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Gen. Crook has been ordered to roort to the secretary of war for consaltatlon as ) tlifi dispositlon oí Uie capturcd Apaches. Charles Walker, leulinj editorial vriter 09 th: Indianapolis, Inií. Times, has een appointed chicf elerk of thc Washington ostofflee. President Arthur and hia cabiaet evada the commtssloners oí immlgralion at New York in their eflortsto puta stop to thc imporation of paupers, sent here ly the Britisli auíorltica. By tho consolidation of internal eTcuue distriets ahout $200,000 will be annully saved to tlio governmcnl. The internal revenue receipts for May, S83, were $346,818 greater tlian íor tlie same .nutli of 1883. The fgntence of tho court mártial in ¦lie case of Payraaster Wasson is that hobo lsmlssed from the army and eonfíaeá at bard ibor in some prison for ÍS monthg. Arraneemcnts have been completa! jetwenn tlic postónico departtnent and tlie remblie of Mexico for overland exchange of nails between the offices at San Diego, Cal., nd Fijuaua, Me, to oommenco .lie lst of JuJy prox. The exeíange for the present will be seminonthly, and mails sent from San Dtega jould taclude all correspondence fAr Fijuana nd lieal del Castillo, and that for otho'r desnationa in Iower California may he forwarded i this exehange il tpecially aitdressed to so ia San Diego, Cal. A compara! i ve statement of patenta isupd dñrinethe flrst ir.lf oí tlie oalendar years 582 ai d 1SS3 has been prepared, whieh shows n Ulerease in patents or 21 per ecnt, andin degns of Zñ per cent. Notidings yot oí Major Nickerson, hi! inuch-married man. The postoffice departmenlhae recoivd Information that the Austrian eolouies liaye cscilvedto apply for admission to the univeral postal unión. If their a)plieatin is sr.c:6BÍul, Bolivia will be the only country with n organized postal service not iucluded in the nion. Tho sceretary of the interior has dcided that lands aelected nnder the laws of Utah for unlyersity purposes are effective and alid as ( o locatlon, but ref uses to anticípate he power of the future stat to tfndow the concmplatéS univfrsity.holdinpthat the queítlen e polilieal rather thaB executive. The treasury roseiTe, wliich has been tcadily inereaílñg íor some time past, amounts o $Ha, 4S1.930. It is stated that the payments nade in June on account oí pension did not imount to more than $1,135,009. The quarlery interest on the 4 per cent loan, amomiting to 7,850,000 ivasdue Julv 1. Daniel 15. Parker, recently appointed postmaeter at Washington, positively declines o serve. Conger's friendo are at vorfc. and HQT0UQ2 lDBi?irtitnn.'vCD an Doxvt i,w tnr !tcïj ;ooa - únicas some on? clsc is appointed. Mr. Frank B. Contrcr has at last been appointed postmaster at Washington. The apointmcnt was a surprise to many office seekers, thoufíh his personal friends íelt very sanguine he would receivc the a]pointment after Col Parker declined .to accept. The Washington oílice is one oí the hardest offices in the country to inauage, owing to the great amount of department and congressiona! work, but it is believed that the expciieuce Mr. Conger has liad will gire him great advantage orer any other. Qaaitermaster General Ingalls asks to be placed upon the retired list oí the army. He has been in the service 40 years.. His rcquest ivill be granted. Apointof importance to ponsioners has jupt been decided liy the acting eecretary of the interior in the case of tbc appllcation oí John K. Collett for inervase oí pension. The decisión constrnes the w oC June 18, 1S74, dfining total and permanent helplessness to mean permanent injiirv, rriuiring regular prsoiüil attenflance and td oí another person, and as those eonditions were found in the prepeut case, the applieation wai granted. This is a reversa! of prevloas deeietonn of the department. Becaipts froha,postage stampa at the postofliee.dcpartment for tho qnrter ending March 31, 1S83, wcre (111,829,17] ; And for the quarter ending December 81, 1882, $10,975,008; an tncrease of íSf.4,1 0í. ( 10=5 receipts of the dcpartment for the firet quarter of 1S83, were ÍU,SI1,')4, and íor the lourth quarter of 1882, $11,434,730; mercase for the first quarter "oí 1883, í:76,554 It is estimaí.ed at thc postofficc departmént that addltional oompensation to 11.000 postonScea affected by thc act of