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Brother Johnson Gives His Opinion On The Prayer Cure

Brother Johnson Gives His Opinion On The Prayer Cure image
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Excliange. "Wc's gwinc to hab a rousin' timo down at our chu'cli nex' Monday ebcn in1," saicl Mr. Johnson, tho eolorci bootblack of Sixth avenue. "We's gwiue to 'seuss do power pra'r in Iieal in' de maladies ob de human race. I'se sot down by ParsonBigelowinde books to open de ex'eises ob de day 011 tha ebenin.' I 'spec's dar will be a puty big congrcgation ob de fust families ob de city in 'tcndance as well as a hot 'scus sion ob de subject', bein', as it am, so deep dat few will reacli de bottom ob i bofo1 de hour for blowin' out de lamp an' ju'rnment comes"'roun.' "I'se heard dat mos' ob do gemmci 'p'inted dat am able to read print widon trippin' up, has been prowlin' 'roun de lib'ariesob de eityscrapin' up p'hit. on de subjec.' 'I gib dat ivorthless son-an'-law ol mine 4 shiliu' pieees, only one ob tien habbin' a hole in it, for do puppus ol gittin p'ints ïor me, as he kift rea( print, cben de smallest, widout stumblin OT lookin' frew spec's as Parson Bigelow sometimos do when lic runs agin a wo'i dat 'pcar.s kind ob hindfo'most. I wa wen-j ïmieh 'sprised dis mo'nin' to hea Gum, dat's my gran' chile, teil his mar dat his daddy was down in Kimmer' saloon playin' pelicy wid a passel ol niggahs as wo'thless as himselb. I'se sartin he's done spent dat money on gamblin' what I gibbed him to gct dx, p'ints wid. "l'm not sartin but I'll let de whole meetdn' Blide without parcipitatin' in de debate; nebberdcless I has werr 'ciled 'pinions 'bout pussums dat 'low day's eu'efl ob wastm' diseasc by pra'r 1 hears ob plenty ob dem folks da knows adder folks dat kuows some body else dat was mos' rizfrom dedead but I ain't seem dem in de Hesh mysell nor hab 1 seen de dooerments dat prove it. "Dose-heah cu'cs allcrs 'curs' way of somewhar whar' we can't connec' wit de pusson frcw do tel'phoïiG an' leaTi how much hos only one log ob troot to prop it uj). "1 has r.o doubt dat de Lo'd cu'es a lieap ob pussons eboery day obde week includin' de 4th ob July an' Snudaj but he don't do it in a slight-ob-han way; on de contrary, ginerally frcw do means of medicine, pureair, freshwatei and exercise, De Lo'd often len's skil to the han' ob de su'geon an' guides de pen dat writes de prescription dat de doctor gibs us to carry to de apofecarv shop. "When I prays for do cure of anj bodily inlirmily 1 don't lic still like a boy watchin' a trap what he's sot foi ketchin' a mouse, hopin' fur de bes' result, yit obstrut'ting ob his own plans an' expectin' things contrary to natur' ; no, I skips roun' an' in my foeble way lends a hclpin' han' air does sumpin' to '.sist natur', den I'se seldom disapp'inted. Still I don't say de Lo'd 'ain't got niyterious ways ob curin'. , "I knows a man dat libs on de wes' side ob tovvn who makes mo' noise in in pra'r meeün' dan a licensod vendci blowin1 his fish horn on aFriday. He's allcrs axin' de Lo'd to próvido daily bread for de wife an' chil'rcn at homo, yot he'lines lime to lay roun' dewharves watchin' ál', stevedores gittin' bread for thcir wives an' chil'ren in de sweat on dere brows." A Frcncli butcher by the name of Fouques lately died in Oran, llie Algeiian capital, whoso singular fortune it was to be thrice at long intervals pronounced dead and laiil ont in his coffin. Ilis iifst experienee was in 1813, when he fell into a tranco from wliich lie recovered in time to knoek violently on the colTiu lid as thc bearers were carrjing hini to the gravo. In l.HCG an altaek of cholera ended, to all appearances, in death, and he was nain at thc point of beiiig bnried when lie recovered conciousness. A few weeks ago tlic doctor pnce more declared thal Forqnes was dead, bul his friends, mindfuj of his two narrow escapes, resorted to all known means of resuscitation, and refuseil lo bury thc body until the unmislakabTe evidences of dissolution appeared.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News