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Bay City accidente: - Wm. H. Blodgett, a brakeman on tlie Detroit aud Llay City railroad, whose home wasat Mungur's station, attempted to board a rnovirg eLgine at Bay City and, missiug bis bold, ícll under the driving-wheels and was crushed to death. George Linkner, wheelsman of Uic stcam bargc II. 3. Hubbell. trkd to walk on the boomstiek Irom the barge to rhere a line was fastened, to Ioo6e it. JJe slippcd ofl iuto the river and before assistance could rcach liim was drowued. He hailed from Sandusky, O., and aas about 25 years old. ïlie Hon. James C. Wilson, of l'lint. has beenremoved fjeon wikt a 5fie of thetrustoesof the institution for ihe deaf and dumb by Gov Begole and Robert W. Duliam of th I same place appointed in 14s sl.cart. The removal causes much surprise ia Flint. The governor will withhold his rcasotis for the same Uil the next se6sion of the legislaturc. A little daughter of Charles Look, at Atwood's Mili, n'jar East Sagiuaw, acciJintal[y shot herself while playing wlth a resolver. The wound is a daugerous one. A tfiiTilic storm of thunder, üglaning and rain passed over Clio, Cicnessee county, on the afteruoon of the 3ii inst.' T'o brothers named Mosher. living thrce miles west of Clio, were struck by lightuing in tlie open field. They had started for the house, one of them on horseback, when the storm carne upon them. They wcre struck and throv.n down and rcmained senselo68 for sotr.e time, but are likely to recover from the cffects of the stroke. A T-months-o!d phild of Mr. W'eir of Montrose died during the sform and immediately after the hcavirst thunder. The eh:ld ás heaithy and all right in the morning aud Mr. Weir attributes its death to the thunder andlightniog, although itdid not strike very near them. Gov. Begole "crated1 at Jackson on the 4th. The ürst ten miles of tracji of Ihe Marquette, Houghton and Qiitonagon exten.tion is laid, and traius eonveylDg lies and other construction material run daily to aud from the b'g cut uear Kewsville. Tbetntireright oí way is cut out, and work on the middle and Iloughton end of the road s progressing with rapidity, Williaru Pletehfir, of Portland, Ioijia eounty, comiuitted suicide a few dajs ago. He and Uis sister ere Uecping house together. Uis aister hearing a fallstepped to berbrother's bed-rcom and found liim lying on tLe door blecding. A neighbor was ealied in, but youug Fletcher (lied in about 15 minuta, before medical aid cou'.d be had. Fletcher was about 26 years old and had been working for Thomas Baníield, a furLiture dealer. He. was preparing to complete hit college course at Uüvcl. this fall, which he had in part taken, Overwork aud overstudy. together with elironic illne8S, is thought to have brouglit ou a ut of melancholy. He was the son of the Rev. A. N. Fletcher, a foriner Congregational minister of this state, who died al Armada two or three years since. The deed was committed with a razor, four gashes being eut across the tliroat, one of whieh severed the wind-pipe. Lawrence Hardinger was arrested at Tecumseh by ofBcers Stevens and Cole, charged with haviug raped Carrie Cannon, a colored girl agcd 15 years. The details of the crime are unflt for publication. The girl belongs to a very respectable cqlqred family and bears au unbïemished reputatipn. Uuring a heavv showei1 .lames Pei'r kins of Quiniy township, liraneii couuty, took refuge in a barn. The barn was strut-k by lightning aöd consumed and Mr. l'eikins was instantly killed. Albion can novv talk with Marshall and Jackson. G. W. McWilliams ;t Buubanan opeucd tlio celebration of oiir nalioual iudcueDdeUCChy loadiugup a cast. iruu wagon thlmble with a üalf pound of powdcr and liring It. The thimble was blown in all (irections. One piece about the size of a half dollar paesed t.hrough