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Michigan State News

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Bay view camp meeting begins July 24 Oscar Ruple, late of South Bend, Ind., recemly rented a planing mill at Cassopoli, nd a few days later lost the fiugers of hu left and bj a saw in the mili. Postniaster Nelson, f Cassopolis, lost a hand and eye in the f ame lili some time ago. David Parker, a. prominent and well xnowu farmer of this county dropped dead of popl'xy at Richfield the other day on hin farm, where he had liTed for 50 years past. Sagiuaw Courier: The Rey. David Hoagí known in Kochville and Freelanrl, and ecently in this city, ple&d guiltT in Justice Brenncr's court, Saginaw City, Tueeday, to whippinghis wife. It seems Üiut recently theie vas a donation given him in Frcedland, when ie receivcd about $92. He had to give Tent to lis jubilant spirit in some way and therefore ndulged in a little wlfo beating. Somc of the eighbors of the untortunate woman (lid a little uissionary work and succeeded in so far cnightening her as to make her see her duty to en-elf, which led her to make a compiaint gainst her husbuiid. The state will endeavor o play misslonary to him for the next 90 dy6 t lona. An aged man nained Stuart, was run Ter by a f reight traiu at Marengo. Dr. E. C. Franklin has teudered his esiguation as professor of surgery in the honeopathje department of the University. ' lesignation accepted. i The Coldwater ïational bank was obbcd of a box of valuoble jewelry, the ' rty of the Hon. Ilenry C Lewis, president of he bauk in au eseeediugly bold manner. a few ays ago. The cashier was alone in the bank ¦ t the time and was occupied with a party, hile another party entered the rear door and tole inside the counter and into the Tault. In J lis retreat he made a slight noise which the ' aehier noticed, when the party with whom he i was eugaged slipped out suddenly, ltaving bout $50 in the bank. The two men were 1 oon joiued by a third, when all three left in a 1 uggy. Citizens and offieers folknved in hot . rarsuit and headed them off, but being poorly 3 irmed, the pursuers were bu'.lied by the : )ers, who then got considerable start. The i eserye funds of the bank were i lso was all the money on the counters. The obbers had not been captured at leaet acoounts. The St. Ignace News says that the ] osa by the firc at the Vulcac furnaces, j erry. will aggregate $150,000, and will throw 50 men temporarily out of employment. ' The races of the Central Michigan ' ircuit occur at Charlotte, August 15th, léih, 1 7th and 1.8ih. PursC6 to the auiount of 82,300 ( ill he oftered, ,iud the events of the four day6 . will includu trottine, pacing and running, and üne öeld of horses willjbc present to I ate. ( Battle Creek has a population of bout 12,000, and mourns because the city has ] o system of public water worke. The Michigan agricultura! college , as organized la 1855, and was the first ( ution of its kind in the United States. , A team belonging to one J. C. i ram of St. Joseph, took fright and ran away, irowiug tbe occupants out of the buggy to he eidewalk and kiüing Mrs. Ingram. A fracure of the base of the brain eaused her death. Two employés of the Mutual Union ¦elegraph corapany were arrested in Hudson or cutting shade trees while trimming about ,lfcir lines. Saginaw is tslking about building a ly hospital. A new eompany to manufacture wbat ley cali diamond wall flnirh of piaster of ;aris, has been organizad iu Grand Kapids. Work ou the northern asylum for the sane at Tiaverse City is beiug pushed forard with cominend ble energy. It is to be ie same as the origina! size of the tasten sylum at Pontiac and will require between i'rce to four years in which to complete it. 'bc elevated and truly beautiful spot oí round occupies, the abundance of pure fresh water ui the unobstruc'ed view of the Deautiful bay ill have a strong tendency torestore to its inïates a sane ana healthy mental condition if nythingin this world can. The remains of Dr. H, M. Purinton, h5 died iu Detroit a few dajs ago, were buried n Oakivood ccinetry at Adrain. Services ere held in the Broad street Baptist church. )uceascd was wldely known iu the west, hayn" fur 25 years yisited a large circuit as a Teling physiciau. Failirig health and beayy iropertj losses eaused bis remoyal to Detroit i'jine months ago. A large brick tovver being built at the ater works in Fliut feil while severa! men ere at work on it, injnring Christian Ilowell atally and several otlier workmen more er lef s eriously. The tower was about 50 feet high ml the falling was eaused by the foundation ettling All the workmen would haye bee illed