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Wanteil- By a practical printer, foremanship of a good country office. Can give best of references. Address, Thos. F. Nelson, Northport,Leelanaw Co.,Mich. T) EPORT OF THE CONDITION Xb - OF THE- FARMERS' ï Wm M AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At Mie close of Business July 2, 1883. Made In accordance wlth the General Banking Law of Michigan. BES0UKCE3. Loansand Discounts $ 72,581 56 Overdrafts „ 70 47 Due from Banks and Bankeis 28,680 68 RevenueStamps 19 00 Furnlture and Flxtures 8,273 16 Expenses _.. ],050 22 Bonds, U.S. 4 per cents 1,400 00 Premiums Pald 267 25 Cash on hand 9,860 86 8117,203 20 LIABILITlES. Capital Stock $ 50,000 00 Due Depositare 65.154 82 Discount. Interest and Exchange .... 2,048 88 $117,203 20 I do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Wii-liam A. Tolcuard, Cashler. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Thlrd day of July, 1883. Wm. W. Wiiedon, Notary Public. Vital Questions ! I Ask tlie most eminent physician Of any school, what is the best thing 111 the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves, and curing all forms ot nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing sleep alvvays? And lliey will teil you unhesitatingly 'Some form of Hops!" CHAPTEB I. Ask any or all of the most eminent pbyslcians : " What is the best and only remedy that can be relied 011 to cure all diseases of the kidneys and „urinary organs; such as Bright's disease, diabetes, rctention orinability to retain urine, and all the diseases and ailments peculiar to Women" - "And they will teil you explicitly and emphatically, 'Buchti.'" Ask the same physicians " What is the most reliable and surest cure for all liyer diseases or dyspepsia.conftipation, indigestión biliousness, malarial fever, ague, etc," and they will teil you : Mandrake ! or Dandelion ! Henee, wlien these remedies ire combined with others equally valuable A compounded into Hop Bitters' such a wonderful aad mysteriouscurative power is developed which is so varied in itsoperations that no disease or ill health can dossiblj7 exist or resist its power, and yet it is Harmless for the most f rail woman, weakest in valid or smallest cliild to use. CnAPTER II, " Patlentg "Almost dead or nearly dying'1 For years, and giren up by physicians of Brlght's and other kidney diseases, liver complaints, severe coughsc illed consumption, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy ! From agony of neuralgi, nervousness, wakefulness and various Jisenses peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from excruolattng pangs of Klieumatism, Inllammatorj' and chrouic, orsufl'ering from scrofula ! Erysipelas ! Balt rheuui, blood poisoning, dyspepsia, indigestión, and in tact almost all diseases frail nature is heir to, have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which can be found in every neighborhood in the kuown world.