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Samuel B. Edmuiisluii ot Si. Luuis, hasu daiui uf $3,030,000 aRuinet Wa6liingtou, for laudo, much f l,kh i uged as ttie capítol grounds. The issiio of standard ailver dollars íroui the mints for th; week endino AugUEt ls was $434,496; the lorvwpondins perfil íanl year f 350,000. Inspector llawortli, general supervi6OV ul llic Kovcrunicnt tchools anioni; the Indisns rep'jrtbguutli'rügicsb ia thc work amouK that people. Thcro are scoommodatlons now for 10,"50 pupila tn liidian echoule. Alpha B. Beal, cbarged with viulatlon oL thc pensiou 1btk iu charglng eiceeiíve fecs íur obtaiuiDg a peusion, was diemiüscd, the )udRC ruiling thal thc evidente takcn dld not render hlm lor haylng TRJlatcd thc etstutc. Thc acting Solicitor of tbc Treasury has glvcu st opinión that thc ute oí ininiaturo and full eizcd imprintö of a postal card, as a label for a tjrand of cigars eoM hy a l'hiladtlphla firni, ís a vlolattuu of law, and thc persous engaged in tbelr nnmufactore wdnseare lisble to prosccuUou. Jercmiah S. Black, decoased, was formerly Gccretary of btatc, and as a inaik oí respect thc departrnetit of etatc wafi cío p.ed on thc day of his funeral, nd directions Í3sncd thal thc building be draped in mournlng for a perlod of thlrty davs. The eamc dlrectlon6 were isnued from the departmeut of iustiee, of which he wag (be cfiiciwt chlcf for ncarly fire ycars. Tho peusioii list ïvhiek is lauw in the ol the public printer will makcau aggregate oí 5,000 printed vagce. It wilt embrace tte name, postoffice address of everv pensioner in the country, togethcr wlth the ainount pald to each. It is believcd that the publlcatlon of thi8 list will do more to detect f rauds than any other bthême that c.ould bc deviscd. and will save t'ic governrneti), about $1,OPO,CÓO the lirst yearAn important decisión was rendcred byJudgc Mille in the Washington pólice court the other day, beinj; a ruling undcr the civil righta act, which places a neiv conotruction upon that lueasure. Sotne months eiuce the Rev. George II. f?mith, colored, oL Notwlch, Conn., was eiected írom a reotaurant in Vashington because of hie color, and criminal proceedings were instituted. The court holdo that au innkeepcr Í6 bound lo entertain allwho apply, and that by the act of March, 1875, discrimination on account of race or color is a mi&hmcanor. The court holde thata rcstaurant-kecjier has a right to establitih certaiu rcgulalloiin as to hours and to desígnate certain scats for hls ctuest, but further than this lic canuot act. Henee tho proprlelor of the restaurant from which Rev. Smlth was ejected was gullty oL a mÍ6demcanor, and judgment entered accordinglj. The Negro populatiou of the capital city are rmy jubilant over this decission, as it is the flrst caso brougat to enf orce a penalty undcr tho eection of tho civil service act -which malies violating the law a misdemeanor. C4 K&i ERAL ITEMB. Galveston, Toxas, ís snffering from water famine. The cost of the Florida ship canal u eetimated at f40,000,000. Canadiau lumberiucu aru rimiing to lüe 6tates in larcee numbere. Maiiy of the tck'graph strikers aro rcturnlng to work at the cmplüycr's terms. A cyclon6 in Chattanooga, Tenu., did great dainagc to proper! y !.nd faruiluR trops. Forthosix ruouths ending August 1, 100 pcr6oub were klllcl oml (01 Injured on railroads lu New Tork. The Biotherhood of telegiwphan will nol dieband, but step;; will be taken to put it in better tondition for future f mergencies. Tho Eclipse Lnbricating Reünery at Frenklln, l'a., tbe largeet establlsliment of the kiml la Ihc world, was burned few days ago. The seiiate sub-cufliiiiiUee on liibuv . md education are still in se66ion In New York, i rad taking rvldencc relaüve Iti work índ wages. Hanlau, tbc oarsinan, won tbc victoly at Watkine, . Y., and hls right tothe title of the