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Wheat is being cut lively on light soil. The Sunday afternoon temperance speaker is Peter D. Woodruff. On State street George Moore contetnplates enlarging his book store. jolm Keek has received an order for 171 bedroom sets from a St. Louis firm. ïhe Workiugineu's Society will have a. picuic in Relief Park Monday July 30. A lodge of the KnigUts of Pytliias will be instituted Monday night. The charter members number 17. The Commencement Address of Prof. Murray is being printed in pamphlet form at the Couriek office. The last graduatingclass from the medical school presented a clock to be iilaced in the ampitheatre of the hospital. In May the highest temperature at the Observatory was 79, the Iowest 31, and the average 53. The rain fall was 7.29 inches. Last evening Arbor Teut of the Maccabees clected as delégate to the Great Camp at Detroit, August 14th, Mr. A.F. Hangsterfer. _____-____ There is a chance for some one to adopt a boy baby of respectable parentage. Any one so inclined can see the Marshal or Mrs. Hartley. The Dexter Congregationalists met Sunday evening and gave Mr. Lockwood of Ann Arbor a cali. He has accepted it and will fill the pulpit. For the next six weeks the Methodists and Presbyterians join in Sunday worship. Beginning with next Sunday Rev. Mr. Steele preaches at the Methodist church. The Dexter road and the Whitmore Lake road are both very heavy and poorly kept up and unfit for decent ttdinpc. Several wheelmen in town can testify to the truth of this statement. A new rifle club has been formed, and the other day several of the members went outin the country totry theirskillinshooting at a mark 50 yards distant. The score stood, Darling, 32; Stevens, 26, and Amos 30. A horse frightened at the Toledo railway Friday afternoon, ran away with Jim McNally and carried him out towards his home at Foster's and there dumped him, huitinghim where he ties on his cork leg. Every morning the hacks and busses pass by the Couuikb office loaded with people, young and old, bound for Whitmore Lake. The hotels there are f uil, we umierstand, and picnics are daily coming in from all directions. The iron has been drawn for the new road bridíre a mile west of town on the Whitmore Lake road and it will be built before next sumnier if the contractors get time. The old woodeu bridge has been a "condemned" one for a long while. Too late for the insertion of the full letter we received one f rom Prof.IIennequin from Jlartha's Vineyard saying he does not get so much as our article stated last week, although he acknowledges he inay have said he expected that amount. Nearly all the colored folks of the town and viclnity- and there are a good many -are getting ready to go to Lansing on Emancipation Day. A big celebration is on the program. John Freeraan, of Ann Arbor, is one of the vice-presidents. A teamster in town whose liorse lias tlie habit of kicking over the tongue as fast as he can be hitched up is trying the metliod of cloroforming him as a cure. He givea hira 4oz. every mornlng and it has a kind of quieting effect on the equine Several meinbers of the bicycle club went to Saline and back, Wednesday evening, in two hours running time. Last night tbey went to Ypsilanti and back witli running time one hour and three-quarters. Both places are nine miles distant by the roads taken. After some twenty years of steady service as cashier of the First National Bank, Mr. J. W. Knight severed his official connection with it last Saturday. The duties f his posltion are being temporarily filled by Mr. Charles Ilichmond who was formerly the Cashier of the bank. A project is under weigh to rent the old Baptist church building and fit it up for a Gymnasium. A gentleman from Pitts"urg Was in town the other day advising wth students and citizens about it. He would fit it up at his own expense and suPervise the exerciscs of his pnplli and Patrons. Sunday, just after 1 o'clock as a buggy was being driveu along Main street by a couple of women, without any warning, both the wheels on the left side came off M tlirew the women out on the ground. At the same time the barnest iell off the 'orse and he jogged along down stieet a "Ule ways all alone. The occupants were ot hurt. There are 728r acres of wheat in the eounty this year- 5GÖ acres less than last Then it averaged 23 bnshels to 'ie acre and now it is estimated at about J bnshels. This will give us a yiekl of VM.,010 bushels-larger than any other eounty in the State, by reason both of more acres and a larger average per acre. Who would uot take