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DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. i A Household Artlclo for Universal Family Use. B For Scnrlot and i Effl.dirAifK! BTyphoid revers, I aracupates Diphtherlaj Sall: MALARIA lTation' tJlcerated I ¦"¦""¦¦"'¦'¦ J SoreTliroat, Sinall BfliBHIHHHi l'ox, Measles, and all Contagión Diseases. Persons waiting on the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has never bcen known to spread where thc Fluid was used. Vellow fever has been cured with t after black voinit liad taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield fo it, SMAMPOX sons refreshed and and Bed Sores PITTINQ of Small Darbys FuHd!"8 W'h x PREVENTED Impuro Air made Amember of myfamharralcss and purilied. 'lv ,was aken with For Sore Throat it is a Small-pox. I used the sure cure. rluid; the patiënt was Contagión destroyed n?' delirious, was not For Frosted Feet, P'"-d and was about Chilblains, Piles, I the huse again inthree Chafings, etc. weeks, and no others Rheumatism cured had "¦ ParkSoft White '"son, Phil.ulelphiu. ions secured by its use. BHBHiHHHBHtfi Ship Fever prevented. I To purify the Breath, ¦ DítlTitlifiria Cleanse tho Teeth, ¦ ipHena it can't be surpassed. - . I Catarrb relieved and ¦ PreVOllted. B cured. B_ B Erygipelg cured. ¦¦BMBSHHHBQ Ií urna relieved tnsfant]v tu l Siings, etc. i Tetter dried up. I used the Fluid during Cholera prevented. our present afflietion with Ülcers purifled and Scarlet Fever with de ; healed. cided advantage. It Is Iu cases ofDeath it indispensable to the i should be used .about room. - Wm. F. the corpse - ft wHJ ford, Eyrie, Ala. prevent any unpleasHBHHMjjH ant smell. r The eminent Phy. ¦ flrariof TTöTTorB ! sician marión ¦ ÖCariet X QVeVm I SOLS, M. ü., New ¦ m , I I York, laya: "I am WUred I COJivinced Prof. Darbys ¦ ¦ I rrophyjaclic Fluid is a ESSflBBflSflKMSS v3 ' ísínfectant." Vanderbilt Univcrsity, Nashvllle, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualitíes cf Prof Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both tlieoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am acquainted.-N. T. Lupton, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Recommended by Hon. Alexínder H. Stephens, of GeorgiaRev. Chas. F. Oeems, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; Jos. LBCoNTE,Columba, Prof.,University,S.C. Rev. A. J. Battlb, Prof, Mcrcer University; Rev. Geo, f. Pierce, Bishop M, E. Church KMSPENSABLIi TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Üsc4 intcrnally or extcrnally for Man or Beast, The Fluid has been thoroughly tcstcj, and wc have abundant cvidence that it has done everythinj here claimed. For fullcr Information get of yout Uruggist a pamphlet or lead ta tlie proprietors, J. H. ZEILIÍÍ & CO., Manufacturing Chemists. J'inLADELPHU The only known meeiflc for Epileptic Fits.-S 3-Also for Spasma and FaMng Sickness.-O '-ons Weakness qnickly relieved and cured. Equuited by none in delirium of ferer-Ti B-Noutraiiasfl germ3 of dlsease and sickness. Cwes ugly blotches &nd stnbborn blood sores. CleaniKS blood, qulckene eluggish circulation. Elimínate Poils, Carbunclos and Scalus.-L -Fermanent!y andpromptly cures pars ysis. yZtt u (8 s charmicg and healthful Aperlent, TT,,,,, crofnla and Kings Evil, twin brothem. Thanec"1 l)ad brestil to good' ieB10Vlng 1can,s'liáS-Bnt'-" büionneB8 and clears complexión. rm1ng"re vent and matchless laxaÖve.-S It dea lick Hesdache üke tbe wind.-S tr ."„a o 'iraBÜc cathartic or opiatos. S t?í r reBBhcimatism by routing U.S Promptly cures Km. th(j blood - g-Beliable when aU opiau s 'a"- For tesümonials and circuJara end Btamp, The Or. S. A. Richmond Med. Co., Props H4LLÜ Paíarrh (Jure Is Recommended bv Physjgiansj g 1 0O REWARSlÜlilj We manufasture and eell itwitha positivo cnt?r&rt?f that it wlll cure any caser'"6! forfeit the aboYe 5esbs n'gOeaíe,Lu Anruggist for it and 1133-1183 For sale by Eberbach & Son AYER'S Agne Gure , contiiins ao antidote for all malarial dlsr orders wliicb, so far as known, is used in no reincdy. lt contains no Quinine, nor any mineral uor deleterious substance ivhatover, and conscQuently produces no injurious effect upon tho constitwtioi), but leaves the s:.t. m u licultliy as it was bcfore the attack. WE WAERANT AYER'S AGÜE CURE to ïuro cvery caso of Fever and Age, Intermittent or Chili Fevcr, Keraittent Fever, Oumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver CompMnt caused by malaria. In case of failure, aftcr duo trial, dealers are authorized, by out circular datcd July lst, 1882, to refuml the moncy. Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., LowelJ, Mass. Soldbyall JJiuggiBts.