champlon seuller ol thewarid i Tindicalcd. Topuka, Kausae, bas u lioaüiijr rtebl of $12,000, and tbc mayor liac urdercd thatuonc but absohiich' neceaaor; ezpeneeê sbali i"'contractcd. J. Gaix'acr, ;i wualthy cilizon of Boston, rcccntly deccaacd, bas willed lo Uncle Sam $031,000 In bonds aud inonoy to'io uscd tn helplng to pay tbc national debt. Vbout 2,000,000 acres of public land vere sold at auction the otber day by the register of tbc land omee in St. Cloml, Mlnn. lbo irlces reali.ed wcrc Í3.35 per acre. Six tbousand pcrauus listencd to thè baccalaurcate sermon'preiiched belorc tLe Cbnutau([ualiteuiryaud sclcutiñc clrcle at Chantan una, N. Y,. by Dr. J. H. Vincent. Bank Exaniiner Hay autborizes tbo statement that the First National bank ui Indlanapolls as íb beyund qucstlon onc oi tbc atrongesl bankö in tbc state. The mayor of New York city bas been notUlcd that if anv more tdegraph wlrcs In that city are eut, tbc Western Uuion C'ompany wilJ look to imiulclpnlitr for damaec. 4The Apaches are on thu war path igaiu. On the 13th inst. thcy made an attack n the vlllageuf Nacori, andkiUeathc guards, md at other place oommlttcd innrdor nnd Irove off lnrc herdb. President Arthur and nearly cvery member of the party have been seriously ill rrith choiera morbus, caured by the laxaÜTe propertlee of tbe alkaline wnt" ol Mw ectlOB oí the country. The Chicago Herald Las passed into the hands oí John R.JWaleh, a prominent bankber of that city. Martin J. Ruscll, tor many yeare leadlng editorial ivrlt-r lor the Times, becomcB rcsponslble editor. A site has Been sèleqtcd in „ná county, Va., vevy ncar the spot wherr Washington was born, ior the monument to bc erected to the niemory of the flrst President as per act oí Congress ordercd By reasoa of tho close surveillance ou the part of the governineul, on the. Pacific oabt, opium sruuggllng Is uot 60 frequent, and $1,000,000 iu duties have been collectcd tbi ycar in excess of any previous fear Mis. l'crkins, of Cleveland, Ü.,'called at tht business place of V. F. Hall, her son in-law, and requested the loan of his baby. Hall refused, when a f rec tight ensued, andnowbotb partios are ander nrrcsl tor MMalt and battcry. A report in cii'culalioii Ihat cholera has appeared at Akron, Ohio, is groundleee. The 6tory was starled by a correspondent, vrhoss cagerness for a tensation eiceeded hls regard for truth Nothiug hus oceurred to a fford eveu a pretest for such a rumor. Threo milis of the Acadia powder company at Waverly, lifteeu miles from Halifax, werc blown to picces the other afternoon by a terrifle exploíion. Three employés lost thcir lives, and 6sveral othere were woundcd, two of tho latter it ts thought fatally. Johuson, the Troy & Boston railroad telegraph operator whose negligence reeulted lu the late disaster on that road, by which eix men werc killed, is now imprlsoncd In Troy, N. Y., and will be tried for manslaughtrr. Batí In his case has been fLted nt $5.000. At Wiuchester, Ky., two trains collid ed, one of which containcd 400 kegs of giaul powdor, which exploded with terrifle force. The depots and the engines were entlrely de stroycd. The engineer was blown to atom, and ecveral killed and b number woundcd. It niay bc safely said that tho strikt) oí the telegrai'hers has enüed in a Dat fallurc. The exci'iitivo board ui the Brotherhood confeeses defeal, and operators are 6eeking rc-employment in largc nuinbers, all of thera being very willing to Uike the iron-clad oath of allrglancc to the company. A telograpb. linu of oight wires is alked of betwecu New York and Chicago, Wltb a ljranch to Washington. D. L. Robinsou proniiuent engiiieer and contractor, says hecan reproduce or duplícate the entire telegraph systein of thls couBtry for $50,000,000, if the rights of way were granted. Mary, the 17-year old daughter of Col. Jamee I. Churchlll, a prominent cltizen