the ealf of Mac's leg uot [ar below the knee; another struek him iu the mouth, cutting iiis lip in two, and a third made a bad brutee on hls elbow. The wouiul uear the l.nee joint will probably Inako a L-rlpple ol' hiui. The Michigan air liue railnmd at liomco, is washed out for nearly (iü tod. The 20 mile race at Grand Haven on horseback between Miss Myrtle I'cck aud a Mf.xirau was won by Miss Peekin 4t minutes and Sliscconds. TheMexican made IS ehangis in one miuute aud threc-quarters; Miss Piek made 1!) changes in four and a half minutes. Changes have been made inthesched-ulcs of iVueliigan star mail routes, 24,141 (Hartford 10 Dow agiac) and :Jt,öO4 (Traverse City to Platte), whcreby the former gets three and the utlter iwj mui) exelianges per week. The cali íor a eouvontion of prohibi¦ ionist to be held at Eaton Rayids i.u the 15th üf Augu-tíays: "At tlJÍs convent ion a Lew ilate cutral commlttce is to bv e.octiíj, plans perfected tor thoroughly organi.lng the sute for pruhibition party work, for paytng , he state orgauizer and others wbo devote tlu-ir time to the work of organizlng, and to ransact any oiher business whieh tiie cause repreeented by th party may demaml-" Reporta from íhc outhern tier of i-unties tax that crops are mui-li bettei than in the couñtlcs lyiug norlh or the Michigan Jeutral riUroad, where the wet veatner seema t.o have clone greatvr ilamage. It U behevi-d .,tiat the wheat erop of the state v,ill befromf 15 to 20 per cent. lower than for the year The bam of Nathan Hurlbút ia the „orthwest comer of MUBWM tmviiship, Van Buren eounty, was liarned witb all lts eont" nt" wttb a loss of about $600. The property ¦as 'wcll iusured in the farmers' mutual. Hurlbut's little boy of B years went tothe barn itl. maches to lire flrecrackere. and the hre reíalted eilher from the matches or the crackr8Ída Loii, acowsin of the Iittlo girl who was so brutally outragcd at Cheboygan, was drowned a few days ago. Sarah Kerr, a little 11 year-oW gir , living in Flint, was brutally outraged whilc pi.kiug TtrawbeVries just outoldc the e.ty ñutís. íundreds of Klted CltlzeM L8t to seareh the woods whfire the man lledaftcr eointóttlng the outrape, and I nally cajf "n Charles Sehemmerhorn, a laborer at tl e coal „itsinthe viciiiity of the outrage. Jle was nromutly ideutilied bv the little girl, and the man was burried at "onee to jafTto prevent lyncbing. Alexandcr Ferry, of Otsepo Lake, oO vean oíd, attempted to enter the house of Amos Í?idwell hile bis voung wife was alone Be bad visited the house early in the day, but had Urft after maldug improper overtures tOÏ When he was observed approachins a sccond time be waB warned bv Mr?. Bidwcll, and failing to regard it she shot and killed lnm Witb a WÍXCnewr born boy mfatH was fonnd nearthe railroad trackiu Btttle Creek, wrapped rnanèvsaper. It is believed the baby was AioTWhap. fatal affrav oceurred at Scboolcraft a few days ago at the SC.Jsrsbac gr' "PSut of trouble about the ;WKe ol : üle... &leason has commenced a suit against PP claiming that be bas indueed hta jvif ei ) leav hlm Mr Gleason was poundcd ternb y uj KÜapp and probably w(nW have htb küled f be had not beon rescucd bv ie olhtcrs U1M „on shot twiee at Knapp during the. m K , on wssm o Kalamazoo eounty. Bijrtb animal Michigan stalo camp ,„,„i7,g atPetoskey, July 34 to August 14 About 20,000 young eels have been ham countí """ PnÍ " Dimondal1' 1d. A. ;?un? girl from Detroit, Miss Mar"? „n ' 8CreJ '"P'oymeHt in a hotel in I, re tlmc aKan(l has beenthere sime. A few weeks ago she sold a quantity amw" n thÍDg ? a y0UDg Ia1y "cqnata? anee for $40, a portion of ths raonev beine paiddowu and the reet tobe paid i instalé nunts. A few nights ago, there beiog but lü paid on the goods, and fcarlne she woulü be elieated out of the clolbing, fiss Ward stole into the girl's