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About $26,000,000 were paid out for rb ons In August. Tho report that tho plan of cstablishing a Garfield memorial hospital in Washington had been abandone', ia.without foundation. i'Issue of standard silver dollars from tniuts for the weck ending August 25, $442,999; the corresponding perlod last year, 1123,500. The first appointment iu the 'treasury epartment under the new civil service rules was given to Miss Mary F. Hoyt, a Connectieut lady. Plans are being prepared for a protosed new silver vault under the treasury deartment. The vault will be large enough to old 23,000,000, silver dollars. Commissioner Marbles of the patent fflee denies the rumor that he is about to regn, beeause of differences bctween himself nd the seeretary of the interior. Crook has made another report to the war department in whieh he says that hls cap ves surrendered with the understanding that ïey should go unpunished. He thinks the _ ... , - - ¦ ondoned. The supervising inspector general of team vessels bas submitted lus annual report. ror the fis:al year ending June 30, 18-S4. the toal number of accidents to vessels rtsulting in O3s of iife was 34, and the total number of lives oet was 284. A uumberof revenue officersin South arolina hav c been systematically swindüng ie government. The officers in question bribe lereoBS to put up old distilleries, and then the fficers capture them and collect the $50 reward ffered by ths government. General Skennan reoonimeuds that ie2lst infanlry now on the Pacific coist wlth eaaquarters at Fort Tancouver, Washington .erritory, change stations with the 19th inantry now on the Iake3 with headqu artera at letroit. lfepproved bj the secretary of war ie change will be made this fall. Railway postofflue service oa the Northern Paoific railroad has Deen ordered beween the Missouri river and [elrna, Montana, to takc effect on the i of (September. This will makc a cennuous railroad postoffiee service via t he Northrn Paciflc rnilwav frotn 81. Paul to Portland, distance of 1,9 20 miles. It is understood that the report of the Government ehemi&t, to whom Commissioner Evans 6ent a bottle of Hostettcr's Bitters for a In-mica! analysis, in order to ascertain whethr It is a medicine or a bovernge, conflrms the uspiclon aroused iu the mlnd aud stomach of Vr. Kvans, after driuking a glass of the eomound, that it is a diegulsed tipple. The quesion is regarded sa of uo much importance, owever, that the Commissioner will withhoid is decisión imtil heshall have an opportunity to submit It to Secretarv Folaer for his approval. The oommissioner of internat rcvenuc ïas had an analysis made of Hoetetter's bitters with a view of deeidiug whcther dealers n the article shall be requireil to take out a special license. The aualysts shows that the bittere contain 83 per cent of absolute alcohol, 64 per cent of water, and 4 per cent of cssenial oils and flavoring extracte. Upon these figures it Ie caleulated that the bitters contain 82 per cent of whisky, such as is ordinarily ¦sold. The commissioner is havlng the decisión irinted, and copies of it will he sent generally thronghout the country. He decides thatsinee the lst of July, where dealers pervert tbe use of this medicine and sell it as a beverage, they will be required to pay a ipecial tax as liquor lealers, but those wtm sell it in good faith as medicine will not be requirel to pay the 6pecal tax. Mr. lienjajiin. Unitod States Minister at Teheran makee to the State Departmet some observations touchingtbe directione for sending paekages to Persia. In no case should oods be sent through any part of Rustía, sincc t.he castoms regula..ions are onerous and severe and eertain articles are not admitted even in transitu. The best route at present for goode from the United States is by way of London and Bushire. From Constantluople articles intended for Persia should be dispatched by way of Trebiaonde and Tabreez 60 long as the present regulations continue in force in Rusnia. Letters from this country to Per6ia should be distinctly marked via Liverpool, Germany, Rusia and Tabreez, to prevent their being sent to Bushire and thus be twiee the time on the way. The lowest average time between