oí St. Louis, JIo., was abducted from her home b few evenings ago, whiie the family were at ehurch. l'olice have been untirine In their eflorts lo flnd the youn? ïaly or her abductori, but thls far without success. The steamer Holland from Havre to New York brought 180 Pcrehcron stalllone. This Is the largest Bhpiment of grown BtalllOBs ever lmportcd írom Europe. Not a single animal was lost on the voyage. All were shipped to ihe farm of their owner, T. Dunham, at Wayne, IU., via the New York, Central railroad. Capt. Douglaas, vrho was arrested in Boston some time ago, charged with unlawful ly bringing Chinese into this country bas been discharged, it having been proved that the Chinaman was never a subject or a resident of the Chinese empire, aud that the prohibitory lawpassedby congres apiílios only to IhoBC who are both. On the 'Jlst inst. therc rere six cases of yeUow fever at the l'ensacola navy yardê. No new cases were rcporlcd. Peneacola 6 perfeetly healtby, aud cvery precaution ia bclng taken by the surgeou In chaii{e. The corion is abeolutely perfect, beicg 17 miles long andwell proteeted by twampe and water. EverT püssible landlnt; is guaided. A lire in tliu live story sione uuumufc ;orner [La Salie and Washington strectí, Chica ;o, uccupied by the Western Union telegrapb otnpany, aesociatcd prese, banke, etc., wa laniaged by flre and -water the other day, to the amount of $100,000. The Western Union was badly cripplcd for a time, but evolved order out ot chuoe with commendable promptnese. Tho convenliou of tho amalgamated as6oclation of Irou and steel workers, in sesEion at Fhlladelphla, clccted WIHiam Welhe, of PittbburK, president, John Jarrett positlvely declining a rc-elccliou. W'. M. Martin, or Pltlsburg, was rc-dccted secrctary, and Jameo I'enny, !ilsooL l'ittsburg, was re-electcd treaaurcr. The convention has adjourned. Iu the tcslimouy taken by the United Stateo teuatoiial cornmlttee inve6tigatinR thlelcgrapli truubles, therc was included a statement that of 3,863 strikes which have occurreu in Euro(e sincc 1870, the workingmen won 73, loet 160, and couipromlscd 'Jl, leiiving 2,000 unaecoimted for; but uearly all of tue5C 2,000 were "lut causeé' in the iudgment of the. witnese. Capt. J. L. Ehodes who talked of swimining the Whirlpool raplds in Niágara river, looked et the waters and abandoned the job. An open letter was addressed to Rhodee by the C anadian áuthorities stating that any attempl by hira or others to swim the whirlpool rapids would be looked upon ai the act of an insanr person, and they will bc prevented a íar as takingthe wii'ii Erom theCanadlan shore iü concerncd. ' Frank Blood, agcd 2C, of Cobleskill, N.Y.,w)i(. was bitten in the wrist by a littlc dog be whb playing with, rceeivlng but a trilling wouud, thought hr would die f rom it and hecame so violent that thrce uien werc unable tohold hlm. Later he became unconscious and dlcd in the evening. lle dra uk water ttt (jucntly duriag the day, ehowing that it wt not a case of hydropobhia. A council of phyiicians decided tliat Blood died frora the nervoun eshaustiun caused by frlgbt. FtewM mf ried last spring. Tho firc atvineyaru tlaven, Manna n Vineyard, Man., was checkedonly by the altnoiit superhumau ciïorts oL the flremen. The vlllage ia a ead Bight, and is being Tisttcd bj thoufianda froin all parts of tho lsland aml from the malnland. The Iosb is cstimatod a(. $100,000, tafiurancc $61,200. AH the Btore in the place but onc, are burued. The wifc of James Davis, an aged citizen, died iroin ei cltement uion the tire. A relict committoc ba? been appoiuted, and an appeal made for aid. Fullyt30,000 are needed for thf lumedlate wanta ot the ouflerera. Mr. Deeblo .has received the Boyal Red Cross for her services to tho anny at the Cape and in Egypt


Ann Arbor Courier
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