March 1, 1SS3, providing for tlie adjustment of postmasters' salaries, will amount to $1,221,685 for the seven niontlis encino; September .10, iv-;;. The reductiou of the public debiíor June was $17,500,000, and lor 1 he fisca! year eiiding June '10 the reduetion amounts to $187,326,000. The government receipt for the fiscal year onding Jane R0 amoanted to $.'07,000,000. Work on the Washington nionumcnt hae come, to a stand still beeause thc. marble contraetors cannot live ul) to their agreemaet. It will be about three ycars before the nionuincnt is enmpleted. Dnríno' -tho lisonl year jnst closed there were 53,41 1 applleations for pensions, an ncrcase of SIÍ.OUO over the previous year. OÏCJJK:it.ALi ITEMS. Suprema eourt oí Oliio holds that the Tiuch móotod Scott licuor tax law passed by ,he last legislatura i a valid audconstitutional nactment. Tho Mississippi ia fallina; and there is rreat rejnieing all along lts banks. There are 'till Immense volumes of water out of the proper ebanuel, on St. Mary's bottom alone, 20,(K)0 acres of v.iuat bcing under water, .Along the aiswurl riviT a tlionsand acres of land are unLer, and have been swept of their erops. At Chicago aa infraction of civil rights luw occurred the otherday. Prof. N. A. Knsley (negro) of iloward uulversity, Washington, D. C, a gradúate of Newton "theologi¦sl seminary, aud a learned Greek srholar, was cjected from a public restaurant on account oL lis color. A dispatch f rom Helena. M. T. saya: On Saturdav, June 23 a Northern Pacific gravel train "with about 100 Chiuaincu on board raninlo a wood train at the Peron siiing, injtantly killing eighteen Chlnamen and woundlui; twcnty-live others, and the engincer of the gravel train was killed and th." fireman badly Snit. Nolnidy on the wood train were injurcd'. A contract lias been givèn ont to L. M. Shute, of Philadelpliia, to build a line of railway irom Cornwall, Ont., to tki Sault Ste. Marie, a distance of about 700 miles. At the latter terminus the promoters of the rond ex peet to moke conneetions wilh the Norther l'.neilic railway. They claim to have power to construct, a bridge over tbe St. Lawrencc in order to obtaln eastorn conneetions. Dr. Isaac J. Hathaway, of Philadelphla, in the cellar of wboae "residence the romains of tnany infants weie four.d buricd, was convicted of having performed a criminal snrgica] operation upon a servant girl iii April, ISffl and was genteneed lo pay a fine of $500 and uu dergoimprlsoumentiorsevenyears - the fullest etent of the law. Tlie now Ohio liquor law will produce a revenue in Cincinnaii alone oí over $300,000 The Mississippj i í'allinr slowly but eurely aud the peoplc of the vaJlcy are takinj fresli hope and courage. Great confusión an consid'-rable loss are eausedliyunusually severe Bood producto stevms in various parts o Pennsylvauin. The Grand Lodgeof the Independen Order of (JoodTempIargof Ontario has declflei to petition parliament to cnact a pi-ohibitor law. ünclrick JöhnOWnaman lias loarned since that country was open to foreigncrs, and tliat is to chcat. A earload of tea rècently arriTod in New York was so adultcrated with sand, leaves and drici? paste as to be unfit for ne The United States ap)raisor refused to reeeive the stuff. Yèllow fever has made its appearaace in several places in Mississippianil Flori'i'ho steámer Nevada wliich arrived at New York on Saturday, June 3d, brcraght ÏÜO Mormon prosclytes fróm various countries in Lurope. They proceeded direotly to Salt Lake City. It is expected that ahout 5,000 Mormans will eome to this country in the next four months. Elght murderers wore haugcd in different parta of the country on Friday, June 29. At Montreai 18,000 immigrante have arrived during the montli of June. An appropriation of $15,ÜÜO has heen made by the dominion government in partial aid of an emierant depot similar to Castle Garden in New York. Bo oareful about laking trade dollars. Nearly all the business men in the eities east refuse them even at 85 cents. It is expectod tbat in a very short ttae the eoin willbedriven out of cireulation. The port physioian at Boston staUs that within the past six months he lias examiued 2.'