Washington and Teheran is forty days íd summer and aearly sixty in winter. It is desirable also io register or send duplícate letters to guard against their possible loss in the mails. GENERAL ÍTEMS, Forest fires are deing mucb daniago In Wisconsln. Lord Chief Justico Coleridge, the eminent English jurist, has arrived in America. Racine, Wis., is losing ground rapid'y, owing to the encoachments of Lake Michigan. Dr. Guttman, of the Florida board of healtb, does not belicve there will bc a yellow fcver epidemie. All nccounts agreo that the cyclone whleh passed over Roehestcr, Mlnn., was the most terrible tbat ever vleited that State. A company has been formod in Alban}-, N. r., wlth a capital of $1,000,000, for the construetion oí telegraph imd telephone linea under ground. In the trial of Frank James for robbery and murdcr, now in progresa at Gallatin, Mo., it is intimated that the defense will eadeavor to establish an alibi. The 200 girls oi Toledo who struck for an advance of wages, were more Buccessful than the Brotherhood, for the girlg galned the day, and were only out 34 bours. Jay Gould donie3 tho statement tha he had anything to with the appointment o Stanley Matthews to the Supreme eourt beueh, Dorsey to the eontrary notwithstanding. L'Judge Noona.n of the court of criminal cwrection of St. Louis, Mo., has dcided that the Sunday law does not prohibit the sale of iefreshmcnts and beverazes, other thanjdistilled liquor. Four bathera in the surf at Welis' Beach, Msine, were drawn nnder by the nndertow, and all drowned. The drowning was wltnessed by raany people w thin a few roda oí them, who were ponrerless to render asslstance. Hee Sing, a Chinaman, applied for natut alization papers in New York. As he had taken out hls first papers in 1880 he did not come under the operation of the act of oongress of 18S2, and hls applieatlon was grinted. The house-to-house inspection ordered by the surgeon-general at Pensacola, Fla., resulted in the discovery of several isolatid cases of yellow fever. The patients were at once removed to the quarantine hospital on Santa Rosaisland. The steamer Maid of the Mist, which has been bv ilding for some time at Niágara falla at the old Maid of the Mist landing, is nearly completed, aud will be sent through the whtrlpool rapids Thursday, September Ö, as an ex. perlment. Through the carelessness of a switchman, an express train on the New York, Pennsylvania and Übio railroad rur. through the switch at asmall station near Salamansa. Every car wa tiadlv wreektd, but fortunately, and miraeulously,ro uvrt irñ The senate sub-oommittee on educaton and labor are still in session in New York. Representa! ives of several workingmen's societies wcre present and gave testimony, the burden of which was an appeal for higher wages and the eniorcement of an eight-hour law. The Knights Templar eommanderies of San Francisco paid out $150,000 for the entertainment of other eommanderies during the conclave. The competitive drill between the eommanderies was a brilliant Bpectacle, and ru sulted in the victory of De Moiai commandery of Louisville, Ky. The inauuration of tho foundation of a Garfleld monument under the auspices of the grand masoulc lodge of California, assisted by the grand eueampment of knights templar of the United States, took place the other day, at Ooiden Gate park, San Francisco. Over 100,000 persons witnessed the ceremonies. The five Chinamon who were sent to prison in New Jersey, wheretheir queues were eut off, will bring suit agiinst that state for damages. They claim that Wieir queues are necessary to their relieioue ceremonies, and that our constitution allows all nation6 to worehip ia their own way, without interfercnee. Through tho carelessness of a conductor who omitted to read orders, a collision occurred on the Pittsburg, C'lneinnati t 8t. Louis road near Mingo junctlon inOhio. Two locomotivee, one mail, one express and four freight cars were demolished and six employee were injured more or less scverely; but no harm carne to the passenger. . The American llapid telegraph company has notiöed their employés that all advantages accorded them during the strike have been revoked, and tuat hereafter tliey wlll reocive the eamc pay as