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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder never vnries. A marvel of purltjvstieiiKtlianil wliolesoraeness. Moreecouiiincal (lian tbe ordtnury klntls, and caiinot ps--ld in competí tion witli the miiltltudeot ow test, abo t vveighi, alum or phosptiate nwdera. Bold only In cans Royal Baking Powdkií Co., 106 Wall St. N. Y. 0 - """" MJnfailing ForailskinV f REMEDY sdcHAS DlSEASESl 1TETTER.ITCH, SOBES. PIMPLE9. ERYSIPEIASVÍ WRING WORM y THE GREKtfCUREFOR mmmpiLES Symptomsaremoisture.etinEine:, itchinir.worBeat night ; seems as if pin-worms were crawling about the rectum ; the private parts are often aHected. Asa picasant, economical and positiva cure, Swatni's Ointmïnt is superior to any article ín the markot Sold bydruggists,oreend50 ets. in 3-ct Stampa. 3 Bozei, $1.25. Addrees, Ds. Swayne & Son, Fhila., Pa. 11--9-11S0 CONQUEROR OF ALL KIDNEY DISEASES. TUI?. TTT'C2T KIDNEY ano LIVER MEDICINE NEVEK KNOWN TO FAIL. "1 had suffered twenty years Tvith sevére disease of the kidneys ; before using Hunfs Hemedy two days 1 was relieved, and nnoiVe JOSHUA TÜTH1LL.' "My physicians thonght that I was paralyzed on one I was terribly afnicted with rfieun.atism from 1869 to 1880. f was cured byHunfs Kemedy." STEPHEN G. MASON. " My doctor prononnced my case Brighfs Disease.and told me that I could live oñly fortyejght hoon. I then took Hunfs Kemedy, and wasspeedilycured.' M. GOODSPEÈD. " Having sutfered twenty years with kidnev disease, and cmployed various physicians withL reheved, I JjfifcjjfSgjgñ and unnary organs there is nothing superior ¦ A. I). N1CKERSON. AÏbaiv H!0' E-?-' Pa5'maste'' Boston and Albany Kailroad, wntes : "I have used Hunfs Kemedy, a„d my experience with it has been such that I can olieerfully say that I am satk fled that it will do just wíat it promises to do' to"J W,a? "naWe to arise from bed from an atSÜSaiSnUS11' compIetely cured b FRANK R. DICKSON. T suir!re1„extremely with kidney disease, after usi.ig Hunt'a Kemedy two days I was enabled to resumo business." ! ' GEO. F. CLARK. One trial will convine yon. For sale by all Drufrgists. Send for Pamphlet to HUNT'S EEMEDY CO., Providence, E. I. PHces 75 cents and 81.35. A"r Sí!? or "ok-IIns Aonr at the Courier Office on short notiee. A tramp calkd bis shoes corporatlons because they had no soles.- Cincinnati Tiaveler. Thousands are being cured of Catarrh every year wlth Halls' Catarrli Cure, that the doctors liad given up and said could not be Qurcd. 75 cents a bottle. Sold by liberbach & Som. It is said Ihat good musicians execute their musio, while the bad ones minder it. Skiim v Meu. ''Wells' Health Renewer" restores liealth and vior, cures Dyspepsla Impotence, Sexaal Debillty. $1, A sea captain s a good deal of a vaeaDon't Die in tlie House. " Roagh on Rats." Cleara out rats mice ronches, bed-bug. flleg ante ,„ te c , ,1 CnttiMg a telegraph wire s f b in the „ews gently.-New Orleang Pic A Blesslag (o all Maukind. fí,ll 'mes whe" OUI' newspapers a flooded uní. patent medicine aclvertis aró n W1 y care you. if Vyo are Bilious, blood out of order, Li ver inac ;ve, WionerallydebUltated. thereis otl mg in the world that will cure vou s qmcklyas Bleotrlo Bitter Tl.Vare blessmg to all mankind, and can be ha foronly Üftyeenta a botüeöf II. j Brow lts rather fiinny, bilt most peoplo be o" Star y thC '1Ome 8treéll--Bo ty In the Diamond Dyes more color ing is glven for 10 cta. than in any 15 or 2ucent dye?, and they givv faster and more brilliant colors. Even the alphabet Is nirallzin. Onlv Piï7,"fDr'HB"son's r'elely illHl Ohamomlle Vu. 5ü cents at druggtots. Neptnno's power long ayo ranhhsd. m.TlJtM „ds.-1'lnlaclelphia Do yon wlsb i bcautifnl complexión ? Tlien use Ayer's Saisapaiilln. It cleanses and purlfles the blootl, and tliereby removes blotches and pimples f rom the skin making it smooth and clear, and giving it a bright and healthy appearance.


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