room and secured the articles. Ihe next morulnga warrant was sworn out lor bcr and she was taken before a justice of the peaee wlien she was surprised to learn that he had committed a state's nrison offense. She returned tho goods and on pavment of coets was allowed to depart, wlitch she did immedlately for Detrojt, glad tp leaye "such a jecuUardty.') Michiul Hickcy, a resident of Chester1 ijIacomb county for nerly 50 years, died Harry G. Wiley of Lanslng, a Michigan military gradúate, has been made a maior ni the let regiment of state troops. Ilie report lias reached Charlotte tbat I. D. McCutcheon, secretary of Montana terntory, was recently marriedto Misa Clara ïollett, with whom his name bas been unfavorably associated for eome sinee his mueh talked of diyorce. The name of Bloomer Center, Montcal:n county, has been ebanged to Bloomer. Joseph Newman, a morchant and town treasurer of Dorr, Kent Couuty, ie under arrest on a charge of bastarcly. The complamant is a young Holland woman of prepossessing appearance, who alleges that she was nduci-d to lodge wUh S'ewman at one of tlie urst-class hotels in q rand Rapids ahout s'ix inouths aro. Prof. U. W. Lawrence, who has been at the head of the Jaekson schools for 15 years. is to be sueccedcd by Prof. f M. Kendall, of rranklin, Pa. Reptley, the üraml Rapids bank. janItor whp stpje pertain money that liad b,een lef t outside the vault, hae been fpund auilty. It took the jury about 15 minutes to reach that conclusión. At the recent meeting of the board of control of the industrial "home for gids at Adriau, Mayor Corbjn, of Adrián, (overnor Bfirolc's latest appoiptee on the board, introuueed a resolutiou preseribmg a6 a penalty for running away of an iamite, that her head should be shaved. This was favorcd liy the tHO ladies on the board, hut Mr. üinchrnao, of Detroit, another member cf the board, "kicked" and alter a loug discussion eucceeded in getting a substitute through iustructing the buperintendent to recotnmend a penalty. Some oí the good people at Adrián wonder at the lady member of the board favoriug such a penalty, aud dou't see how it wouM helu tirls reform. Bay City saloons were open all day the Fourth, and not a single Drotest has yet been entered. Fout Bay City young men have gone to San Pedro, Honduras, to engace in mining. Sftid that a chureh society in Adrián ïold beer on the Fourth. Saloou men are 'kicking," and justly, too. lul. iutlle, bookkeeper and collector for Lee Bros., livery men of Grand Rapids, is auegedto have atsconded with $400 or $500 of bis emplqyers money and the book6 in his chare. Tbere is said to be a woman in the case, aud Ed. is believed to be ia Windsor Ott. A man nanied Patrkik Gunn, aged 28, originally from Canada, attempted to cross the Flitit, & Pere Marquette track at the depot, in front of the Bay City accominodatiou train at East Saginaw. He was druck. Uut got cross, and thcn staggerod and feil back, aud the eugiue went over him. He was tcrribly crusbcd aud soon died of his injuries. A team beeanio frightened bv the cars in Iludson the other day and ran away, cellidiug with a bugey belonging to Dr. Chapmau, atid iustantly killiui: Wesley Goty, who was drivlng in Chapman's buggy. üoty's wife has bccomc a raving maniac. Adrián luis electod two ladies as memben of the school board of that city. Grand Haven bas voted to boud it6i lf for $15,000 for street improvi-ments. The hijfh. water in the Saginaw river bas compelled a number of milis at Saginaw toblmt down, aud has covcred the docks and dumagud soine talt at Bay City. A peculiarlv interesting case is on trial in the circuit court at Bay City - tbc Second National bauk vf. Henry Schlndehrtte. The bauk pai.l a New York draft irhlcb bore Schtadebette's name, aud which afterwards was proven to be a forgery. Schindehettc's endorse