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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlils powder never varíes. A marvel of purlly.strengthand wliolesomeness. More economlcal than the ordlnary kinds, and cannot be snld in competltion with the multitude ol low test, sho't weight. aluin or phosphato powders. Sold only )n cans. lloYAL Bakinö Powdek Co., 10 Wall St. N. Y. Bladder, Urinary, and Liver DiseaseB, Dropsy, Gravel, and Diabetes, are cured by HUNTS REMEDY rnE BEST KIDNEÏ ANI LIVEK MEDICINE. HUNTS REMEDY cures Bright's Diseaso, Eetention or Non-Ketention of Urine, Pains in the Back, Loins, or Side. HUNTS REMEDY cures Intemperanco, Nervous Diseases, General Debility, Femalo W'eakness, and Excesses. HUNTSREMEDY curee Biliousness, Headache, Jaundice, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Piles. HUNTSREMEDY ACTS AT ONCE on the Kidneys, Liver, and liowels, restoring them to a healthy action, and CUKES when all other medicines fail. Hnndredsliavo been saved who have been given up to die by friends and pbysiclans. Send for paniphlet to HUNT'S KEMEDY CO., Frovidence, It. I. Trial size, 75 cents. Large size cueapest. SOLD VY All. DBtJGGISTS. IE TÏÏK NOVES PORTABLE BOOE CABE. ilolds notonlyS0to50 volumes, but the Unabrldged Ülctlonarj, the latter either Optined orcloaed. It iamadeofdarkcherry (_Bjgk or black walnut, elegantly jcS " flniihed, and beiof oncai¦k: Sr 4R ÜBb ters 's practically a He KtjÉÏPK7 -$W vohlnc Kook Cue. VK a HL jgfe uS9 Law-ri, ministers, doe5L J FBfcBBaJB ¦K' tors q.1 acholara have mmfelMlgjMBBJr foundthatitfilla "the long VS UtSSKMMBfJam felt W11"." a" other. aW-4-ST BwMSbKh. - with fewer book, Cad it %MMBmBB aJKy ¦? anij)iB Book Caae. 1 tE Lt V3mSH ba ltllCinjL'Dti fur hol.l( E9L H inK Urge atlaaea and raag.v:-vH QftiH 3 Machine which rtmortí (. -¦-¦yylW3lJaPgÍtHl8 tbe task r tlolJmg up a v PEmBoHIH H hi'avv book by the bour, ffli H aii'l make readiD( and flB idy ao eaaj tb at there ia -vVatij ;' JHÉ no eTCUje for ignorance. VfHi 9 The ".M&chlDe" boid tbe dkS S boolt by tbe coven; the _ 'tïaB leaves are held open witb & I.oaf Iloltlcr, whicb, j a touch, can be removed or replaced. The book tilt to any aogle and is pivoted to turn to any poaitioD. A Clamp attaches it to a table or desk. An Extensión Arm coonecta it with tbe book case or yonr easy obair, for which purpose nttachiiipiin are always jjrovided. Tbis ek'gaot outlit ia wld at a remarkably lowprice. Send for circular. Ajldreaa L. V. ïiOYliS, The Maker of Í lt i o" ury Boldcrs. uiid 101 W. Monroc Street. Chlc. 1 151-64 Health is Weajth! Du E. C. West's Nerve and Bhain Treatment, a guarantoed snecifio for Hysteria, Dizzi. ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervoua Prustration caused by the uso of alcohol or tobáceo, Wakpfulnese, Mental Deprossioii, Boftoniiif; oL tho lirain resulting in inaanity and luadins to niisory, decay and death, Premature Oíd Ase, }arrcnness, Loss of power m eitüor eex, Involuntiiry Lossos and Spennatorrhoea caused byovor-exortion of tliebrain, selfabuse or over-indulKOnco. Kach boi oontaine one month's treatmont. $l.rt) a box, or six boxes for$r).U), Bont by mail prepaidon receipt of price. WE Gl'AltAXTKE SIX BOXES To euro any ca6e. With each order recoived byus for eix boxos. accompanied with $".0O, we will eend tho purenaser our written guáranteO to refunti tho inoiicy if the troatmeut doos not effect a in v. OnarantoeH íbbiiihI ouly by J. H. ltltsn, Hole Ageut, Ann Arbor, Mich. "Uan yon chance n $20 gold piece?"he asked, as hegenlly pluced the empty glass on the counter. " Yes," said the bartender. " Wel], l'll go out and S(;e if I can fiad one."- PiUstmrir DiBpatch. P. J. Cheney & Co., proprietore Ilall's Catarih Cure, offi:r $100 rewird for any case of Catarih tliat cau't be cured wilh Hall's Catarrh Cure. For sulu by Eberbach & Son.