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""Marshall reponed 7 arrests in July During July the city received 341.29 and disbursed $2,753.67. The Toledo road charges 75 cents to Camp and return, until the 14th. Judge Cheever takes the place of B. Pond, resignetl. is trustee of Porest Hill Cemetery. ______ Tuesday the county school examiners re-elected Qeo. S. Wheeler as a member of the board. Reuben Kempf has bought 450,000 Ibs. of wool this season at Ann Arbor, Chelsea and Jackson. $50.24 was spent on the city poor in July. For the lst ward, $7.87 ; 2d, $8.32 ; 3d, $13.32; 4th, $15.07; 5th,$l ; 6th, $4.66. ? The county Board of School Examiners wlll hold an examination at the court house in Ann Arbor on Friday, August 24, 1883. ____ The provisions for Company A, at their camp are furnished by Caspar Rinsey, and cooked by Alfred Thomas, the cook of the Cook House. The tcmperance meeting will be addressed by Mrs. S. H. Bishop, president of the W. C. T. U., Sunday 3 p. m., at Cropsey's hall. For tickets to the thirty-lifth annual State Fair which opens in Detroit, September 17th, Henry Fralick, the President, has our thank9. The Goodale divorce case which has been on the docket all the week will pro bably be brought to a close to-day. The counsel subinit brief s. The University is laying in a supply of coalfor next winter. Witii the 1,000 tons now ordered it can probably get along during warm weather. The peach farm of Dr. Nichols is called the"Huron View." It has one of the largest windmills in the county for stock, irrigation and house use. At the National Bank Mr. S. W. Clarkson began liis duties as Cashier, on Tuesday. He will move his family as soon as he finds a suitable place. In last week's issue we wcre in error in saying Geo. Osius & Co. are putting in a Btock of carpets in their basement, it should be a stock of cards. The wheat is about all harvested but the complalnt in this county is that it is badly shrunken. The millcrs notice this in what has been coming in this week. A píate glass front has been put into the store on Huron street next east of the Farmers' bank. Fellman & Co. of De troit open a tea store there to-morrow. The bakery department of S. Hendrickson, on State street has been purchased by Mr. G: A. Douglas, who comes here from Florida and will take charge of it. Wool still continúes coming in and Wednesday, Mack & Schmid purchased some 12,000 pounds, uiaking about 140,000 pounds they have bought this season. The telegraphers' strike has been a good thing for the tudents of Peterson's Telegraphic college, as it hasgiventhem good positions as soon as they were able to flll them. The military company from Tliree Rivers passed through here Wednesday en route for Island Park. They had with them a juvenile drum corps and the Constantino band. The corner of Fourth and William streets is to be improved by the erection of a brick house by Ottmer Eberbach. This will make four handsome brick residences on that corner - about all the law will allow at oue crossing. The surveyinjj party on the proposed extensión of the Toledo road reached Pinckuey Wednesday night, on their vay towards Ann Arbor. Mr. Birkett of Dover is piloting the surveying party from Pinckney to Dexter. The County Teachers' Instituto will be held this year at Saline, from August 27 to 31, inclusive. It will be conducted by Prof. C. B. Thomas of Saglnaw City, assisted by Prof. Ilaynes of Hillsdale and Hrs. Ford of Detroit. A prominent young man in town liad his hair cut the other day, and thereby lmngs a tale- not to the hair but to the act of getting it cut short. The sequel will be in a few weeks when we give the notice of liis marriage. The annual Sunday School picnic of Zion Lutheran church was held in Relief Park Wed ne8day. It was laigely attended and the cliildren had a fine time. Yesterday the Bethleliem Lutheran church school had their picnic in the same place. The town doek was cleaned this week fr the iirst time since it was put in place. 1 lie tower has been leaky and it was somewhat rustcd. That is why the hands on the four dials during the first of the week, lacked that unanimity so desirable in a tiniekeeper. Mrs. Ralph C.Whiting commenced harTesting forty-flve acres of wheat one week ago last Monday. Last Monday morning sl'e had every bushel tlireshed out and in N'egranary, and that without woiking her help on the Sabbath either. Who can show a better record ? T. Sameehima of Japan Iia3 been stopping in the city this week. In 1873-74 he was ia our High School and he now is a raember of the Japanese legation at Washington. He was here visiting former acquaintances and familiar places. The county papers are making a lively onslaught against a couple of our town cotemporaries for an iiuliscriminate stealing of their items. We notice