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MICHIGAN CENTKAI, ItAILHOAD. -MA11 L iSlblotaklnBCirectJuneWtlU . "" QOINO HAflT. _ - _. iffWfMijíílÉ 71 A M. V. II. " P. M. P. M. ( P. M. ?sr I i K9tün lflÍS (¦ PoKor rll-ll 7 0U 1127 12 35 G 52 Miclllran City Rf, '2 7 25 1 0U ThreeOak 0 02 I AM Dorton ISmpM 807 A.M. 14!) ÊSS1"1"1 !""' 2 2 05 7 50 l),Mi-..criti II I' ? .„ i Decauter ¦, S$ 3 13 J.awton UM S Mattawan ? ¦ ,' $ AM 3 52 g o:i flstemo W , -o , l( 2 05 Kalamazoo í S' ' =- 7 ' Auïiiata I.. ji 2 41 4 37 JO liatlIoCreck } 'í'i 8 15 torTlmll } g 2S 3 10 1010 i'aSn iSfi.'"4"'""1 JacksonJunct. 3 ÍJ Jieonl Sj 7 48 10 10 HB Chelsea g 8 24,10 : 7 1 Dexter Ki K ;; Delhl íír -, 27 8 45 10 53 5 22 7 2S 11 52 r'junctlon 5 C 05 Hu 27 5 ! 8 U Vayno J 421 „ , „ ¦irborn 0 j' . ,. (g n 55 r, 251 s 39 12 6 ffnfT ' gS!1MMM10l40l''' 1W " GOINO WE""- g-2 k3 Mg. Kk K -- v g.=l z- ?- i-" u I" :-' stations. 5fe! =3 P= E?5 Cl -g ¦ " 1 rí a? _cí _? -Z. _' Im! AM P M P M 1' M I' M(l' U SSÏÏSom I 453850 Ü&SSjanctloi. 10 44 lkhl ÉSL ti }].miM ¦ ñ i iwn : Francisco 10 00 j .' „ „ (irass Lake 10 10 g fiËB'ijMiïllliVMarensto ÏJ &! , i ! Ia M Mar.hall " 58; 1 SO S 8 27 12 40 2 03 Auttusta { i a M ' 1 15 1 421 San f I? i Lawton ' 'L . ,,, 2 S7 Decantar JJ S'g lilcnwood 2JC, 32 iffianan íl lü ííreerr5akS f . . M New ButTalo 4 !J 8L J S , i8 s m Michigan City 4 6 M S 6 5,, 6 lrl 4 qq Kssr ti i! i! mOIiEDCANN ABBOR & G. TbTr. COLüMBUS TIME. Turougli time table in effect June 10, 1883. GÖÏNCTNÖRTH. GOMO SOUH. qi 8TATION9: I í I ít 5 3ÜP.M1 SKamLv Toledo Ar 0 00am o 20p 5 Í5 " 8 40 ' Manhatten Jcfn S) 5 13m f 33 " 8 47 " Alexl Jcfn 9 fc 5 04 6 8 " 9 29 Monroe Jcfn 9 10 4 8 14 " 9 40 " Bundee 'J 00 4 W f, 28 " 9 54 " AialllB 8 50 4 Oa 6 ¦' 10 06 " Milán 8 g „ i JO ti 66 " 10 19 " Urania 8 JO 3 7 05 " 10 25 " l'ittstteld 8 08 i fl „ 7 17 " 10 S6 " Ar Ann Arbor ÏT 1 aa " „ I SS " íl i - AÏ Heïl &ÏÏ& 5fv 7 pm: SI "iS: BFEdnaoíeds ls !S: Mr " PeKeay1CI AM420 8 35 Maeinaw City. 7 50 Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroads divcrginK ; ¦ at Manhattan Junction, withWhecling Lake trie H R ¦ at Alexis Junction, Wlth M. C. R. II., L. ¦ JL SAy'. 'náV. & P MR. R. ; at Monroe Juncnon, wlth I 1 & M. S. Ry.: at Duniiee wtth L. S. & M. h. Ry., at MlhmTwith Wabash, 8t. í.ouls & PacWc Ky. at liltHelC wlth J.. B. & M. . Ry.: at Ann Arbor, with Micliik'iin Central R. K., and at South Lyon with Detrott, Lanslng i UernR.K Genersl guot W. H. BENNETT, Gen 1 Pass. Agent. Detroit, Mackinac & Marquette R. R. June 10, 1883. Pioneer East and We6t Line through the Cppcr Península of Michiean. 