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fefia. For Dyspepaia, mtWW I ? fal SA ' ' v c' ''' " ' s' W lEm' rlioea, Jaundice, fáfl&f Iinpurity of ího yBm yT'. jL ''::;:;'f Fov r ; nd TjíTmÍV JTw A"' Malaria, Vil A1U y,l 1 J a y and all Dis a íes 9- .L¦ causee! by Iprangeniont of Liver, Bowels and ILidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A DISKASED I.IVKR. liad Breath ; Pain in the Side, somettmts tne pain is feit under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for Rheumatism ; general loss of appeiite ; Iïuwcls gcncrally costive, sometí mes altemnting with la.x; the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, with considerable loss of mcmory, accompanied with a painful sensation of Jcaving undone something which oughfto have been done; a slïght, dry cough snd flushed face is sometimes an attenciant, oftcn mistaken for consumption; the patiënt complains of weariness and debility; nervous, eatïly starlied; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and despendent, and, although satisficd that exercise wotild be beneficia!, yet one can hardly summon np fonitude t? try it - in fact, distrusts cvery remeJy. Scveral of the above sytnptoms attend the disease, tut case have occurrea when but few of thern existed, yet examination after death has shown the Li ver to have been extensively deranged. It should be uscd by all persons, old and young, whenever any of tho above syinptoins appear. Persons Travpliiïg or Living in Uiihealtliy Localities, by taking a dose occasionaüy to keep the Liver in nealihy action, will avoid all Mnlaria, Bilions attacks, Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxic.ating: beverage. If You have Oaten anything hard ol digestión, or'feei heavy after meals, or sleepless at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. Timo and Doctora Bills will bo A&yeL by alirays keeping the Regulator In the Houset For, whatcver the ailment may be, a thoroughlj safe purgativo, alterativo and toitic cao never be out of place. The remcdy is harmlosn and does not iuterfere with business or picasure. IT IS PÜRELY VEGETABLE, And has all the power and efficacy cf C:lomel or Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects. A Governdrs Testiinony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my family for some time, and I am satisfied it is a valuable addition to the medical science. J. Gill Shokter, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Ga., says : Have derivcd some benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial. 'The only Thing that never fails to Relieve." - I have used manv remedies for Dyspepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never haye found anything to benefit me to the extent SimmortS Ljver Regulator has. I sent from Minnesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for such a medicine, and would advisc all who are similarly affected to r:ve it a tria) as it scems the only thing that never fails tp relieve. P. M. Janney, Minncapolis, Minp. Dr. T. W. Mason saysi From actual ev perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator if} my practice I have been and am satisfied to use and prescribe It as a purgatfve medicine. BTake only the Genuine, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature of J. II. 5CEILIN & CO. _ FOR SALE BV ALL DRUGGISTS. The only known speciflc for Epileptlc Fits. "TB Also for Spaama and Falling SIcknesB. Nervous Weaknesa it instantly relieves and cures. Cleanscs M(H nd quickens slogglsh clrcalation. Keutrallzes germs Qt disease and saves sicknoss. Cures ík SKEPTIC SAID] agly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Eliminatcs Bolle, Carbaacjps aDd Scalds. CF"P;nnanently and prmptly cure3 pawdysls, Tcs, it Is a charmlng ana bealthf ui Apericnt. Kills Scroful and Klngs Evll, twlu brothure. Cnanges bad brcatn to good, k'hi'jv. tne the caiue. Ronts blllona tendenr les and makes clear complexion, Equalled by none Jn the delirium of íever, A ch&rmlag resolvent and a matchless laxatlre. It drlTce Sick HeadacbQ llke the wind. fW Contalns no drastlc cathartle or oplates. Bejleyc (THE GREflï) CNERfVEXClOlMlQlUlERlOD the braln of morbíd fancies. Fromptly cures Rheumatism by routing It. Ecatores llfe-glving propertlcfl to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders. g3?Reliable when all opfates f all. Ee. freshes the mind and invïgoratcs Üio body. Curei dyspepsia or money ref unded. [NEVEBlFAllLSD Siseases of tlic blood ownitaconqueror. Endorsed In wrttlng by over flfty thousand leading cltlzcns, clerffymen and pliysiclans In ü. S. and Europe. t-For sale by all lcadlng flrugglsts. $1JO. (13) For Testimoniáis and circulara send stamp. Tha Dr.S.A. Richmond Med Go. St. Joseph.Mo. HALUS gatarrhOure Is Recommended by Physlcians? We manufacture and Bell itwitha positivo guarantee that it will cure any casOand we will forfolt the aboye amoimt ua faifsin & single nstanco, It is unlike any otlicr Catarrh rpmeuy, a8 Hi taken internally, acting upon the blOOd. If you are 'troubli-U Trits í tn'3 distressing disease.ast yourDruggistforit.and ACCEPT NO IMITATIOH OR SÜBOTITUTE. If d bas not got it, end to us and wo wlll forward Price, 75 cenia per bottle. F. i. CHENEY & ("., Trífido. Oíli 1 132-1183 For sale by Eberbacb & Son AYER'S Agüe Cure contahis .in antidote for all ïr.alarial disorders willen, so far as known, is used in no other ï-cmedy. It cmitains no Quinine, nur any mineral nor deleterious substance vliatever, and conscquently produces no injurious effect upon the constitution. but leaves tho m simi as healthy as it was' bef ore the attack. WE WAERANT AYER'S AGÜE CURE to cure every case of Kever and Agne, Intcrmittent or Chili Peter, Kemittent Fcver, Dunib Ague, Iiilious Fever, and Liver Coniplaint causcd by malaria. In case of failure, aftiT ilue trial, dealers are authorized, by our circular dated July Ist, 1682, to refluid tho money. Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., LowelJ, Mass. Sold byall Druggists.