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Wells' "Rongh on Corns." Ask for Wells' "Rotijih on Corns." 15c. Quick, complexe, permanent cure. Coras, warts, bunlon. The farmer makel hay, while the son shines behind a dry goods counter. - Rochester Post-Express. F. J. Clieney & Co., proprietois Hall's Catarrh Cure, offer $1UO reward for .iny case of Oatarrli that cnu't be cured with Ilall's Cntitrrli Cure. For sale by Eberbacli & Son. Rank njnstiee - Callinffa man captain when lie is a fnll-Heded general. - New York AdverHser. "My skin which has beeen cuvered with scaly sores, han becmne clean, smooth and soft as a lady's. My hands icere cooered with lüile dry scabs. They hnve disappeared and Vm beter Ihan I have been for twentyyears, ¦using Dr. Benson's Skin Cure. A. M Noble, tjelma, N. C-, July 3, 1882. "Mercy!" exclalmed Mis. F„ as she caught sight of the caraeleopard, "just look at that beast ! Wlut a long neck !" " Yes," replied F, "the most remarkable case of soar throat I ever Saw.'1- Boston Transcript. Tlie best. medical authoiïties ackncftvledje the great value of Ayer's Oathftrtic Filis, and fïeqiiently prescribe tlieir use witli the utmost confidenue, vvell knowing tlmt tliey are the most cfl'ectual remedy ever devised for diseases cuused by derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels. Catarrh of tbc Kladder. Stlnging Irritatloii, inflamaUoD, all Kidney and Urfnury Complalnu, cuicd by " Hucliu-paiba. " $1. Noah was probably the onlj person wlio ever went to sea for fcar of hciu" drowned. Bu-.lkk, N. V., May 14, 2 ítneumattc tíyiup (Jo.: Gents- Some six years ago I was attacked witli a severe forin of rlieumatisni and clygpepsla, and tor live years have been taktug different remedies recommended tor these diseases, but found notliiu" to relieve me, and for the last tluee yêais have been unable to do a day's work w.thoutsuifering intense pain tlirough my back and shoulders, and ray stoniaeli was so mucli out of order that I oould not eat witiiout raffTlng great pain. I had no appetite and tny vietuals Uistressed me so that I rarely ever ate anything but crackers and milk. Coninienced la'dng Rlieumatic Syrup, and after taking two boules I thought my stomach lelt belter I began to liavefaith that the medicine was going to help me. I cotimied its use a few weeks and novv my appetite is good, and can eat such food as farmers require, without distresalng me in the least, and I can do as much work without pain as ever in my lile and enjoy my meals; in lact, I ani well, the Hheuinatic Syrup is the best medicine in tlie world, Enough cannot be said in its praise. Lerov IIendekson. It is said that history repeats itself. In this respect a rúan at the Celephone resembles historj'. Files aud Bugs. Flies, roachea, ants, bed-biifcs, raU,tnlee gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by " Jtougli on I{ats." 15c. A garden hose in the hands of a stnall boy is as uncertain and er.atic, as au 18year old maiüeu. Thirteen Years' J)j spepsla. " I suffered witli dyspepsia for 1 3 years " wntes John Albright, Esq , of Columbus Ulno. " Samaritan Nervine cuivd me." As it ahvays cures sucti disorders. At druggists. The blind man should be the most contented ma.n in the world, beeause he can have everj'tliing he sees. "Mother Swan's Worm Sj rup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic tor feverishness, restlessness, worms, constipation. 25c. " Yonr mother coming ! " exelaimed hmithers ; wby, they sny that the okl Harry couldn't live with her" " Uut " replied Mpb. S., in her most taiintin'g maoner, "you wlll try to, f(,r sake won'tyou, Chailey?" " ' Cares of Life. As we come to them tliey are received borne with, and passed over with no more than a thought, if we are in the enjovment of health, bilt f sullering with Piles or skin disease of any kind they magnify a hundred iold. Eherbach & Son thcDruo-gists has Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedv whlch is an absolute cure foranvaffectioii ot this kind and is sold at 50 cents. An exchange says that " Earl Dufferin bas been presented with the insignia of the Order of Bath," whlch is a.verv „ea wayofstat.ngthathis lordship has been presented with a bar of soap. "Rough ou Rats." Clears out rats, mice, ronches, filos, ante, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmuuks gophcrs. 15c. Druggists. ' The old gentleman wlio got tl ipped nn whtlettyln to cross the ball-room remarked as he slowly crawled toa p - lar, it was ahvays very pFZyoung pbeOpíe:lONVn '" the "W Itching Plles-Sjmptoms aud Cure. Thesymptoms are moisture like persP.raüon, luteilse Helling increased bv scratching, veiy distressi. g, particularly at nteht, seems as if pin vorm we cawl.ngi,, and about the the private paris are sometimes affected ïf io iow % ,COnt"Ve erious resulfe may tollos . "Swayne's Ointment" is a picasant, sure cure. Also for tetter itclf salt rkenin, scald head, erysipelas" b 'bers' Hch, blotches, all scaly c rusty sk disforeSil l?Vy '"ail for 50 ceñís 3 boxes toi fi.2.1, (in stampsl. Address T)r flwsr So.rd G. F. NEWLAND 144 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Musical Merchandise of all kinds cre,ieral agent for the celebrateil FIAÏTOS DECKER &SON, HARDMAN, DUNHAM, AND MARSHALL & WENBALL, ALSO THE TOrULAR ORGAKS WILCOX & WHITE, - AND - ' TAYLOR & FARLEY. AGETS WA1VTEO. I" Send for Catalogue and Prices. 144 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT.


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