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Short advcrttsements not to exceed tiiree Unes, of Lost ana Found, Houses forSaleor Rent, Wants, etc, inserted tiiree weeks for 25 cents. Sltuations wanted, free. WANTED- A flrst class Dry Ooods Sale7man. Address, Lock Box 2757, Aun Arbor, P. O. FOB SALE- 860 empty Sugar Barrels, and 50 Syrup Cask.s, at No. 5 Kast Huron St. 1145-50 J. Wm. HANGKTERKER, OOMS TO RENT-Aflnesultofmilllnery rooms over the Postolllce. luqulre at Courieb olllce. NOTICE- Tar Walks made or repaired by J. P. Judson, East Unlversity avenue. " WANTED-Situation on a farm, or elsewhere. Address, J. Thos. Cralg, City. rpo RENT- A good House on roasonable X terms. Euquire at Coukikk Olllce. WANTKD- At once- a good glrl for general house work. Enqulre at 48 Washington corner División. WANTING to engage 50 or more hands for picking líenles, to commenceabout Jöih or20thof July. Euquire of B. DAY, 1148-1150 Washtenaw Avenue. FOR 8ALB- Hooaa anci Lot, known as Ui o Wllllts homestead, of Delhi Mills, Mteh apply to or address, KUSSELL O. REEVK Dexter, Midi. rpo RKNT.-Adesirable houseon State, just X North of Dr. Kose's. Knqulreat the house. ANTEDÍA leadlng New York flrm, controllng the sale of an artlele possenslng undoubted merlt, want a responstble man with some capital to take agency In Ann Arbor. Address. P. O. Box 229.J, New York City. A DÜRHAM new mllch C'ow for sale at Tiempers Corners, Sclo. C. H. Striair.