but for the staging, to which most of bem clung. The loss will be considerable to ae water works eompany. The heaviest rain storm that has visitd that section for 20 years struck Grand Kapds at an early bour a few mornings ago, and ontinued for about threc hours, accompanicd he greater part of the time by the most terriÜctbunder and lightuiug. Another similar tormeetiu about 7 o'cfock in the cvening. The rain feil in perfect sheets and the electric display was f rightful. Washouts "e reportcd on neirlv all roads. Two barns n the north part of the county, near Belmont, were struck by ltebtning and burncd. finos Canniff, a rcsiJent of Hudson has been appointed to the position of a railway DostHl clcrk on one of the western roads. His ?un wiíl be from ürange, Wyoming, to Shosbone, Idaho. The body of an unknown man was found on the beach uear Bowser's landing between Petoskey and Harbor Springs. His skullwas crushed in and he was rtrippof tí tóíSÍfeea.e?ffi" cd bírL there a few dniw and was murdcrd by his comradee and thruwn overboard. Frank Brown a young man vho bas been attending tbe college at Battle Creeks reported insane on rellgious subjeetfi. His home is in Shiawassee countTWm Hammell, residing near Nashville Barry county, was cutting grass with a machine when the machine cloeged Tdleorderedhls little son Fred aged 7, t go in front of thé knires and pu 1 out the ob struction The horses starled and the boy wa cagt and crippk.d for life, his right foot bc ing terribly mancled. Hudson boasts of the fact that near lylWOOOpounds of wool vu purchased a that place this season. V-at awav Borne niakes the first offer ïiïï!. ' -¦" VÍtZ wheat erop of Lenawee county i Laiïïo be thclargesïharyested in that count for several years. the amountof $SO0. A man named Herman Koch, of Detroit, was shot in his owu dror by his next door neighbor, Julint Restau. The murder is the result of a series of petty quarrels betneen the two families. The Flint Citizen makes affldavitthat a horse hitched to a post in that city stooped and bit an unsuepecting dog'6 tail close off at one nip, 'he astonibfied dogseeklng hisjnasier j with agonizep jelp, wbile the horse indulgcd i .'i a horse laugh. Grand Kapids was visitod by another I storm on tbt 23d,and the city presentad a sorry spectacle. Many of the streets wem literally filled with limbs and branches of trees. 81dewalk wcre taken up by the wind and carried lnto the street. Several roofs were torn ofl and numerous houses were lifted complet-ly from their foundations and dropped without doing much damage. Ponioasof territory on the west side of the river are badly under water, and a large arnount of damae has been done over and abovc that specified. Frank Cobb, who ruurdered bis littlo brothernear Kalamazoo sc-veral months ago, has been doclared insane, and sent to the asylum. Tbe body of a young man supposed to be William Quade was found oa the railroad track jast outside of Flint. The only mark found was a deep gash ou the head. Michigan State Teacher' Institutc- Summer and Autiiiiin Serie, 18S3. The foüowing shows the dates at which the State Teachers' Institute will begin in the several places named : Harrison, July 30; Cas6opoli., Charlevoix, Teciimseh, Wyandotte, August 6 ; Benton Harbor, Bronson, Cheboygan, Fcntonville, Lelaud, Auguetl3; Ovid, Charlotte, Ilarbor Springs, Hillsdale, East Tawaj, Mt. Pleasant, Kalkaska, Ut. Clemens, Fontiac, üntonagon, Chesaning, Sturgis, August 20; Allegan, flastings, Traverse City, Hhaca, Calumet, Bad Axe, Grass Lake, Howell, Marquette, Ludington, Big Rapide, Menominee, Midland, Monroe, Stanton, Marine City, Caro, Lawrence, Saline, August 27; Al pena, September 3; Manceloua, Frankfort, 8choolcraft, September 10; Chase, September 17; Evart, Vernon, October 8; Harrisville, Freemont, Shelby, October 15; Eseanaba, October 22 ; Ionia, October 26. Slormi In Michigan. A eeries of storms have swept over various parts of the state in .the last f cv days, wliich tor the amountof daroagedone and the destruction accomplished are uuprecedented in the memory of the "oldest inhabitant." In Grand Rapids trees innumerable in all parts of the eity were uprooted, and torn housi'6 and buildings v ereunroofed, f enees and bill boards wure Jashed to the ground, smokestaeks leveled, ;himneys sent flying, awningstorn into shreds, Diithouses knocked over, and even sidewalks ivere lifted bodily rom the ground and carried into the streets. Haring the prvalence of the imrricsme the rain feil in torreutsand the eleetiio fluid dartefi around with so mucti promissuousness as to be really terrible. During the storms much damage was done iu all parts of the eity, and severai residences