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HUNT'S -j THE BEST KIDNEY and LIVER MEDICINE NEVEB KNOWN TO FAIL. HÜNT'S BEMEDY has saved from lingering disease and death hundreds who hare been given up by physicians to die. HUNTS BEMEDY care all Dlseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urlnary Orgaus, Dropsy. Gravel, Diabetes, and Incontinence and Retentlon of Urine. HUNT'S BEMEDY enoourages sleep, creates an appetite, braces up the systeui, and ronewed health ia the result. HÜNT'S BEMEDY cures Pain In the Side, Back or Lolns, General Deblllty, Female Dlseases, Dlsturbed Sleep, Los. of Appetite, and Brlght's Dlsease. HUNT'S BEMEDY qulckly induces the Uverto healthy action, removing the causes that produce Bllloua Headache, Dyspepsla, Soar Stomach, Costlvsness, Files, &c. By the use of HUNT'S BEMEDY the Stomach and Bowels will speedily regain their „trength, and the blood will be períectly purifled. HUNT'S BEMEDY is purely vegetable, and meets a want never before f urnished to the public, and the utmost reliance maybe placed in it. HUNT'S BEMEDY is prepared expresuly for the above dlseases, and has never been known to fall. One trial will convlnce you. For sale by all Drugglsts. Send for Pamphlet to HUNT'S BEMEDY CO., Providence, B. IPrics, 75 cenU, and $1.25 (large size). l Infants and Children ¦ 'Without Morphine or Narcotine. . What pives our Children roy cheeks, A What cures their fevers, makes them sleep; g 'Tis Catorla. When Babies fret, and ery by turns, What cures their colic, kills their worms. Hut Cimtorla. What quickly cures Constipation, Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestión : g Hut Caatorla. Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, -Castor OU and Paregoric, and (' Hail Cantoria. K y Centaur Liniment.- An büoluto euro for RKeimatiim, - Ji Bnrna, Galls, &., and an ÉHtankaneous Puin-reliever. KÚA An oíd negro passing along the street stepped on a torpedo ingeniously placed in his way by a boj-. When the thiiig exploded he turned and said: "Huh! moer see such a town as dis. JJa's been tiyln' ter blow me up eber since I come lieali. White folks mus' take me for the Gar of Rnssia." - Arkansaw Traveler. Excited Thousands. All over the land are going into ecstasy over Dr. King's New Discovery for Consuiuption. Their uulooked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes tliem to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, or anv affection of the Throat and Lungs. Trial Bottles free at H. .1. Brown & Co.'s drug store. Largesize, $1,00. A slimmer resort - borrowing our neighbor's lawn mower. - Burlington Pree l'ress. "Buchupaiba." Quick, complete cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Druggist. Jones, on being advised to marry and settle down, replied that the great thing was to settle up and marrj'. - Boston Star. - A specific, and the only too for all forras and types of skin disease, is known the world over as Dr. Benson's Skin Cure. It is not a patent medicine, but a reliable, certain remedy. Druggists. "A fair court record,'1 remarked a coquette as she wrote the name of her sixteenth rejected lover in her diary. - Boston Courier. That Husbaud or Mini; Is tk ree times the man he was before he began using " Wells' Health Renewer." $1. Druggists. An amateur poetess anxiously wails : " Oh, where can I íind rest? " Get a posltion as saleswotnan in a store that doesn't advertise, darling.- N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. He Gave np his Crutches in Three Weeks. Butler, N. Y., Marcli 22, J882. Rheumalic Syrup Co.: I wish to say to the public, I have had the rheumatism for flfteen yeais; some of the time had to use crutches to get aroiind, and the jast winter could not get out of doors for weeks at a time. Have used all remedies I could hear of and doctored with different physicians to no purpose, and could get no relief until I commenced taking yourSyrup. 1 had taken but two bottles before'I could a cliange. Continuing its use a few weeks, 1 flnd myself walking without crutchorcane. Anyone troubled with rheumatism should take Kheumatic byrup and bc cured, for it is a positive cureJ. B. Chatfiel. South Butler, March 10, '82. Hheumatic Syrttp Co.: Gents- This is to certify that I have had rheumatism tor several years; at times so I could not raise my hand to ray head, nor get my coat on without help. I commenced taking yourSyrup, and had taken it hut. a short time when it began to help me. I have taken two bottles and am as well as ever. I think ithas no equal as a rheumatic cure. Israel J. Clapp. A genulne dude has struck Lammie He has a homeopathie head andallopathic feet. His trousers are so tight that he never takes them off, and he has a plateglass window in one eye. The other is closed for repairs. He got on the wildest kind of a debauch last night with half an ounce of pepper sauce and a bunch of cigarettes. He hails froni New York.- I,aramie Boomerang. A BIcssiugr to all Mankind. In these times when our newspapers are flooded with patent medicine advertisements, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly cure you. If you are Bllious, blood out of order, Liver inactïve, or generally debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a blessing to all mankind, and can be liad for only flfty cents a bottle of H. J. Brown & Co. The new western weatlier prophet is proud of his name- Straw. He is sure he can teil which way the wind will blow- Boston Courier. Cares of Life. As w come to them they are received. borne with, and passed over with notnore than a thought, if we are in the enjoyment of health, hut if sufferinir with Piles br skin disease of any kind they maniify a hundred fold. Eberbach & Son the Druggists, has Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy which is an absolute cure for any affection of this kind and is sold at 50 cents.