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CHELSEA. From the Herald F. D. Cummings shipped two car loads of stock from this place to Detroit last Friday evening, where he disposed of them Saturday forenoon, and returned to his place in the evening. Quick time ! Mr. Peter Fletcher who will erect a nloe frame house a few miles southeast of here after harvest, luis bought of J. liacon & Co., an improved furnaoe at a cost of about $300, The furnacc weighs nearly 2,000 pounds. At a meeting of the School Board held Tuesday evenin; ot last week the Board organized as follows ; Moderator- Jas. P. Wood, Director - Heñían M. Woods. Assessor - G. J. Crowell. As the wool season is about over, we give the amounts each buyer lias bought at ihis place': John C. Taylor li.ülO pounds. Wood Bro's 86,000 " Wra. .liaison 50,1)00 " Kempf Kio'h lui 000 Bubcuck L dllburt 110,000 " Total 313,000 " DEXTER. From the Leader. We note tliat Rev. W. Geoijre is to lecture at the Sunday .School Association, at Petoskey, on W'edncsdav, July 25th ; therefore the Methodist churcli will be closed for two Sundays during his absence. A diuighter of Simeón Davis, a resident of Aun Arbor, about 16 years old, left home while her parents were absent, and struck out for herself by lootiug it to Dexter, looking for work. as she claimed. Her father w:is In town Tuesilny, looking lor her, and Wad iniicli disturbad in miud because of her disappearniice. After inquirin and scarching for sume time he lound her at the house of an acquaintance, a short distance nortU of the villaffe. The reason she gave for leavinfi was that she riiouglit she could help her parenta more by working out; but she could have sa ved them a good deal of worry and anxiety by tellhiff them of her proposcd departure. MANCHESTBR. From the Enterprise. Deputy town clerk took iu 244 woodchucks scalps In one lay. Last spring J. H. Kingsley offered a lawn inower to the party who wouldkeep his lawn or yard in the best condition. On Monday he selected Messrs. Walbridge, Van Dnyn. and Farrell. as a committee to inspect the woik of the 11 contestants in this village, and tlie prize was awarded to A. F. Freemnn, who lias pent not a üttle of liis leisure moinents in buaurifying bid newly acquired resident property on Ann Arbor street. SAI.IXE. From the Observer. The farmers have eorn caitiraUns, haying and harvesting all in a buncli; and farm help is not very plenty efther. The Lutlieruns of this place have contracted with a Cincinnati lirm for a new bell for their churcli to welgh 2,000 lbs , and will cost $500. This will be the largest bell in Saline by three or four times in weight. Last Wednesday and Thursday two more prominent sheep breeders and dealers of Texas- Messrs. Bland and Buchanan- were here for the purpose of buylng some of Washtenaw's good shcep. They purchased 111 rams of A. A. Wood and have bought enongh elsewhere ibout here and in Lenawee county to niake two carloads, which they will ship tlie lutter part of the week. YPSILANTI. From the Commercial. John K. Hawkins who carne to this city in 1836, and resided in the city until 1800, died at Dayton, Ohio, the 7th inst. He was 66 at the tima of his death. Ebenezer C. Hawkins, the pioneer printer of Ypsilanti, is his only surviving brother. Talking about pioneer printers puts us in mind that the living pioneer printer of Ann Arbor can go the Ypsilanti man one year better, as Mr. O. B. Church of the Courier office carne to his case iu this city in 1835.- [Ed. The Washtenaw Baptist Association embraces lifteen churches. 1238 members. There have been added by bapüsm the last yeui eiiülng May 1, 1883, 59 members. There bas been raised for current expenses $4,338.82. Total for all objects,$12,l 18.08. There are 12 pastors anti 12 ministers who are not settled pastors, mainly laid aside by oíd age and otlier physical disability. From the Sentinel. Notwithstanding the weather, the improved appliances for bay-makiaa have enabled farmers to secure a considerable in good condition. With mowers, tedders and horse-rakes tliey can take advantage of a dry day to put in acres of grass, where with the old scythes, hand-rakes, and boys to " spread it," they could only get a few loads. The iinproveuient is a good thing for the farnier's business, but tlie romance of the hay-field is gone. Our school books no longer exclaiin ; " How sweet the smell of new made hay ; how delightful the task totend it!" From the Ypsilantian. P. W. Ross, the bottler, is now preparing mineral water for drinking by charging it with carbonic acid gas. This preserves the freshnes-s of the water and keeps it palatable. F. P. Bcgardtis, finding his time too much occupiedto attend to it, has severed his con nection with the opera house as manager, being suceeeded by H. M. Curtis, who is thoroughly acquaiuttd with the duties of the position. llie subject of a swimmiiig tank is thought of by the projectors of the mineral bath-liouse. It comprises the excavation of a large vat o the fl;its below the house, made water tight and covered by a building. This vat, or tank, can be filled by the waste of the fresh water spring.and the water and room heated to a proper temperature by steain pipes from the boiler of the bath house. Pumps will clean it out thoroiighly, and the building can be used by swimmers during all seasons of the year.