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SCALES AND SAFES. MANUFACTURBRS of Pl„tform. Hay. Whont u v?.ni? c"ter Scales. NEW AND 8B00ND¦ iïPi r?ale" an(iSafe8 forsale nnd replre3 J12S 1179 M. N. KOWLKY,, Micn. BELL-H tNGING & LO KSMITHING. BUKGLAR ALARMS and KLEUTKIC BLI-S KKY PITI1NG, 8AFB KKPIKING. KTc' GKNEUAL REPAIREKS AND J. iBBKIIK ÜÜM17Í Nl R0WLEY' Detr0it' 1-ich ápféy ftíiflcan :' IS i IJIJir.-,lTir.o:,: . SI TUHiSOH'S Ï.ÏAPS & CHAH TS I y For 38 page catalogas, free, S 1 ¦ address, M. C. PIJIÏISWX, J g k Cincinnati, O., N. Y. City, 1 ¦ fcï JnckaonvlUe, UI., Ornaha, Keo. ? T;17Iga3-JJJJl!-._.¦aJJalIIia.;'L - _ H.jO-G-2 iliip An internal Remedy and a SU2E CUS3 for all kinds of RHEUMATIC C0MPLA1NTS! [rheumatbneJ If you are suffering from KÍDNEV C0HPLAINT8! Glve Rheumatixe a fair trial. You will never regret havlng doiie so. From Mr. H. MAXWELL, who has lived n Oshawa lor the past forty years,and is a weíl-known Insurance Agent In that town. Oshawa Ontario Feb. H, 18&3 Mr. J N. Suthekland. St. Catharines : De Sir - I have taken loui bottles of your Kheumütlne. and it aft'ords nie mnch pleasure to testifv tliat 1 have rpceived greatbeiiefit from its use. I have been afilicted with Khcumatism for about ycar,- lor the past two years the pain has been so gnui as to be almost I have uscd many external rc-intdies, but obtained ro rtlit-f until I purcliased your Rheumatine from Messra Hiinbotham & Son, druggists here. Kheumaiinc Kas been the cause of my present comfort anl case. Yours tru y, H. MAXWKT.L. See our Change of Testimoniáis eveiy week in Daily Papers. HOL BV' ALL 1KI -;iSTS Wholesale Agents for Detroit and Michlgau, MESSRS. SWIFT & DODDS. 1148-1198


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