meut was givcn upon ;he eolicitation of the maker, who stoppeu at Schlntlehette's hotel. The liank sues ScLiudehette for tl e aiiiount of the draft. The Hun. Newell Barnat d lepresentati%'e In the legiblature, from Easl Saginaw oud 6iiddeuly of appoplcxy a few days ago. He was one of tbe moet zcalous workers at the last tcssion of the leïislature, and ac!uired a state repr tati m by his adherence to rerr y Ilaniinb n the Si uatorial qontcst. He was iilso theauthor of ilie oelebrtlted "Minority" bill. Oommeucing Monday Ji]ly 9, the Diiroit, (rand iiaven aud Mllwaukee railroad companv will run a refrlgerttor car from (irand liapids to Detroit on Moudays and Thursdays for the shipnunt of perishable freigut to the Jatter point. The Detroit, Laneing and Northern will run a car of the Fame soit Fridays. Ex-Senator Ferry, who went abroad some months ago for his health, is gaining rapidly. Grand Kapids used 7,000,000 more water in the month of June, 1863, than for th same periodlast year. There is some hopes for that city yet. The river at.Flint is higer than ever before known in a summer frestet. Adiian will not allow a tram railway thi-ough lts princijal streets. The members of the scientitic society at Adrián were making experimente with oxygen and hjdrogen a few days ago, when a terrilic explosión oceurred, siatterjng Windows, breaking cases, and generally demoraliziug things. One member sitting on the gas bag was blown about S0 feet but was not injured. Geo. Bentley, the thieving janitor of Grand Kapids banks, has been sentenced to four years,' imprisonmeut at Jaekson. The largo shingle mili of W. B. Stancell, two miles east of Stauton burned a few dajsago. A total loss. Albert Breton, a Stantou yonth, walkcd into hisemployw's room, while tbelatter was taking his after diuner nap, aud relieved his pocket of about tive dollars. To avoid suspicion lic had had the monejehanged. He has been sent to the reform school. The telephone exchange block ai East Saginaw was badly damaged by lightning the othcV day, md all thó wires and instrumcuts destroyed. Miss Francis L. Stewart has been appointfd postmistress at YpsilantI, vicc Spencer removed. The Bay City papers represent that the late floods have been fruitful of et-rious damage to the crops in ïhc valley, and it is beconiing a serious question with some of the eottkrs in Bay, Saginaw, Arenac, Midland and other adjacent countic?, as they watch the ileitructlon on their homesteads. In many sections potatoes, corn and even hay and wheat are absolutely ruined, and it cannot but result iu serious hardship to those families who have rccently entered upon their land and are endeavoring to build np homes for themselves_ The oldest inhabitant has no reeollection of such wcather as the past month bas been in the Saginaw valley. ff hiei?in COMPiay of Maskeiroi rafted 146,383 logs in one week recemtly. Schoclcraft county, upper península wthl itSerOn,"the "Stabüshed fac-t tba n ? fts 'ounrlaries farming is found unus ually profitablG. All kinds of crops can be lor f rom $1 25 to 14 per ae$c. The annnal reunión of the soldiers and sailors of the upper península, in the lato S1'1" Place at Houghton on the -iotlj of tbis montu. Banks in Grand Rápida have redaced cen'tIrateSOf intcrest from e'gQt to seveu Muskegon has shipped about 5,000 pases of stravberrie3 thifi season, producers reali?ing ap average of J per case, Threo young woracn "abstracted" a r'JL tlCf "f ? iTfumo and Sodont from a tl eT di dn't Uiink tbe aíTair quite so fuDDj whcn it (ndcd In tlieir trial, eonviction nuu fentence for larceny. At the iionltural colleare, nearLansing tje senior class wlll leave a memoria] ia tue iorm of a founlain. to be placed near the green-house. The uewsjstein of watfr rorks forwlnchthe last Iegislaturr granted an ap' pror riation, is being put