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AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the diseases which cause human sufferlng result froui deraugemem of the stoiuach, bowels, and Uver. Aveu's Cathabtic PILL3 act directly upou these organ?, and are especially deslgned to cure the diseases oaustd by their derangement, ineluding Constipación, Indigestión, Dyspepsia, Ileadacht', Ujaeatery, and a host of other ailments, fur all oí which tliey are a safe, sure, prompt, and pieaaaut remedy. The extensive use of these Pills l,y eminent phyaicians in regular practice, shuus unmistakably the estimation in whioh tiiey are held by the medical profession. These Pills are compounded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely f ree from ealumel or any other injurious ingrediënt. A Suflerer from Headache writeg : "Ayer's Pills are tnvaluable to me, aui ara my constant conipanion. I have been a sev re sufferer from Headache, and your Pills are ihe only thicg I could look to for relief. One dusu will quickly move my bowels and free uy head from pain. They are the most etfective anJ Uu easiest physic I have ever found. It is a plensure to me to sprak iu their praise, and 1 always do so when occasion offers. W. L. Paoe of W. I,. Page & Iiro." Franklin St., Kichmond, Va., June 3, 16Ï. " I have used Ayer's Pills in numberleu instances as reoomnieuded by you and have uerer known them to fail to aceomplish the desired result. Vt'e constantly keep them on hand at our home. and prize tliêm as a pleasam, safe. and rellable family medicine. f'OK DYSPEPS1A they are invaluable. J. T. Hayes." Mexia, Texas, June 17, 1882. The Rev. Francis B. Harlowk, writing Ironi Atlanta, Ga., says: " For gouie years pasl i bave been subject to constipation, fiom whifth, la spite of the use of medicines of varioue kin,Is, I suffered increasing inconvenience, uutil o;n.' months ago I began taking Aykr's Pills. They havo entirely corrected the costive habit, :iiiJ uave vastly ímproved my general heaJth." Ayer's Cathartic Pills correct irregularities of the bowels, stimulate tlie appetite al digestión, and by their prompt and tliorouli action give tone and vigor to the hole physldü economy. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Soldby allDruggiit?. YDIINR All experience the wonderful lem-ii n n A Wíl cial effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. prn Children with Sore Kyes Sore Eu, AütU. or any scrofuloua or syphiUtii'. taint, may be made healthy and strong by its ue. Sold by all Druggists 51, six boules for Í3. $W i A week mlde at home hr th0 ll!daslrJ' i I lous. Best business now bffore the pulI II lic. Capital not needed. We wijl - f m you. Men, women. boys aud tin I jwanted everywhereto workfor u. o ¦ Mis the time. You can work iu spje time, or eive your whole time to the busiues?. Mi oiher business will pay you nearly as well. N""':l can fail to BiaKe enormous pay, by engairint' at oiicpCostly oiitüt aud terms free. Moncy made run, eaeily, and honorably. Addrcss Tkue & (-'o-, run. land, Moine. G. F. NEWLAND 144 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Musici Merchandise of all kinds, general agent for the colebrated PIANOS OF DECKER & SON. HARDMAN, DUNHAM, LSD MARSHALL & WENDÁLL, ALSO THE POPÜLAH ORGAXTS WILCOX & WHITE, - AND - TAYLOR & FARLEY. ACEXTS WASTED. W Send for Catalogue and Pricos. .& 144 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT All kind of Bok-MlndlnKlon Btthe Conrlcr üincO ou sliort


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