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Ben D'Ooge, '81, of Battle Creek was in town this week. M. W. Wooster, '83, of Decatur was uiarried at Dowagiac, Tuesday. Thomas C. Greene, of '80, of Bay City stopped over a day this week on bis way to the sea shore with bis wife. George N. Carinan, '8t who taught in Ypsilanti last year, was married Wednes day in Toronto, Canada, to the daughter of Prof, McVicker, the recent principal of the Normal school. Miss Annie M. Brockway of Keweenaw couuty, who graduated from the medical department of the Uaiversity this summer, is, the Ontonagon Herald says, the first lady gradúate of that department from the upper península. Wlien the University library is moved in to the new library building, next September, the whole of the law building will be given up to that department. The tempo rary middle cases will be removed from the present reading-room and the law library moved into it, leaving more space above for quizzing rooms. Wherever the Ann Arbor college boys go we are always sure to hear from tLern in soine way or other. By the "Press," published at Ashland, a Wisconsin summer resort, we notice some of them are blowiug their own horns.'' The paper sa ys of them: "The Chequamegon Band, a section of the Ann Arbor college band, whieh arrived last week, have treated the hotel guests and our citizens, to some delightful eveniug concerts lately, which all appreciate. The band is composed of students who come to spend the summer, and they are all line niusicians as well as cultured gentlemen. Manager Brown made a ten strike when he secured the young gentlemen for his hotel." In looking over the price lists of the publicutious of a Chicago book house we notice the folio wing books edited by professors in the University of Michigan: "Kant's Critique of Pure Reason," and "British Thought and Thinkers" by Geo. S. Morris, Ph. D.; "Preadamites" and "Sparks from a Geologist's Haramer" by Alex. Winchell, L. L. D.; "First Lessons in Greek," "First Three Books ofHomer's Ilaid," "First Six Bookj ofHomer's Iliad,' "Exercises in Greek Syntax" and "Selectlons from Various Greek Authors," bv J . R. Boise, Ph. D.; "Demosthenes on the Crown," by M. L. D'Oogc, Ph. D.; "Exercises in Greek Prose Coinposition," "First Lessons in Latín," and "Exercises In Latin Prose Composition " by EHsha Jones, M. A. The majority of these works now are being used as text books in various schools and colleges. THE REGENTS. Regents Duffleld, Nonis, Van Riper, Shearer, Blalr, Grosvenor and Walker met Tuesday eveuing and listened to a speech from Prof. Wells, who urged an increase in salary for the law professors, a larger appropriation for the law library and more room for the department. Wednesday forenoon was passed in inspecting the grounds and buildings, and on meeting after dinner Mr. Hobson, the taxidermist, had a raise of saiary to $50 per month; the length of the law term was formally flxed at two years of nine months each, and the questlon of a general increase of professors' salaries was referred to the chairmen of the executive, flnance, literary, and medical committees, - RoLents Dufflóld, ï$lair, Walker, and Grosvenor. Dr. E. C. Franklin presented bis rcsignation as professor of surgery in the Iloniocopatlnc department, and it was ncceptcd, the rilling of the chair being left to the exccutive committee. A nevv chair of Gynecology Las been established in the Homceopathle department and Dr. A. C. Cowpertliwaite, dean of the medical faculty of the University of lowa, was appointed to take the professorship. The Board not yet being prepared to fill Dr. Cocker's place adjourned to July 30th.