in. It is intended to nnish the Chemical laboraiory acl bnüd a costCof $5U8-0a mnej thiS SüaSOU at a totaI A iVarrow (auge. Detroit Frec Press. Grosse Pointe bas becomeone of tbc mostdclfEhtíul summer rosorts in Michigan. Tbe air is delieious, tbe surroundings cntrancing aul the society 'of the ïnost brilliant and solid ebarapter. Npthing can lie more refreshiug tban the gteamboat ride to and from rosse fomtcpvery uay. As a SUmmer jauut itis yery denghtful and none appreciate it ketter than thoee who make it most frequently. fiut the Grosse Pointers and their friends and ucighbors furtuor up the shore want sometbjng Bpcedier, more frequent and gooi for winter as wcll ai summer. Henee the renewal of the much talked of Detroit Shore Railroad whicl) is designed to he of narrow gange am take in all the tqiyns Qn the shores of the Lake and Kiver Sr. Clair as far at least as St. Clair (Aty, Handsome bonijses would be paid by the coramuniljes along the shore to secure such a line The Port Huron Narrow (Huge people have sometbins of the Mnd in view Last week Messrs. Harrington aud Wells, of the Port Huroü aud Xortliwestern, paid a vlsit of t-o or three days' duration to St. Clair took in the comforts of the Oakland ami endeavoreil to interest M. Hopkins, Senator Whitinc and ex-Senator MeElroy in thoir project, iiopiug to secure pledges suffleient in amount t'o warrant tnem in extending their line from Port Hurou to St. Clair the present season. Report eays that they wore not successful, but "report" in such mattere cannot ahvays be given full credeuce. The Port Hurón & Northwestern Narrow Gauge eontrols 214 miles of railroad, all built within the past three years. The enterprise bas been very prolitable to its projectors - so much so that they are eager to build new lines. Tbey have a comprehensivo scheme which is eapable of indefinito extensión threughrmt the portions oí the Uowcr Puninsula not reached by railroads. Every mile they build pays them directly and there is nothing that has so built up Port Huron as the enterprise of these men. That a Shore line from Detroit would be equally prolitable there is no reason to d?ubt, and iu tbe interests of all it is to be b&ped that the energetic msn who have bad the building of it in view will go to icork at onee - make their surveys, secu:e the right of way, enlist the favor of business menalongthe projected route and finish up the line with as little delay as possible. The C. umi CoaMBtMlon. Gov. Begolc has appoiutcd A. F. Mctcalf oí KaUmazoo, J. A. Robingon of Jackson and Geo. R. Thomas of Detroit, as cxamlnera In dentistry under the law passed at the late see6ion of the 6tate legislatura The board will organizo at once aud seud circulars to all practicinjr dentists In the sta'o, who shall eend to Dr. Thomas a statement concefuiülg thcir li-ngth of practiee aud otuer particulars, accouipuniel by a fee of 5 cents Failing to respomt, tlie board 11 be obilged lo examine the dclinquents as to their staudlBg and profleiencv, rtc. Dr. Thomas is appoiuted for threo years, and is to bj eocrctarv of tlie board, and Kouiusou for two years, and is treajurer, and Meteali for oue year, will be the president. OIÍTUOIX J(AllKliTS. Wheat- No 1, white ) @ 1 PO Flour 5 oo ($ 5 50 Corn 50 (a) BS Oats 32 @ 35 Clover Seed, %) bu 7 00 @ 8 25 Apples, f)bbl 2 25 (g S 50 Dried Apples, y lt 8 ( Sl4 Peaches 14 (o) 15' Cherries 15 (o) 1(5 Butter, % u Cí 15 RW! . '. 15 ( 1(! P atoes oíd, i bu 25 # 50 Putaioes nenr S bu 2. 25 (et; 2 3') Huncj " 18 (g 20 Beaus piclifd 3 10 @2 15 Hcan?, uupiekcd 1 oo @ 1 50 Hay (150 (j 140 Straw 7 00 (w 7 55 Pork drrssed, 100 9 00 (3 9 25 Porkmw 8 17 00 (g 17 50 Pork, family lö 00 (a 19 50 Bief eitra mess @ 12 50 Wood. Beech and Map'.e 8 40 Wood, Mplc 8 (X) Wood lliekory S 00


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