24O Miles Shorter between all castern and northwostern points via Detroit and 811 Mlle Shorter via Port Huronto anti from Montreal and all polnts in Canada, tlmn via any other route. BAST. WEST. STATIONS. EXP. ACC'M. ACC'M. EXP. 9.00 pm 8.30 am L A 5.50pm 7.00 am 10 12 " 9.42 - Onoto 4-33 " 5.45 ¦ 10.37 " 10.35 " au Train 4.00 " 5.1S ' 11.22 11.25 " Munising 3.18 " 4.33 I.lönm l.löpni s ney l. 555. L8S " 2.16 " McMlllan 13.34 " l.og " 2.20 " 2.40 " Dollarvllle 12.10 1.2S 2.25 " 2.50 " Newberry 11.50am 1.23 " 5.45 " 15.15 ¦' A St. Ignace 8.50 " 10.00 pm Via M.C. R.R. 5.00 pm t.35am Bay City 10.05 pm 1.40 pm 7.4T " 11.22 " Lapeer Junct 7.43 " lLliiam 10.20 " 10.25 " Port Huron 4.25 " 7.S - 5.3S " 8.1S ' Saglnaw ily 8.oO " 11.15 8.13 ' 10.45 " l.ansing 5.55 " '.. 10 " 9JH " 12.05pri] Jacksun 4.;." " 7.a0 " 10.15 " 11.15:111, Detroit 5.2Upm 9.10 " Via G K. & I. II. K. 4.25 pm G.lOam Grand Kapids 11.00 pm 10.20 am 2.54 " 4.43 " Howard l ity 12.40 am 11.60 " 11.20" l.OOpni FortWayno 3.15pm 3.10" 6.10 " 8.05 urn Lanaing 9.40 " 8.45 " 11.25 " 11.15 " Detroit L 6 " 5.4S " Connectlons are made at St. Ipnac with. The Michigan Central Kailroad for Detroit and uil points in Michigan, and intheeust.southand southeast. Traína leave Mackinac City 8.50 a. m. and l'.5O p. m. Tile Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad for Grand Ranida, Fort Wayne, and tiie soutli and east. Alo with steamers of the Detroit & Cleveland Steam Xuvigation Company for Port Hurón, Detroit and Cleveland, &c„ and with boats of the Northern Michigan Line for Chicago and Müwaukee, and with different boat lin'es for lake shore polnts. Connections made at Marquetto with, The Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon R. 11. for the Iron, Gold and Silver. and Copper Districts, :uul witli hout lines for Duluth and the Northwest. Night tralns run daily, huve Pullman Sleepers at tached. D. McCOOt, F. M1IXIGAN, Gen'l Superintendent, Gen'l Frt. & Pass Ag't, Marquette, Mich. Marquette, Mlcta. W.H H. Boylan & Co.. PAINTERS and Dealers in French, American & Plate Glass. Sign Writing, Paper Hanging, Becorating, Frescoing, etc. 16S. lai n St, 2od Floor. W. TKEMAÍN GENERAL Insurance Agency orrica Over Casper Rinscy's Grocery Store, COR. HURON AND FOURTH ST, North British Insurance Comp (Of London and Edinburg) Capita] 13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Ins. Co. ' Csah AsseU $609,000 Springfleld Ins. Comp'y of Mass., Cash Asaets .... ïl,80O,O0a Howard Ins. Co., of New York, Cash AMeti.... $1,000,000. Asrieultural lnsarance Comp'.v WATKBTOWN, . . NEW YORK, CaihAuets $1,200,000. ' Losee liberalij yuitjd rnjj pmpüj pau.