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THE DANGER OF THÉ HOI K. Bapidly Increasing Fatality of Dlseae In tlils Country- Timely Huggeatlon of Mo Intportance and Interest. From the Columbus Daily Dispatch. 80 omlnous, so alarming are the rcsults of disease becoming that we are being constantly told by medical men, by the press and by the pulpit to be on our guard. To cease our indift'erence and negligence and give some thought as to how we can best protect ourselves from sickness. The advancement of thought on this great problem is doing much to quicken an interest n the people, and rapidly educating them that to prevent sickness is of far greater importance that: to cure. That prevention is the wisest, surest and most econoinical plan, while curing disease is often attended witli doubt, i.nxiety, and sometimes great expense. These facts become more appaient and import int to us when our attention is called, as it now is daily to a sudden death by heart disease, to the frequent deaths by Bright's disease of the kidneys; and when we think of the countless thousands aftlicted with some form of Kidney, Liver or Stomach disorder through the most frequent cornplaintsyet the cliief source of many a fatal sickness A sad but notable instance of this fact has recently oecurred in the deatti of Mie late lamented prima donna, Mlle Litta, it being now known that she was afflicted with a Kidney and Stomacli trouble, which was, if not the direct, the remóte cause of her death. These disorders are the cause of mental anxiety, general debility, loss of sleep, and we inight say of all ill health. How necessary is it Uien that if there be a possible way of escape from all this sufforing we should at once know it. If we have the slightest sympioms of how important to know what to do. We believe the time has come when it can be said with confidence that there is now no may be but positiveassurance that sickness and diseiise has found i ts greatest antagonist. If true, how important yet certain it is that this belief is becoming prevalent and that Üie Germán pharmaceutical reniedy, Alaxine, is the greatest frevenlive and surest restorer of lost health now known. Incredible as tuis statement may secm it is now publicly made, not on what is anUcipated of Alaxine, but on what it has doi.e in so many wondcrful instances as to warrant such encouraging claims. We have just ascertained interesting facts of a remarkable recovery of health that has recently occurred at Bellefontaine, O., by its use after all other means of treatment had utterly tailed. Colonel F. S. Case, a prominent druggist of the above town, knowing of the ill health of one of the most reputable citizens of his placo, J. D. McCracken, Esq., advised him to give Alaxine a thorough trial. Mr. McCracken has been a great sufferer with a stomach and kidney disorder for lifteen years, and during this time had tried remetly alter remedy, but with no lasting benefit. At times, said h e, I would have to give up work altogether, could get but little sleep, wasmelancholy, aptjetite poor, and had severe attacks of sickheadache, frequently had nuinbness and chilly se:i9ations, in fact feit tired and worn out, ilthough I whs around a great deal of the time, and it was little known that I suffered so much except by my most intímate friends. But since using Alaxine 1 feel like a different man. Before I had taken half of the contents of a bottle of it I began to feel its marvelous strengthening power. lts efiect on my stomach was surprising as I can now digest the heartiest food without suffering, whereas before I was in constant distress even after eating a light meal. My kidneys scem to be sound and healthy, as I have experienced no trouble since the use of this remedy. Better than all else, I am entirely free from nervousness and those strange, dizzy attacks of the head which one cannot deny are alarming. For these complaints Alaxine is well worth trying. But, said hc, what Alaxine did for me does not compare with what it has done for my daughter who is now fourteen years of age. Ever since she was seven years oíd she has heen a great sufferer with a liver and stomach trouble, never hadagood appetite, was dizzy and nervous, terrible attacks of sick headache, weak and emaciated, and it was with great diffifiilty she could keep up with her studies in school. The slightest exertion caused shortness of breath. In fact she was fust becoming a confirmed invalid, and alarmed as we were we could not tind a physician or a remedy that could benefit or cure her. As soon as I found how fast I was being helped by Alaxine we commenced giving It to her, and we have the great satisfaction of knowing that she is fast being cured. She never has had as good health as now. It is from innumerable statements of this character that is causing AJaxine to De considered one of the great and important beuefits to mankind. Ifgood health eau be generally insured by its use, it is subordínate to no discovery or invention of modern times. MiLKiNfi Made Easy.- Cali at J. E. Harkins, No. 32 East Hurón, and see his patent milk pail, straiuer and stool com. bined. 1156-59 pROPOSALS FOK SCHOOL BONDS. Sealed proposals. In sumsof not lessthan flve nundred dollars, wlll be reeeived by the undersigned until 6 o'clock in theafternoon of Mouday the 27th of August, 1883, for tbe purchase of 7,000 (seven thousand) dollars of 5 per cent. (flve per cent.) School Bonos of School District No. 1, City of Ann Arbor, Mich., as authorlzed by the annual school meeting he'd Monday the 5th of September, 1881, in denomlnatlon of 100 and 500 dollars eacn, hearing date of September 1, 1883, and payable as follows: 2,000 (two thousand dollars) February 1, 1889. 2,000 " " " " 1, 1890. 2,000 " " " " 1,1891. 1,000 (one thousand dollars) February 1, 1892. Interest payable annually on the Ist of February ,and both interes1and principal payable at the office of the Treasurer of said district. The right to reject any anti all bids is reserved. By order of theboird of education. L. GRUNEK, Treasurer, No. 8 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Ann Arbor, August 16, 1883. Swayne's Pilis- Comforting to the Sick. Thousands die from negleet to properly treat i m pure blood, constipation, dyspepsia, malaria, apoplexj-, liver, kidney, heart discases, dropsy, and rheumatism. But to the debilitated burdened with such serlous sickness, we conscientiously recommend "Swayne's Pilis,'1 which contftln medicinal properties possessed by no other remedy. Sent by mail for 25 cents, box of 30 pills; 5 boxes, $1, (in stamps). Address Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelpliia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. In elegant Oei man Pharninceutleal prepr tion of Positiva nicrlt. wlilch nlU be fosnil ii ii BcrcplnUInrf nicdy totü moKt fütiilioua l'.iliünt. VO TAUAN'.S AUXINK Is composel of Costly Ilüjls ïlL-ibi n.iU Flnnl 1'rencU Brandy, and Is' the must Impoitant and afeBt remudy ever li.iruduccf liuo tnl country, for the treatnvnt ol uil couiplalnt caused br Uttr, Xulney, Moed ar tjtomacb Troubltt as Indlgwtion, Bllliipu.incM, Kidney Complalnt, Dlabtl, lli-nrt Atr,.clloui, Menlal Exhausllon. D'billly, tc. Ko one euflerlng wllb Slck Headiicho slmuld lall usInK it. Al a Laxativo or Cmhartlo, IC Is absotutely perfect lis use Is especl lly sdvised to Ladles. We make l Ii Is strong assertlon. Alaxine has no eaual lor compii-iuLauit-nilunod. It should bo uacd by ev. ry ona. In faspoonral d' se, as ¦ preventive of sirkiie-i, liy lis power I aldlng digestión and kxpillg tlio b'iwela repilar. Try ltonce. tben sio il y uu wo ui iver bc without. All DrugKlsls heil It 1' J, 1.00 per bottla. W008TER. A0AM8 fi CO., .luncton, 0., U. 8. ii 1137-1188 e o w o n


Ann Arbor Courier
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