!,r30 :'assisted emigrants," ïaany of thetn too feeble by reason of age or other inflrmity for selt support, and who must bc aided by private and public charities. Most oL them werc without lnggage and scantily clothed Reporled that small pox is making f rightful havoc nmong the Indians in Arizona. On the 8 th inst. a neiv trunk line between Chicago and Buffalo by way of Detruit will bc opened and faet express trains will be run over the Baltimorc and Ohio, the Wabash and the (Jreat Western división of the (rand Trunk, to compete with the Vanderbilt lines. A runaway team in Milwaukee daslied into a procession of school childreo, killing one child and scriouely wounding over a dozen others. The drivcr of the team was hurt so that he will die. The various roads wbich constitute the AVabash system have been rearranged and grouped tato four divisions- the eastern, middle, western and uorthern. Each subdivisión has its own superintendent, but the entire sygtein remains under the supcrintendenev of Koot. Andrews, The New York autliorities have alyeady sent back sorae of the "assisted" emigrants. A Bradford, Pa., special of july 1, says; "About '¦ o'clock this mofning a eoal train witli pas senger car attached on the Koehester & Pittsburg Ronl3 brokei in two while going un a steep grade near Haoselas, a few miles south of Kinzua viaduct. The sevcred section, eonsistint' of seven loaded eoal ears and a passenger coach, immediately started down the steep aj-iilp. !".i .¦¦i,ii„„!.j.(imfri„i,tf11i =Peed of elgtity miles an hour eolhded with an Eugiite of an approaching coal train. The passenger car was well flllea, and the deetruetlpn of lifc and limb was appalling, scven being instantly killed and others fatal ly Hurt. It is not knovrn Where the blame for the accident bclongs, but survivors arvery unanimous in the belief that it was the result of gross earelessness. Chicftgo union printers, wliosc threat to strike for inereased compensation exceited great interest among the eraft throughout the country, have T.ecided to defer positivo aetion anti! next Ootober. Kansas state prison has been selcctedas the one in which Paymaster Wlissou will spend the r.exr IS months. Al WilkesbaiTc, Pa., the Conyngliam aüd Balt i more mines are BOW SoodecC The water is over UOO feet dcep in the former. The embankment supporting the maia track of the Delav.-are aud Hodson coal road has caved in and the track has fallen down and auother house is in imminent dauger. The inflow of water is checked. It will take Bis weeks to pump the water from the mines. POL1TICAL T'IE NKW IIAMI'SHIHE SENATOIiSHII'. The New Hampshire legislature begiin voting for United States Senator on the lltth inst. Seven candidatos were vototl for on the' flrst ballot taken in the Scnate, and eight in House, Kollins receiving the ínghest vote in both Fioupes. By a vote of 18 to 10 the N nate deeided to elect but one Senator this session. THE BBOOHD l'W'S I1AT.I.OT. On the ballot for Clitèd States senator in the New llampshire leeislature, Rolllns was stillahead, receiving 125 of the H2'J votes eaitj VOTINO IX NEW 1IAMPSIURH. The vote cast on the third day in the New Ilampsbire legislature for United Ststes enator, gave Kollins only 113 TObbf, showing tliat hehad siistained a loss of 10 from the daj before. Harry liingham led on the ballot east on this day, receiving 119 votes. tost fok wfar. The New Hampshire Icgifclature began the fourLh days' work without a quorum jresent. Votes were cast, but of eODTge tliore vas no choice. STILI. BAI.LOTIXO. The leglalature of New Hampshire resumed ts work of balloting for United States senator tfter au adjoununeni of three days. Harry Üngham was still ahead, 117 votes beinp; cast or mm, and 104 for Kollius. The latter candlinte is steadlly loslntf ground. A paper libengeirculatcd among ivollius' men, plcdging Mm Jieir lapport. I0WA REPUBI.ICANS. The Repúblicas stato convcnlioa of owi met at 1);'R Moines on June 37th. A ilatform remarkable tor itB elear and coii6i8t!Ut prinriplfs, and for Ilie rlearness with vhic-li the alm and Intenüona of the party vere set fortli, was adopted. The platfonii v ;ip cTithusiaslieally rsceiyed, and tlio endorsonient by the party et the teraperance prlnclplea which provides tor the sanetity of the liome as against the saloon was most heartily eommend-, ed. Buren R. Sherman was renominated for ïovernor, O. II. Manninc cas renominated for eutenant governor, Prol. -. Kcrr of Linn was renominated for supcrintendem