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AYER'S Sarsaparilla nra Rheumatlsm, Neuralgia, Rhcumatic Ooua, General Debility, Catarrh, and all dfcwrder Aased by a Uiin and impoverished, or oorrnpted, conditlon of tho blood; expellmg the Maed-pofeons from tho systcm, enriching and rmavtng the blood, and restoring its vitaiizing pwe. Dtwötg a long period of unparalleled usefulutw, Aybr's Sarsaparilla has proven its perfect adaptation to the cure of all diseascs origioating in poor blood and a weakened vitality. lt is a kiglily concéntrate! extract of Sarsaparllla and other blood-purJfying umi-, 10 ml, in. il with Iodlde of PotaSRium and Iron, and is the safeat, most reliable, and most economical blood-puritier aud blood-iood that can be used. Inflammatory Rhrumatisin Onrad. "AYER'S SAHSAI'AKII.I.A lias ouroil me Of tho Inflammatory Hheumatism, with whicli 1 have suifered for many years. W. II. MuoRli." I imiiaiu, Ia., ilarch 2, 1882. "üight years ago I had an attack of RhcuniatUm so severo that 1 eould DOt move from tho bed, or dress, without help. i tried several remedies without much if any relief, until 1 took AYER'S SaksaI'Ahii.i.a, by the use of two bottlcs of which I was completely eured. I have not been troubled with the liheuinaüsm siuce. Have sold large quantities of jour Saksai'Akii.i.a, and it rtill retains itswonderful popnlarltT. The many notable cures it bas eöccted in this vicinity conTince me that it is the best blood medicine ever offored totlie public. E. F. II " Kiver St., Buckland, Jlass., May la, Iük.'. " Last March T was so weak from penoral deblllty that I could not walk without help. Volowing the advice of a friend, I commenced taking Ayeu's Saksaparilla, aud before 1 had used threebottles I feit os veil as I evcrdidinmylife. I have been at work now for two months and thlnk your Sarsataiulla the (reatad blood medicine in the world. Jamks Maynakd." 620 West 42d St., New York, July 19, 1882. Ayer'8 Sarsaparii.i.a cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaintft, Krysipelas, Eczema, Kingrworin, Itliiti hes, Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Knipt ion of thf Skin. Itclears the bMod of all impurities, aids digestiou, stinmt lates the action of the bowolB, and thus restores vitality aud strengthens the whole system. PBEPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price $1, ix bottles f6. MAaNETIC]pDICINI[. ÍEJBRAIN &NERVE FOODJS A cure Gnarantecd in all Casea For oíd and Voiing, ITIale and Femalc MA3HZTI if s:i:r.7S ; a Srala i:i Ktrve Foei : ! ïïaiiiliig ui Fosítive Curo. Tonen up the debilitated System, arrests all involuntary dlecharffes.removes meDtal gloom and despoudency. and restores wonderful power to the weakened organs y With each order for twelve paokages, accompanied with Sve dollars, we will send our Guarantee to retund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure, [t is the Cneapest and Best Medicine In tbe market. i Fnll particulars In Pamphlet, which wc mail frec to any address. Sold by all Druggiöts,one package50 cent; 91i for f 2.50, or sent by mail on rrceipt of prlce. by addressing the HAGNETIC UEIIcnTE CO., Detroit. Mich. Gnarantees issued in Ann Arbor bj C. E. HOLMES, Cook Hotel Block. 1135-85


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