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Positive cure for Piles. To the people of tliis County we wonld say we have been ffiven the Agency of Dr. Marchisi'sItalianPileOintment - emphatIcally guaranteed to Cure or money refttnded - Interna], Esternal, Blind, Bleeding or Itchlng Piles. Price 50c. a box. No cure, No pay. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Drngglsta. Swayne's Pilis- Coinforting to the Siok. Thousiindsdie froni negleot to properly treat impure blood, constipation, dyspep8a, malaria, apoplexy, liver, kidney, heart diseases, dropsy, and rheumatism. But to tlie debilitated bimlened wilh such serious sicknes?, we coiifcientiously recomfnend "Swayne's Pilis,1' whicb eortain medicinal properties possesed by no other remedy. Sent by mail for 25 cents, box of 30 pills; 5 boxes, $1, (in stamps). Address Dr. Swayne&Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold bv Dragglats. HealthirWeajthl Un K ('. West' Neuyk and Hrain Theatment, a guaranteed Bpecilic for Hysteria, Dizzinoss, Couvulsious, Vits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Norvous Prostration caueod by tho use of alcohol or tobáceo. Wakefolneee, Mental. Dopression, SoftoniiiK of the Jiniin resulting in inanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Prematuro Oíd Aso, liarrcnnesa. Loss of power in either aex, Involuntary Ijossos and 8permatorrhoea caused byovor-oxertion of thebrain.selfabu6e or over-indulgenue. Kach box containa one moníh's troatmont. $1.(X) a box, or Rix boxea íor$j.OO, eont by mail prepaidon recoipt of prico. WE (IIARATEK SIX BOXES To cure any case. With oach order ieceived byua for bíx boxee, nccompanied with f;5.(X), wo will eoiid tho iurchaser our written puaranteo to refundí ho money if tho treatment does not olluct a curo. (;narantis isBuedonlyby .1. H. UROU'X, Hole Agent. Anu Arbor, Mich. Keal Eslate for Sale. (JTATK Oí' MICHIGAN. County ol Woyne, sa. In the matter of the esmte of Jcnnle W. Hollis and Uun UolHa, minors. Notice is heruhy given tniit in puvsuauce of an ordjr granted to the undereigned Samuel J. Springer, guardiau of the estute oí said mino, by ihu Hon. Jndge of Probate for the County of Wayne, on the lilteeoth dy of May A.D.188S,tbere will besold at public vundue, to the hK'hest bidder, at the e:ist front door of the Court House in tho city of Ann Arbor, in the connty of WashU'naw.ln sald State, on SatQrday the flrst day of September, A.l). 18)vl,at to o'o'ock in theafternoon of that day (-ul.ject to all encunibrauces by mortgue or othei wise existing at the time of the said ule, the following described real eBtate to-wit: Ai] ihe ritdit title and interest of said' nunors in ihe uniüvided one eighth of the west one hundred and twenty acres of the north half of six () tewnehip twoi,2)soiith ranyeseven cast exceptim; the nonh-west ir ictional quarier of sai d sciiion, in the townsliip of Supeiiur, County of ttaehtcnuw, and state of Michigan. SAMUEL .1. SPKINQRR, ...,r„ , Guardian of said Minors, UB S Jknnie W. Uolus and Linn Hollis. Estáte of lliram Whedon. gTATK OF MICH1UAN, County of Washtenaw, At a session of the Prohate Court for the County ol V ashleuaw, holden ut Ihe Probate Offlce in the :ity ol Anu Arbor, on Thnreday, the k'cond Jay of August, iu the -year one thousand eight uuudred aud ïglity-three. Present, William 1) Bwrimao, ,1 ,idge of Probute. In the matter ol the estáte of Uiram Whedon leceased. Joseph T. Jacuhs, adm uisirator, with .He will annexed ol said deceased, comes iuto .ourt ai,d represeuts Ihat he is now prepared to euderlns flual account as such adiuiniBtrator. ihereupon it is ordered.that Sturday,thu tweutyllth d.iy of August instant, at ten o'clock in the orenoon, !¦ assigned for examining and ilowinB indj account, and that the uevlsee:,, legatees al H'irs at luw ol said deceased, and all other pursons i nterested iu said eslate, are requircd to appear at a ; t om s?ld,court' thu 'o bs holden at the Pro, H '' '" "lu Clly ol AUD in 8ald county, l ind show cause, il' any there be why the said , tcconnt should uot be allowed. And it is iurthei rdered, that said adminls.rator give not ce „ th" ¦ersoiis luterested iu said estute, of the peudelicy , copyol Uns ordor to be publlgni-d in the Aun ,jTn i'"'''' LwPPt P"ted and circulat"g in said county, three successive weeks previ'W to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) I WILLIAM D. HAKHIMA.N, ] WM n niTv d v t, Juee of Probate. "¦ LXJ1Y, Probate Uezister. 1101 1157