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Classified_ad: Business Cards, W. H. Jackson Dentist, William Herz, C. Schaeberle, Fred Bamford & Co., William W. Nichols etc.

Classified_ad: Business Cards, W. H. Jackson Dentist, William Herz, C. Schaeberle, Fred Bamford & Co., William W. Nichols etc. image
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BUSINESS CARDS. WILLIAM BI6GS, BUILDER. SHOP: CORNER C1IUKC1I AND ORLEANS ST. An:i ArborW. H. JACKSON, DENTIST, OFFICE: Over Bach & Abel's. Entrance by Kirst National Eank. T32tf WILLIAM HERZ House, H1;" l '' MTicntal and FRESCO PAINTER, - :O: Pfcperlnjt, ülazing Gild ns, and ('slctiuiiilNp and work of evcry descriptioo done In the brtt afyif and warrantcO to trtre aatlifact'on. SH0P,N0.4 WEST WASHIftGTO ST. Ann Arbr. HtaMssn. C18tr O. SCHAEBERLE, Residence, ÍS 7 South Main Street. TEACHER OP Piauö, TiÉ aai tej cf Mui Instruction6 given on plan of the Royal Conservatory of Music at Leipsic, Saxony. FlïED BAMFOED & CO., FRESCO ARTISTS. Dealers ín Fine Wall Papers, Leather Papers, LINCRUSTA, Paper Ceilin;,', Deeoratious, Store Shades, Decorativo I'ieture Mouldings and Centres. Estimates given and designs submitted for Frcscoing and Paper Deeorations. 255 JefEerson Ave, DETROIT, Mich. XJÜi LTÏAM V. H iCÍÍjr vSx. XElNÍTlSrr! %C lu 3amored To lili NEW DENTAL ROOMS Ott Je T. Jcob' Stort ¦ itltt áLLKlNDSOFBLñNKS" PBIKTED ON SHORT NOTICE . - AT THE COURIER JOB ROOMS. Uook-biiiriing; quickly tloneaitd allprnsi 1111, iiivltatins, nnd fntefuliy primeil. L.SUTER, BOILER MAKER, Has oponed a sliop lor Building and Repairing Boilers Of every description, Stationary, Portable, Thrcshing Machine Boilers, and every variety of work known to the trade. Eitimates furnished for New Boilers on hort notice. Sliop Cor. Main and Gatharine Sts,, Opposite Courier Office. The Practical TAILOE & CUTTER, Of the late arm of WIMKAkS & BEllltY, has lo cated bis jitace oí Djnes3 nt Jo. 7 HURON bTllEET, Wlth full line of SÜ1T1GS AXI) TR0USER1NGS, nd woold say to hls old tricmis nd new ones thit lf thcy want a Gnod fit nnd a Nobby 'rtt at Beaonable l'tlces, cali on him and they isjll ue sure to net one. TÊAN.lÖDFRËf&C AND DECORATORS, 107 A 169 Grlawold S . , Detroit. 1ne Paper Hanglngs. Elegant CelUng Deeorations. nne Frlezes In all Widths. House Shades and Uollers. A large Tariety of room mouldlng and hooks. FRESCO PAXUTI1TGWe make a epeclalty of Store Shades and we wlll furnlsh estimates and sample of colors on appllcatlon. Shades fltted t roll f rom top or bottoin of the wlndow on Statlonery or Travellng roller. Will furnlsh Opaque shadlng to the trade eut to measur THE A!W AKBmr Savings Bank, xify Aitiion, Mie ii ra. 4.: Transacts (civeral Banking ïiusincss. CAPITAL, $50,000. Omsrihii neer the General Bnnklou Lw of thU flt'j. ihe UiekboMen are indlTldully Hable for in addict, nu niiuiit eqaal to the stock beid by them, ih. rebreresin Guarantee I'und for thebenoñtoí Uepositorsof SI 00,000.00. Three per eent. interest is allowed on all 8l-s Deposita of one dollnr and upwardi. acoordlng to the rutes of the Bank and Interest compounded seml-annually Mori y to .Loan on unlncumbered reai estáte and o her good security. Dirictors -C'hrlitian MacV, W. W. Wines, R. A. fal, Wllllam Ueubel. Wl Ham I). Uarrima., Dartel Iliscock, and Wlllarc II Smlth OFFICffRS. .CaiTiAN M.ok, Pres W.W.Winzs, Vlee-Pre, JAi S Hucook, Cutalw. Ctli-tM


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