old Washtenaw in preferencetoDakota? ¦ - ¦ - - _ The new flrmof Fall & Hcndricks start out next week in the clothiug business. Mr. Jacobs, who has sold out to them, is one of the most active and wide awake of our merchant citizens and we are glad to say he does not intend to leave Ann Arbor, but by thus retiring he hopos to flnd rest, renewed heulth and greater freedom f rom business cares. - , One of the Detroit papers tells tliis incident of our fornier townsman and Senator: When Col. Burleizb, the Shakspearian, etc, was a member of the Michigan Senate his colleagues, in a freak, named a new town up in Ogemaw after him. Burleigh presented the town with a forty-lour feet American flag, whicfa was fastened the Fourth of July thereafter to a lofty pine tree. Since then it has served man y uses, but no one has ever heard of its being "given to the free winds of heaven." -- Attention should be called to the scaling of the stone caps and facing on the Court House, also to the dlscoloration of the bricks below the stone work. It seems as though chemistry might devise a way to prevent this. If some one of the county offlcers by correspondence or otherwise could ascertain a means of saving this wasting away and report it to the Supervisors he would do the county and city a praiseworthy service. The prices for wool have remained about the same as at the beginning of the season, but the merchants have received it more freely this week. Mack & Schmid have bought this season 100,000 pounds, and have some 12,000 pounds yet to come in. Herz, of the Lower Town, has secured about 35,000 pounds, we understand. Reuben Kempf entered the rnarket this week, and on Wednesday took in 7,000 pounds. The rush is probably about over. In the July erop report is the following from Washtenaw Co. : " The prospect for wheat is rather better than last month. It coiiics on very slowly. From present indications there will be none fit to cut before the 20th. Clover is very heavy; it is lodged and is decaying. Apples and pears that promised so well in the earlier part of tbe season are a failure - the latter not more than one per cent. of a erop. The same might be said of plums and cherries. Potatoes promise well. VVeeds are the best erop- being about as high as corn." To Michigan belongs the honor of beiug the first State to form and christen the Republican party in the woods, at the city of Jackson, July 6, 1854. Hon. Donald Mclntyre, of this city, was one of the Comraittee on Resolutions, and he was at the same time made one of the State Central Committee. Of the ten persons who signed the cali from this city, only John Geddes is now living; and the Governor that was iiominated and elected, has been dead twentyyears. The Republican State ticket was notninated at Jackson, July G, 1854, by a committee of three from each representative district in the State : J. Webster Childs, D. D. Sloan, and Munnis Kinney were the delegates from this county. After selling a load of cheese in town Monday James M. Kelsey, the owner of the Mooreville cheese factory.wasreturning home in his wagon and while crossing the track of tlie Toledo road where it crosses State Street, about a half mile south of town, he was struck by the engine of a freight train and thrown some 60 feet, striking on his head and shoulders. Although considerably cut and bruised it is probable he did not sustain serious internal injury. Wednesday he was taken to his home. It is strange that he should have been caught that way, for at that place the track can be seen in both directions for half a mile. The engineer was not to blame for he whistled and gave proper warning. Ia the regular march of improveruents in the city the merchants have passed the plate-glass stage, and at present the store without a plate-glass front is a noticeable exception. Now, evidently, is beginning the stone-walk age. It was really inaugurated down town by the walk around the St. James block, then followed the Postofflce; last week a walk was laid on Huron street in front of the McDonald stores; this week one is being put down by Joe T. Jacobs in front of his store, next to the Farmers' and Mechanica' Bank, and R. A. Beal has let the contract for a stone walk around his residence and in the yard. Many of the citizens have them in their front yards, and the appearance of the Court House Square, the High School grounds and the Methodist church property is greatly ltnproved by their walks. It is pleasant to observe this tendency towards permanent improvements.


Ann Arbor Courier
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