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rom the Herald. Farmers plowing with their coats on to keep warm, in August, is a strange sight, but we saw ït a few days ago. Mr. E. R. White says he eannot bra" of "bifrday's" work, but did cut over one hundred and ten acres of wheat tliis season with liis self binder. In order to secure pledges made to the Grand Tïunk company, the cars must be running to Stockbridge by Jan. lst. In consequence, the contraetors are rushing the work all along the line. Over 90 cars of iron have been reeelved at this point. - Jackson Citizen. A very happy social event occurred at tlie residence of Mr. Geo. Kuel of Fowlerville, last Tuesday evening, it being the occasion of the marriare of Miss Mattie a daughter of Mr. Kuel, to Itev. W H Preutice, of North Manchester, Ind. The ceremony was pert'ormud by lïev. F. W. Warren. DEXTER. From the Leader. We lieard one of our millers remark tliis week that wheat this year is of a better quality than that of last year. Tliose of our citizens who went west a short time ago, to seek fame and fortune, when last lieard from were in Oregon. J. T. Honey, Dr. Bangham, and W. W. Tozer had just purchased tickets for SanFrancisco, intending to visit Lower California. We onderstand that Ed. Bennett has secured a position on the Northern Pacilic Rallroad. Wel], we wlsh them all suceess, but wedon't believe thcy'll finda better place than oíd Michigan to live in. MANCHESTER. From thii Enterprise. Time is received it the central office by telephone from Aim Arbor, and also ColomblU time trom the L:ike Shore depot. We learn that the Manches'.er corne band has aceepted an invitatlon to attend a musical festival at Monroe, the last of the moiitli. A younjr lady recently called on a driijr clerk for live cents w'orth of " oxen of business " for lier complexión. He gave her some oxide of biunuth and sent her on her way rejoieing. Snow flakes were seen falling about noon last Friday, by sevenil responsibie people here iu towu. But the small bovs concluded not to haul out theiihand sle'ds till a larger show fall took place. About 00 guests were assenibled at the old homestead of the liowe's, m Sharon, on Tuesday moring, August 7th, to witness the ceremony of uniling Miss Emily Alico Stringham of Ann Arbor, and Dr. F. E. Dresser of St. Ignnce, in holy bonds of matrimony. The happy couple leave on Monday for their future home, St. Ignace, MIeh. Thirty-nine years ago the father and mother of the bride were married at the saine homestead. SALINE. From the Observer. Geo. A. Brown, of the late graduates of our Union school, is clerking for Wines & Worden, Aun Arbor. B. P. Dnvenport has sold and ordered three more blcycles this weck. This tuakes flfteen machines now owned in Saline. We will soon be ahead of Ann Arbor. Presiding Eider Campbell of Adrián held memorial services at the Methodist church Sunday morning, in respect of the sad death of the wil'e of Rev.J.C. Wortley. TPSILANTI. From the Commercial. The Light Guard lefl Monday thiriyeight strong for the encampment at Brighton. A weeK of reereation, a week of' drill and down to military rule. The siibscription is now being pushed to complete the Baptist church structnre in time for the great 4th of July celebmtion to be held in luis city in 1884. As we stated last week subscriptionsin three installments, one-third next February, 1884, and one-third in June 1884. Six thousand is needed and lor all purposes $9,000 will not come amiss. BALEtlON ASCENSIÓN. Thursday proved to be a pleasant day. At about 11 o'clock Wednesday night preparations were begun, the ballast bags having been fil led during the afternoon. At 2 o'clock Tuesday morning intl:ition begun and 15,000 feet, or tliereabouts, of gas such as is being furnished to consuiners were run in the balloon before breakfast time. At about 2:35 it lelt the earth the basket having a solitary occupant. Ypsilanti city band gave hiin a goodsend oft" and the balloon gracef'ull rose uearly a mile, taking a westward direetion, hearing to the nortli. Since the adverüsements appeared statinï that a living dog wonld be thrown out attac.hed to a parachute, not a dog had offered his seivices, and a bag of sand acted as substitute. It lit on the Case farm, uninjuied. Somewhere near the M. S. & L. S. R. R. crossing, on the south Anu Arbor road, the balloon carne so near the grouud that a conversation was carried on. It was theu bearing a little south of west. By the aid of a telescope or through an opera glass, we could plainly see the basket and the sand descending. By telephnningtlic Courier office it was ascertained that the balloon passed one mile south of Ann Arbor at 3:20, one-half orthree-fourth'sof a niile high. At 3:40 it came down on the farm of Byron Sutherland, two a:id one-half miles north of Saline, in a whcat field. The balloon is made of sea island saicf?ett, a substance similar to Irisli Unen. It is 40 feet high, and 25 feet in circuinference, will hold 16,000 feet of gas. It took up 200 pounde of ballast. It is the property of W. W. Carpenter. With a good breeze it would have made a longer trip. This Is the first ascensión which has ever taken place at Ypsilanti. although professionals have tried it at various times. From the Sentinel. Greatquantitiesof stone and iron arrive at the depot for the new iron bridge across the Hurón. Mr. Laible intends to enlarge the postoffice by an addition on the west eml, so as to extend the range of boxes the enÜre length of the present building. This will be a desirable improvement. Our eouuty cotemporaries are all tore up about each others "local news." Of course the same gossip must appear in a half dozen different papers, and the fiist one to publish a bit, charges all the other with stealing it without credit. There is only one way to gtt along with this; let them not exchange with each other, and then each would be happy in the blissful ignorance of another's existence. From the Ynsilantian. Mr. A. J. Leetch lias sold bis residence on Hurón street, recently built, to Mrs. Higley of Forest avenue. Tbe consideration was $4,000. Two immense stones, to cover tlie archway and form the approaclies of the bathliouse, arrived Mouday. They weigb over 12,000 Ibs eacli and are the laigett stones ever laid for a walk in tlie cily. A. M. Noble has sold bis livery business to Thos. Neat, who took possession yesterday. While we regret the withdrawal of Mr. Noble, we are happy tliat he has a succesaor as worthy as Mr, Neat.


Ann Arbor Courier
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