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BkocKPobt, N. Y.. Auguct 10, '82. Rheumatie Sirup fío. : G(,nts_For the benefit of tliose who mav be infferlng trom rheumatisin. I makethe followlng statement in relatioji to yourUlieumatieSyrup; I had been sutferlug Bevensly for aix weeks wlthrheumatisln all through my whole body. Bpent inuny sleepless niglits, for I coukl not turn myself in bed, nor mise my hand.-i to my hèiid My wrists were so swollen I coukl not betid them without causing terrible pain wh.-ii I was perauaded by a fnend to trvyour Khcunmtic Syrnp Have been takinff it tl) ree weeks and find myselt able tobe Tin and around the house, and lmprovlng so rapidly that I feel as it I coukl safely reeominend it to .11 thoseso iftlieted. Very lespectfully, Miss A. E. Goodell. A cruel husband calis bis wife "green fruit," because she never agrees with liim. Thousands are being cured of Catarrh every yearwltli Halls' Catarrb Cure, that the doctors had giren up and ftilri oottld not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold by Eberbacii & Son. A new novel is nained "One Word." It is unnecessary to state that the autlior is a man. jy Every color of the Diamond Dyes is perfect. Unequalled for brilliancy. See the samples of the color cloth at the druggists. The potato with all its eyes is the most susceptible of vegetables. It is so eusilj' mashed. - "1 wouldiit be without Di.BeHsoria Cel ery and Chamomile pills ifthey cont $1 . pül. Tliey cured me of neuralgia of 9 yeart standing."1 Josepli Snyder, Paxioni, Pa. 50 ets. per box, at drugsrists. A Delaware man keeps bis tavorite fruit in a refrlgerator because lie believes in freeze peaeh. Tnroil nT Spasins. ' I am well and happy again," says our fair correspondent, Miss Jennie P. Warren, 740 W. Van Uuren Street, Chicago, III., ' your Samaritan Nervine cured me of spasins." American pork cannot get Into Genuany, tor Bismarckstill keeps up his 'Svatch on the riud.1' The most deudly foe to all mal.rial diseases is Ayei's Agüe Cure, a combination of vegetable ingredients only, of which the most valuable is used in no other known preparation. This remedy is an absolute and certain specific, and succeeds vvhen all other medicines fail. A eire is warranted. " Look before you leap," satd the man who pushed a bent pin off thecüair. - N. Y. Journal. Flies aml Bugs. Flies, loaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats,niipe, gophers, cbipmunks, cleared out by " Itough on liats." 15c. Could a woman who makes her husbaud wasli tlie dishes be arrested for a wrong use of the males ? Decline of Man. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Inipotence, Sexual Debility, cured by " Wells' Health Kenewer." $1. Out in Illinois if a man waslies his face twice a day and wears a collar tliey cali him a dude. - X. Y. Sun. Well Kewarded. A liberal reward will be paid to any party wbo will produce a case of Liver, Kidney or stomach complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bringthem along, t will oost you nothiiig for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. AU Blood diseases, Billiousneas, Jaundlce, Oonttlpation, and general debility are quickly cured. Satisfaction guaranteetlor money refunded. Pnce only rifty cents per bottle. For sale by II. J. Brown & Uo. There is a fitle in t.Iie affaire of bank presidents which, taken at its llood, leads on to tlie penitentiary - Texas Siftings. "Mothcr Swan'M Worm Sjrui." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic, for feyerishness, restlessness, wonns, constipation. 25c. 'Tlie noblest work of God- Au honest man.1' The noblest work of man- An honest strawberry box.- Modern Argo. Cares of Life. As we come to tbem tbey are recetved. borne with, and passed over with no inore tban a thouglit, if we areiu the enjoyment of health, bilt if suft'erins: with Piles or skin disease of any kind they mafiiiiy a bundredfold. Eherbach & Son theDruggists, has Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy wbieh is an absolute cure for any affection of tuis kind and is sold at 50 cents. "Come in out of dat hot sim, you Lafayette ! De fust ting you know you'll be burut as biack as de niggah de next doah." - Kentucky Journal. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinginjï irritation, lnflamation, all Kidney and Urinary Complaints, eured by "Buchu-paiba." $L The curativo power cf Ayer's Sarsaparilla is too well known to require the specious aid any exaggerated of fictitious certifícate. Witnesses of its marrelous cures are to-day living In every city and hamlet of the land. Wriie tor names f you want home cvidence. Those whohave losttheir moncy in Chicago lard can feelingly say that tiicir fortune has grown "small by de rease and beautifully less."- Pittsburgh Telegrapli. "Buchupaiba." Qnick, complete cures all annoying h-idney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Druggist. " Ninety-flve in the shade in the city," nmrnuired the seaside landlonl. ' Gracious, but how I do pity those ioor town people. Here, John, teil the head elerk to advance the rates $1. per day." -Dr. Benson's Skin Cure is without a peer. It consists of both external and interna] treatment and costs only $1. per package, at drujrgists. "A Florida man has an alligator farm " says an exchange. By-and-by this littie item will read : "A farm of alligators bas a 1 londa man."- New York Advertía. That Hnsband of Mine Is three times the man he was bef ore he began aalng " Wells' Health Renewer." $1. Druggists. Now that Columbia college bas determined to admit women, none have applied for admission. Wliat a woman wants is what she can't have.- Boston Poit. JEstute of Jliram Whedon. STATE OF JlIOliiGAM, Coumy oí Waaliteuaw. JU. At a senalon ofU.e Probate Court for the County ui VVashteuaw, hoJdeu ut the Probate Olüce in the city ol Aun Arbor, ou Thursüuy, the üocuüd day ot August, in tlie ytar une tliuuainid eiht tiuudred and elgUty-three. Present, Wiliianii li.u rnuuii, .1 of Probate. lu Uie matter of the uetute of Hiram Whedon deceased. Joueph 1'. Jacubs, ailm nislrutur, wllh the wiil anuexed oi tuid deceated, qomes intu court and represent that ha i8 nuw prepared to render bis ttual account us uch admiuislratur Itareipim it ie ordered.lhal S)aturUay,Uii! twentyttlth day uf August instant, at ten u'ciuck iu the loreuoon, be asoigned for examluing and alluwiu" such account, and that the uevisees, Itwitma and heir at law ofBaid deceased, and ail other persons interesled in Baid estáte, are requireü lo apilar al u Witon o said court, thtu to bi holden at ihe Probate OBlce, lu the City ol Aun Arbor, in said coumy and show cause, il any there be, wbv aJ account should not be allowed. And it is lurther ordered, that said adiaiuistratur .ve i.oti'e lo uíí persons iuterested in said estatí, of the peudeucï 01 said account, and the hearing thereot, bjcáusm ¦ a copy ol this order to be publisl.eü in the AnS Arbur Ouuner, a newspaper pnnted and circula" ing in said county, threi, „uceessivo weeks prev - OUBtOBaiddayorüearinK. (A true copy.) V W1LUAM D. HAKWMA.N, wm ii nnTv d i „ Juilseol Probate. WJJ. a. DOTY, Probate Register. HM-11B7