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10T06RAPB1C ESMBISHIKST Jor. Wllliams St. and Madlson Ave.- Opposite East íiuki Circus Pívrlf, DETKOIT,MK'II. tte.1uodRateKoClulm of 10 or Cver 1883. AIAVaVk luns' FUST .1 THE RIARKET! We are now offering Something New nearlv every day in SPRING STYLES! The fashionable public will bearinmind we are the only House between Detroit and Chicago who employ men to make pants. Winans & Stafford. Myrchant Tailors, No. ÍS S. Main St. P. S.- FULL and SEMIDRESS Suits a specialty mmnm Catarrh, ThroatDisease. Bronchitis and Asthnia Can lie Gured! áito áSBeate oítbe i:vi:. BAK and HE UT :a thu Detroit Throat&Lunglnstitute, M.HXLTON VI 1.1,1 .MS. M. ï.. M. ('., 1. S.O., Proprlqtor, Over 40,000 (sea Treatod in (he Last Seventeen xears. A ti (ii¦¦;s¦ of the Rcspíratory Orram treated by Uedloated bottalatlons, comblned when reqnlred with proper constltutlonal remedies fnrthe Btomai n, Ijvkk ;iTid Iïiooi, &c. it' posstble cali personaUy f or an examinatfon, otherwlse writé fnr ISTOFQUKSTIOXS' und 'MEDICAL TRBAT UB." Addresa, Detroit Throat & Lung Institute, ES Woodward Ave., Mlcta. GET Tí HE BISST Fire Insurance }&&"$42,000,000_Lgl Scarity held for the protecüoa oí Ih policy bolden CHRISTIAN MACK ttepresent tho foilowing: first-class compani, of which one, the aliena, has alone paid $5d,"000,000 fira losses a eixty years: Aetna, o( HartforJ $ 7.1OOOÖOOO Franklin, Phlladelphla 3.300,000 00 Germán Amertcan. N. Y 2.8U0.000 CO London Asaurance Corporation 15,800,000 00 National, Uartford 1,200,000 W) North Germán, IIumburK 2.000,000 00 Plicsnlx, Brookljn 2,800,000 00 Underwriters Aeenoy, N. Y 4,600,00-J CO L08B68 liberaliy adjustad ani proraptly pató. Policies is8ued at the lowest rates of premiani. MT3-1125 CIIIilSTl.lX HIACK. TJINSEY & SEABOLrS BAKERY, GROCERY AND FLOUR & FEED STORE. W keep ronstmntly on hiña, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOK WHOLBSALE AND RKTAILTKAHK. We hall also keep & upplj of WIKT DKÜBBL'S BEST WHITE WUKAl FI-OÜK, DELHI KLOÜR, KTB FLODR BUCKWHKAT FI.OUB, COKN MBAL, FBED, Ac, 0. At wíiolesale and reuil. A neneral stock oí GKOCERIES AND PROVISIÓN eonatantly on hand, whlchwill beold on as reisoo able term aa at n j other house In the cltrCash pald for Bntter, E3, and Country Proiinco ¦renerallT. nr-Gooda dellrered to anj part of the city wilout extra chaire. tt. BmSKT _ LBAJBOIJ_ ¦ 1 f #% M people are alwaye on the lookllfC"t"ul for i''ian"s to increase W I P" tlicir cannuiis, :ml in time Wffff IIJI v.ine wealtiiy; thosr who ilo "¦ "¦¦not improve thelr opportumtiesremain iu poverty. We offer agrestcMBM to make money. We want mauv men, wuroen. boys andgirls to work for us rightinthelroW localities. Any one can do the work proptrly f rom the lirst Ptart. The business will pJ more tlian ten times oriUnary wages. Expensive outlit furnlshed íree. No one ivhoeiigagesfalls to money rapidly. ïbucM devote your whole time to the work, or onO your spare moments. Full taformationanaw tbat is neeiled sent freo. Address STHiSOS Co., Portland. Maine. -A. O -A. T=LD - , To all who ure suflering from the error aiw Indlscrctlons of youth, nervous weakness, ttt'3 decay, loss of manhood, etc., I wlll sena ff cetpe that wlll eure you, FREE OF ( liAiü.lThis great remedy W:is diseovered by a "s' sionary iu South América. Sendasclf-adá'J' cd envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. Ferdon LumberYard JAMES TOJLBEJtT, Prop., Manuiactnrer and Dealer U SAGINACT GAIG-SAWED LUMBER, Lath and Shingles. Wo InTite all to (tire ua & eall, and examine out tock before purchaaing eHewhere ALSO AGENT FOR JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., And sells üre brick. JAMES TOLBERT, PKOP Tí 3: KBHCII. Bupt. feb..W, 'T ¦