already tliis week quite an inprovement has been effected in their columns by reason of tlie criticisms. The Hook and Ladder boys say thelr cart weighs 2,790 pounds and is too heavy to draw. Unless they get a team to h:iul it, the same as the engine boysliave, some of them threaten to disbanil. The common council do not tliink it would pay to get a team jast to use at two or three lires a year. For the past three weeks the services of the united Presbyterian and Methojist congregations have been held In the church of the latter and conducted by Rev. R. Steele. He will now take a vacation and Rev. R. B. Pope will preach for the succeeding three Sundays in the Presbyterian church. Chas. J. Lockwood, a farmer boy from Sturgis, St. Joseph Co. who won in the competitive examination iu the 4th congressional district for ;the West Point Military Academy cadetship, iscomlngto Ann Arbor to take a special course in tnathamatics under Prof. Olney before entering West Point. The balloon which ascended at Ypsiliinti at '3 yesterday afternoon went soutli of tDwn about a mile, going in a westerly direction. It was distinctly visible both here and at Delhi. After a fine voyage it landed safely at Saline. Ben Joslyn was the aeronaut. These various items wc got by teleplione from Ypsilanli, Dcxter and Saline. The Toledo road isdoinga heavy freight business this summer and the side tracks here are of insufficient length to accommodate the cars. 140 cars were sidetracked between Saturday noon and'Puesday. A large portion of the freight is coal, direct from the coal flelds of Pennsylvania and Ohio. lts affairs in Ann Arbor have never been so well looked after as since Mr. Phillips took charge of them. At the comraou council meeting Monday evening cisterns not to exceed $105.00 in cost were recommended for the corner of Monroe and 8. Ingalls. also on corner of William and División streets. The resolution to ask interest on deposits of city money in the banks was lost by the following votes: Ayes - Henderson Heinzman, Gates, Martin, and Recorder. Noes - Walz, Iliscock, Kearns, Swift, Eisele, Rhodes, Vaughan and the Mayor. At last the okl jail square occupied as a lumber yard lias been sold for building lots. Tliere is no more hope for it to be purchased by the city and converted into n pretty little park. as miny had hoped it might have been some day. M. C. Petersou has purchased the two north-west lots, and will begin at once the erection of a dwelling. John Thompson, O. M. Martin and George Moore have secured the lots on Fifth street. Three horses were stolen Friday night from a field belongingto Mr. E. Popkins, three and a half miles north of Ann Arbor on the Plymouth road. The largest was a dark brown horse four years old, about seventeen hands high and weighing some 1,300 pounds. Theother was a four year oid mare, about sixteen hands high, with white hind feet, and the third was a twelve year oíd bay mare, about thirteen hands high, weighing something over a thousand pounds. Mr. Popkins offered a reward of flfty dollars for the return of the horses. A special train of seven coaches carried Company A, and the companies from Kalamazoo, Jackson, Adrián and Ypsilanti, to the encampment cf the State troops Wednesday noon. It is called "Camp Grifflth." Today there are battalion drills; to-morrow,brigade dril's; 3unday, inspection, and Monday brigade maneuvers and grand review by the commander-in-chief. Co.A's rifle-team Tuesday made 72 points at 200 yards and 59 at 500 yards. The Jackson company won by 92 and 93 points respectively. The lGth is near at hand, the excursión committee have about all the arrangements completed for the trip to Fremont, Ohio ; South Lyon will take one car and possibly two; Milan wants a car, and the train will stop at the Saline crossing, where one-half a car will be fllled. What the committee now want is, that all should purchase their tickets before 10 o'clock on the morning of the 15th, (Wednesday,) so that they can telegraph fora sufficient number of coaches to comfortably seat the excursionista. This is the only way to insure a seat, for after the coaches ordered are filled.tickel selling will be ended. The Ann Arbor City Band have arranged for au excursión and basket picnic for the 24th of this month, via the M. C. K. R. to Detroit, then take the elegant steamer Sappho for a ride on the nver to Wyandotte, where a stop of one and one-half hours will be glven to visitthe famoussulpliur sprints and the city. Then up the river for a short ride on Lake St. Clair, returning reach Detroit at 1:30 p. m. where the excursionists can view the sights of the city and the ball game between the Cleveland and Detroit clubs. Train will 1eave for home about 6.30 or 7 p. m. Fare for the round trip only $1.25. Cliiklien under 12 years half price.