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Dr. Cocker's Successor

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After much thouglit, ftnxlety, correspondence and consultation a man has beet selected by the Regents, through a coramittee consisting of Regents Duffield ant Joy and President Angelí, to take Uk chair left vacant by Dr. Cocker's death. ïhe gentleman is Rev. Jacob Cooper, D. D. professor of Greek and Literature in Rutgers College. We quote the sketch of him (rom the Bloomtield, N. J. Citizen: Trof. Cooper is a doctor of philosophy of the university of Berlín, and was educated tliere and at Jena and Halle, In Germany. He also puisued special studies in metaphysies at Edinbnrgli, and was i friend ot the celebrated Dr. Calderwood, whose recent visit tothis country added to his already high reputation Thus Dr. Cooper was peculiarly fitted ior the academie career he has since pursued. He was first a professor of Greek in Danville, Ky., in 1803, but for the past 12 years he has held the similiar chair- of Greek languages and literature- at New Brunswick. He has also contributed to many periódica!, and in personal character and pedagogie ability he is held in high repule. There are two sides to every question and it will greatly surprise us if old Rutgers- whose solid and stable character is thoioughlv assured- will easily let her professor go. It will, however, in the ui tímate analysis, be the place of the man hmiself to determine his own duty. If he prefers ease, good living and steady work, he will remain with us in New Jersey and proceed for the future, as In the past, to develop the ideas of the old classic tragedians, and orators, and poets. If he pTefers to meet unmoulded material and shape it; if he delights in the largeness iind scope of those singularly free and unconventional minds; if, in short, he desires to shape and influenee a very grea,t congtituency after the marnier of the lamented man who woukl then be his predecessor- he will go to Ann Arbor. iic niíimuigcrs wen, ouc we untit that good Greek acholan are fir more nu merous than earnest, and ajrgressive, ant thoronghly balanced metaphysical teachers, and we are not surprised that so larra a vacancy as that left by Dr. IJenj. F Cocker should require as good a man ai Dr. Cooper to fill. From the "Fredonian" published at New Brunswick we make the following extract: The chair to which tlie Rev. Professor Jacob Cooper, D. ü.-, is called, is that of ' Psychology, Speculntive Philosopliy and Philosophy of Religión," made vacant bv the death of the Kev. Dr. Cocker. This is regarded as the most important professorship in the university, and is looked u pon with the greatest interest by the religious bodies in the state. Au able commíttpe has been searching tliroughout the vaiious seatsof leaning in the country for the proper man, and wliile a number of ñames have been presen ted, no one oblaincd the favor of tlie regents until Dr. Cooper was brought to their nolice by one of the resident pastors of Ann Arbor. He was ably supported by several ministers in tlie state, and strongly recommended by tlie president and faculty of Tule college, and by distinguished edueators In tlie country. A conimittee bas visitcd him In this city, announcing his unaiiimous election by the board of reffents, and urging his acceptance. Should Be accept the appointment he would find a field of usefulness open and a power of (loing rood alinost without bound?. He is a western man by blrtb and association, aod as he was trained ainongst Presbyterians he will only be returning to hisearly home. It is feit that he is the man for the place, and that the indications of Providente point him to this tield are very clear. r il il Ii ¦ The loss to Kutjfei's wllrbe very great, but in view of the enlarged opportanitles ojien it the west, and his fitness for the woik, the University of Michigan will receive an important adilition to its ah'eady able faculty sliould lie remove to tliïs young and vigorousseat of learnitig. The oirculation of the Detroit Erening News lust weck reached the enormous dally average of over 40,000. We predict that in less than two years It wil] be fifty thousaml. Editor Courier : I wish to correct an error in the abstract of the census in thïa week's issue. You say " Scio township including Dexter, 1,927," whereas it should be 2,291. Yours truly, hnumerator of Scio township.