and barus wcre struck by the lightning. In portions of the city near the river wellb, cisterns, cellar and rivy vaults are all filled to the top with water, inü when the floods reeede the probabilities re that the conlents of the various places witl e very generally mixed. It is feared much llness will jirevail. Reports from out-laying townships near 3rand Kapids indícate tbat the showers di] an inmense atnount of damage. Fruit trees in very direction were uprooted and snapped off. Vn. Harrison loi-t l.OÓt' peach trees in Walker wuship. John Graham 400, Mrs. Smith 300 nd ot.hiTS suiferi d to a greater r )-&s extent. O'i nd standn gerain islev-1' d neiond ud mui-h of the npened wheat y i.i be a ueaü ofs. Grass ready for the mower is greatly amaged. Theroads are in an almost impassae condition and communication with the ountry almost cntirely cut off. flut few of ie bridges remain, and the roadways are in uany instanees washed out. The logs in Grand River are causing much pprehension The boom at the big diyide bout thrc.e milis above the city broke, and 60,00,000 feet of lot came sailing down to joiu he 20,000,000 feet jam whieh is held back by ie Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukefi raiload bridge. For a distancc of six miles the ver is oue solid mass of logs piled up in some ilaces to the height of 15 and ÜÜ feet abovc the evel of the water, and paeked nearly to the .ver bed. Should the logs break loose every ridge on Grand River will doubtless be arried away and the logs at Grand Haven rowded out into the lake. Every thing dcjcnds on the strengeh of the railroad bridge. Reports from Grand Haven indícate that tüe ig booms are in a precarious conditiou, all ivailabl'3 force is devoted to driving spiles and trengthening the booms. The water is very ligh, and should it rise mueh more nothiug an save the logs. AT EATON RAPIDS. The most terrible cyclone ever known iutbat setion pasned over Eaton Rapids. Starting wo miles southcast of that city, it pursued au rregular course iu as easterly direction and wept a clean path from two to four roiis in vidth. Begiuning near Xatbaniei 7'aylor's arm, it tore down a large barn in whieh were stored a graiu separator, mower, hay tender, grain drill and virious other tools. It carried jieces to all parts of the field, rafters stickiug straight up iu the ground so lirmly imbedded that a man could uot pull tbem out. A. Nesbit's Lew barn, just complettd ot a cost of over $000, was completely ruined, only a small Dortion remaining in position. A most miraculous escape was that of Leroy Shermau, who was in the barn at the time, and eaw it all, except a small part where he 6tood, swept away. He only received a few slight bruiees. Kuj Pcrrine's house was unrooted, grnary and h -pen swept away, and a large hole was dug by the wind as large asan ordinary cellar, throUKh heavy 6od. Eugene Henry sustained the heaviest los?. His house co.itaining his wife and six children, was literally blown to atoms. His wife was seriously injured. Two of the children who were on the bed were found 44 rods from tbc site of the house dead and three others badly injured, while the baby, asleep in its crib, did not receive a scratch, although the crib wat blown no one knows where. Large apple trees were torn up by tbe rooti and carried 20 rods or more. A "Round Oak' stove was carried across Grand river ani. smashed, while bundies of wheat were carried to the tops of trees and haug ithere. Fences and in fact everything in its path, were totallv ruiued. At Onondaga a woinan and two chil dren were killed. The tornado did much damage in the wes Dart oí Leslie township, next to Onondaga The house of Mrs. Elizabeth Barlow was piek edupbythe furious wind and actually torn to pieces, heavy timbers beine; carried severa rMrs Barlow who was in the house was instautly killed. Hei body n found about two rodsfrom the spot where th house bid stood, and it was seen that her u:k had been broken. A barn near the Barlow house was also wrecked and several other barn "vere demolished, nnroofed, or otherwise dam a"ed Orehards were badly demoralized in th track of the storm, stiong trees being uproot cd or twisted off, and where the tornado passed throueh heavy woods the tops of the trees were wrn off and carried far and widc oyer the country. The end of a brick house in the village was blowin Altbough the introduction of horse railroads in Germany is of a recent date, fortv-four towns of the empire have al reaiïy constructed lines. There is a natural bridge in Arizona which, it is said, far surpasses in size the wcll-known natural bridge in Virginia.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News