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lililí ir j rs r _a. i l s PHOTOCJRAPHIC ESTABISBMENT Cor. Williams St. and Madison Ave.- Opposlte East Grana Circus Park. DETROIT, MICH. Rednoed Rateo to Clnbs of 10 or Over. 1883. AL WA Y 1883] FIRST iï THE MARKET! We are now offering Something New nearly every day in SPRING STYLES! The fashionable public wlll bear in mind we are the only House between Detroit and Chicago who Bmploy men to niake pants. Winans & Stafford. JVIöx-chant Tailors, No. 19 Uflain St. P. S.---FULL and SEMIDRESS Suits a specialty iSSiïM Catarrh.Throat Disease. Bronchitis and Asthnia Can be Gured! Also disease of the EYE, EAU and HBART, at the Detroit Throat&Lung Institute, M, IIILTON WIIJ.IAMS. M. I)., M. C, P. S. O., Proprtetor. Over ,000 Cases Treated in tho I-ast Seventecn ïcars. All diseases of the Kespiratory Organs treated hy Jleditated Inhnlations, combined when requircd vith proper constitutionul r(;iuedief xor tne STOMACH. LITBB and BLOOT), 4-c. If posslble cali personally for :m exumination, utherwise write for IST OF QUBSTION8" and "MEDICAL TRKAT 18E." Address, Detroit Throat & Lung Institute 253 Woodivnrd Ave., Detroit. Mich. GET TUE BEST Fire Insurance &$42,000,000l Scurity held for the ppotection of th poiirj holden. CHRISTIAN MACK tlepresent the followinp first-clae eotni'aii-, of which one, the JE' n, bi aion pa i 6o,"000,000 fire losses in sixty earc : etna. of HarttVrd I T. O OW 0 Franklin, Phlladelphla 3.S ¦ ," i' " Oerman American N. Y'OO-O ' London ABBurnnce Corporation : National, Hartrord 1,3 "," 0 ÏJorth Gorman, Hamburtr 2 U ,'"' 0 Phosnlx, BrooWljn 2.S ." M Dnderwriters AgeocT N. T 4,i.;U. u 'M Lo8es libe'-ali ad j nsK-d and prun,. l pM. Policies issued at the lowi-st rati-s of piximn.ii. IS13-1.J5 CMttXHTIAS MAIIL DINSEY 8c SEABOLT'S BAKERY, QROCERT AMD FLOUR & FEED STORE. Wo keep contntlj OD bnd, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLBSALB AND RBTAILTRAPB. Wa ihail also keep a sspplr o' WIFT & DKÜBKL'S BKST WHITE WIIitAT FLOUR, DELHI FLOÜR, RTK FLOUK BUCKWHEAT Fl-OOB, CORN MEA1„ FEED, Ac, 4o. At wholeule and reti:l. A ceaeral stock of GKOCEKIES AND PKOVISIOtiS oonatantly on hand, wblch wlll oe loid on a reon ble term as at anj other boute tn tne cltj. Cah pald for Batter, Eftgs, an Oountrj Prod"1 cenerally. WOood deliyered to any part of the citr ' ¦ out extra charge. yr. RINSHT SBABOLT 1 1 f ¦ #% Hi ueople aru :ihva s on the lookllfl"B..ut for chances to incri'asc Uil I X Kthcir earnings, and in timet¦ f ¦¦ wralthy: thosc wlio ao ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦iiot improve their opportunities remain in poverty. We offer a great chance to make money. Wc want many men, women. boys and girls"to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first ftart, The business will Pï more than ten times ordlnary wages. Expensive outfit f urnished free. ' No one who engages fails to make moncy rapidly. Yo" cn devote your whole time tb the work, or onlT your spare moments. Full information aud all that is needed sent free. Address StissoN Co., Portland. Maine. Ferdon Lumber Yard JAMES TOL.BEBT, Prop., Manufacturar and Dealer In SAGINAW GASG-SAWED LUMBER, Lath and Shingles. W inTlte all te Rlre nt a cali, ana examine oor ¦tock before purchaslng oliewhere ALSO AGENT FOB JACKSON SEWER PIPE CP., And sella fire brick. JJLMES TOLBERT, PROP T; J: KBBCH. 8npt. _b_1____ Every Live Merchant IN AXN ARBOR Should Advertise IN THE COURIER.