of instruction, il] by aeelamatiou. After an informal ballot fadge Reed was nominal ed for supreme court urtge. THBOTW iiami'SIIUif; t'OXTEST. The ballot taken by the legislatura for United States Senator on Wflneêay, June fl cave Biugliam 116, and UolHns 105, with a 'ew"seatteriiig votes for other candidates. MIKNESOTA BKPTJBCIOANÍ IN COUNCII.. The Bopublican convoution of Minnesota ws remarkable for nothlng exeept ts ïrevlty. After the recular routine of eonvention work. Got. llubbard wasre-ncminated by acclamatie ui, C. A. Ilillinan was uominatod for lietenant-governor, Fred YonBau'mbach tor necretary of state, Cha?. KUtlceon, treasurer, '. J. llahn, attorney-general, and .J.H. Baker, ruilroad comraissioner. The p'atform appTOVes of the river and harbor bill and tüe rc-enaetment by conarc=s of the arrears of pensions elause. When a Tote was taken in the New Hampstdre legislature on June 38, it, wasfound tha. lüngham had 113 votes, while Rollins had 99. Koliin's rapporten are snatterin, andit is hoped the lUmd-lock will soon be breken a í'itoi'osmox. FdarlDg that 1 lui dead-loek in the New Hampshire legislaturc ill reraatn nnbroken for soine time, a proposition has beeu made that all the prominent candidates be v'ithdi'AWD, and ¦ new man eelected by a caucus. It is thought that in thisway aeandidate will be ehosen upon whom all wlll imi! -. OTUEK L.A.NIJS. An explosión ooenrred in a oolliery near Cardiff, Wales. Ten persons were killed and 12 seriously injured. It is announccd that all the people of Iceland who can scrape togctlie r cnough "money to pay their passage are coming to the United States. Life in that eold island ia too much of a buiden to be endnred. The Icelanders are gentle, honest and iudustrious folks, and will beeome valuable of the northwest where thcy intend to engage in their old pursuit- agrieulture. Damietta, Egypt, lias :i cholera epidemie. Nineteen deaths were reportad in one day. Ncwspaper rcgulaüons in Japan are so stringent that 11 of the loading journals of the empire have been foreed to suspend publication. Latest aocounl.3 say Unit tlic tveaty of pcace betweeu Chili and Peru bas not been signed. Senor Elmoro, Peruviar. minister to the Um'ted States, saya the Government of Chili does not waut to make peace, and only seeks a pretext for eontinulng the oceupation of Peru. Biimarch ia ia sucli poor liealth that the questiou of his sueeessorisbeirg l'reely discussed among Germans. A number of namei are mentioned, hut in case of the chaneellor's deatb, the belief is that Ilerr Von Bennincger will bc the suecessful man. Norman, alias Lynch, the informer, bas been released. He ís no sooner freo than another trouble threatens. Ris friends (?) in America promise to give him a warm reeeption if he sets bis foot on Ame. ican suil. It n'as upon his testimony that tbc eonspirators, (ïallagher, Wilson and Curtin werc reeeutly cmivicted and sentcneed to penal scrvitiide for life. Sir Aloxamler Galt announce that the right of Canada to make her own commercial treatiea has been practically conceded by Kngland. The modus opcrandi íb that representativos of Canada shall be associated witb the British miniBter and the proposed terms shall be snbmitted for appioval to the British governoaent. To these eonclusions England reserves the rlght of jadgmeut, espeeially in casee where treaties are eousidered objectionab!' , or likely to produce national compllcatio .ó. The independenee qnestion, saye. Galt, is not only a dead Issue, but ncverhas been a live one. It is roported t!iat mejubers of the ''Irish brotherhood" have decreed that Chicf Justice Coleridgc, who pre6ided at the trial of the dynamite conspirators must die. The judge is said to be very inuch depressed in coaseciuence. June 30 the deaths from cholera in Damiette footed 115. The English góvernment is not piepared to annex New Guinea owing to the euormous exteet of territoir, the unknown character of tbc interior of the country, and the ccrtainty that the natives object to annexation. The upper house of the Prussian diet hiis adopted the góvernment ehureb bill, and tbe dict has adjourned. On J.ulj -J, 111 was addedto the numAt a temperanee picnic held in Sheffield, England , two children were crushed to death and twenty others injured.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News