard Ave., - Uetroit. ii;j.s-iióo MLI) I RROMI FY'S I sg-T I ELECTRO PLATE WOEKS. 48 ¦Woodward Avenne, DETROIT. MI0H. I (Established 37 ycars.) i rL D,iILVÊR.ANU NIC K I Largcst Plating establishment in the State. ALL WORK FIRST CLASS. REFERBNCES : I U, S.Smith & Co., Detroit Safe Company or l"TJ!Tjrlany prominent citizenTrT!TT J o f Detroit. PLATIH3. f 1129-1151 PATENTS O'i'nincd, and all other baslnees in the U. S. Patent Office attended to for M0DBRA1 E FEE8. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patcnts in less time than thosc remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL or DKAWING. Weadviseasvj paicntability free of charge; and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS WK OBTAIN PATJSNT. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. o MoneyOrd? Div., and to offlclala of the U. S. Patent Office. For circnlar, advice, terms. and references to actual cliënt in yonr own State or connty, address C. A. HXOW A O),, 1119 U Opposite PatentOflice, Washington, D.O.