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Dispepsia in its Worst Form Cured. Wolcott. N. Y., Sopt. 25, 1882. Rheumatic Syrup Co : Gents- I think it iny duty to recommend your Syrup tor Khcumatistn, Dyspewla and Stek Headacbe. I hnve been troubledwitu Dyipepaia tbr gever! yeais: have tried every remedy reoommended, mil pliyatciaiií havefailed togive me a .y relief. Had to be very caiefnl what I te, for I was almost erazctl with pain atter ineals. And for ten years or more have been a Krent sufferer trom BheuraatUm. It finiilíy settled all over me. The pain was so severe I eould hardly endure It, and could got notliing to relieve me. My arms I coulil not move; was oonfioed to my bed, and I was OOmptetely discoura"ed. Finally my liusbarid thoiiglil I had better try Klieumatic Syrup. Asa last iesort, I told him to get a bottle. I nnd no faith In it, but was cMinpelled todosometbJng, for I coul'l not endure tlie pain. 1 commenced takhiff it, and in i short time it began to help me. Have been takiug It six weeks and am now dolng my own housework, and cun safely rceonimeml i(, as u surecure for liheumatism or Dypepsia. Any one troubled with cither of those dreadful diseases can be cu red by adug Rheumatic Syrup. I know il is a ure cure for either. Any one is it liberly to corieapond with me in regard to the nicrits of your wondeitul medicine. Yours regpectfullr, Mr. A. 0. Hanciiett. ,n Ohio marshal hns ifsucd an order proclaimini! that ;ill animáis foiind running at large will be " pouudeil." Now is the time to get tip clubs. Thousauds are being cured nf Catarrh every year with Halls' Catarrll Cure, that the doctors had given lip and aalü could not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold by Eberbacu & Sou. Bismarek thinks that tho American pij; is the rooter of all evil. - Múflalo Courier. E3g" A pint of the flnesl iuk for families or schools can be made trom a ten-cent package of Diamond Dye. They color Silk, Wool or Cotton. Wliafs in a name ? Well, f U's a Itussiiin name we should BDSwer, the alpbabet. - Burlington Free Press. Ayer'sSarsaparilla isdesigned for those who need a medicine to purify their blood, build them up, increase iheir appetite, and rejuvenate their whole system. No other preparation so well meets this want. It touch the exact spot. lts record of forty years is one of constant triumph over disease. VVhy is the cornet more like a dog than tlie dog star? Because It lias a and the dog siar hasn't. Flies and Bugs. Flies, roaclies, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mire, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by " Kough on Hats." 15c. Why is the dog's tail a great novelty? Because no one ever saw it before. Cause and Effect. At times symptoins of indigestión are present, uneasiness of thestomach, &C, a moisturelike perspiration producing itching at niglit, or when one is warm, cause the Piles. The effect is minediate relief u pon the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Kemedy, which costsyou but 50 cents and is sold by Eberbacli & Son. Why are seven days like a spell of sickness 't Because they make one week. - The Drummer. "Mother Swun'ü Worm Syrup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic, for feyerishness, restlessness, worms, constipation. 25c. Tliere seems to be no cali for an exbibition of grief at a circus. Yet the audience is always in tiers. - Boston Star. liever (Jive Up. It you are suflering with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means ])rocure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow: you will be inspirad with new life; strength and activity will return; pain and misery willcease. and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at flfty cents a bottle by II. J. Brown & Co. England is no Jonger the "mother country.'" She's only "assister" to us. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging irritation, lnflamation, all Kidney and Urinary Complaiii's, cured by "Buchu-paiba." fl. What letter In the alphabet is the best initial forcucumber? Doublé you. For its sootbing and grateful influence on the scalp, and for the removal and prevention of dandruif Ayer's Hair Vigor has no equal. It restores faded or gray hair to its original dark color, stimulates the growth of the hair, and gives it a beautiful, soft, glossy and silken appearance. Business conductedon sound principies - the telephone. "Buchupaiba." Quick, complete cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Uriuary Diseases. tl. Druggist. ïo be tried for his life- the hen-pecked husband.- New York News. That Iliisbiiud of mimi Is three times the man he was before he began using " Wells' Health Renc-wer." fl. Druggists. Oarsman Hanlon made about $8,000 by liis victory over Kennedy, and vet Borne people find faalt with our colleges for cultivatinji muscle instead of brains - Bllzzard. Want of Faith. If Eberbach & Son, the Druggists do not succeed it is not for the want of faith. He bas such faith in Dr. Bosanko's Cougb md Lung Syrup as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and Lunjr affectlong that he will give a bottle free to enen and every one who is in need of a medicine of his kind. " Yes," said the Chicago man, " he's a lude, but he counts in the oensus ; don't et him be killed." Decline oí Man. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impoence, Sexual Debility, cured by " Wells' Health Iienewer." $1. Brought up by hand- the coal-hod - New York News. A Great Discovcry. That is daily bringii g joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear mes from an early grave. Truly is Dr ving's New Discovery for Consumption, Joughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay 'ever, Loss of Voice, Ticlding in the 'hroat, Pain in the Sideand Chest, orany liseaseor the Throat and Lungs, a positive ure. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at I. 3. Brown & Co. 's Drug Store. liarse ize $1.00. A smart young man picked up a flower n a ball room aftcrall thegirls had rme nd sang pathetically : ' 'Tis tlie last rose f some her."- The Drummer. i -,'Ibuy Dr. BensorCs C'dery and ' viüe PMs and introduce them tcherever I ' o. Perso7ial knowledge and experience of i heir effects on others prompU this act" ' iev. J. F. Fugett, Uector St. Luke's Oh', i Myersburg, Pa. 50 ets, at druggisls. Dr Potter, of New York, lamenta " the ' ecay of enthusiasm." He should have ! vatched the small boy on thu mOmlns of l he Fourth of July. f - No matter what may be the name. or , ow long standing the trouble, Dr. Í on's Skin Cure will always cure skin ases. Grateful hundreds of cured pients attest this fact. f 1. at dru-gists