bofore the strike, and alto be CDinptHed to labor the eame nuniber of ïours. Thie is the compauy that acceded to the demanda of operatiors a few davs after tho strike and received for 'hlsaction great praise. A sensational story comes froin Hailey [daho,that a party of Texas eow-boys havo organlzed for the purpose of kidnapping President Arthur and the entire party and make irisoners of them, only to be rcleased upon iayment of a heavy ransom. Thero are 65 nen in the gang, aDd they left Hailey several days ago for Yellowstone Park, heavily armcd. The leader of the gand is a Texas desperado, upon whose bead a heavy price hae been set. A most shocking caso of cruelty has been brought to light in Milwaukee. A boy of 15 and a girl of 7 have been begging for months ;o support a drunken father. The boy has been beaten and starved untll he ia an lnbecile, not even knowing bis own name. When the e.Mldren were found they were lying in a ebed on a pile of straw, fairly alivc with vermln. The children have bten cared for by the board of eharities and the iather sent to the house of eorrectlon. Lafayette, Imi., is greatly excited over an attempt at poisonlng in that city. The other day a lady, closely velled, employed a boy to deliver some fruit to eeveral parties in the city. The frnit waa delivcred all riirht One of the reclpients tasted the fruit, which was found to be execeded by bitter. Sutp!dons were aronsed and the fruit Bent to a prominent chemist, who found strychine in quantitics sufficfent to kill 40 persons. The poison had been inserted in perforatloas made the in skin wlth a fine ncedlc The secretary of the treasury invites eacb state to send twn delcgates to the Meiican capital October lst, to dlscuse the manner of abolishing internal custom houses, in conformity to the oonstitutional amendment, and to propose another and more eqtu table tax to replace the loss suffered by the states in conseqnence thereof . The secretary says the extensión of ratlroads has made Internal cU6tom house8 impracticable. The convention will also dtscuss the best means to enforce the article of the constitution which prohlbits stat from Imposing exprtatlon duttM In the snit of the Sultan of Turkey against tbe ProTidence Tool Company to recover posse6éion of rifles manufactured for the Turkish Government and paid for, bat never dellvered, Judge Blateliford handed down a decisión adveree to tUc Sultnn nnd dlssolvlDg the ln.junctlon granted November '. The decisión is baaed wholly on tecbntcal, not equitable grounds, arising out of the nature of th remedy to bcemplored. The contract involves over half a mllllon dollar?, and there 1 110 question of the right of the Turkih Bovern ment to sonie remedy. OÏHKR JL.AJST1W. O'Donnell snys lie shot Carey in solfdcfcucc. Tbe great strike of waar era in England has ended. Members of the Austriau polar expeditlon have rcached Vienna. There is a fair prospect of a ruptura betwGcu Gcrmany and Francc. Christians are murdered on sight by the blood thirsty Arnauts In Albana. Jewish difficnlties in Ky.ssia are mor1 of an cconomical than a religious nature. The islands of the Malaysia group are being hadlr torn up by TOlcanoes. The release of Shaw, the English minsionary, practically settles the Tamatave illfflculty. Thirteen culprits connectod with the Alexanária have Jast recelved the death sentence. The Turkish governor and hit counclllors who were taken bv bandittl, have been releaeed. Shaw, the English missionary, arrestel by the French in Madagascar, has been released. The more hopeful and sensible say that DeChambord's deth wlll not seriously affect French politics. Sif Stafford Northnotc has announced hls intention of resigning the leadership of the conservativeó in parliament. Twenty three workinen were killed by the f alling of a scaffold at the KUig of Bavaria's new palace at Lake Churin. Cetewayo is gathering around him a Theold chicf is np t.o some mischief. A dispatch frotu Hong Kong, says the French have taken Haiduong, Tonquin, 150 cannon, and about $50,000 in Annamite cash. Hue has been captured by the Freneh after eharp fighting. The loes of the French is very elight, whlle the Anamltcs have 700 killed aid wounded. One of Parnell's most earnest supporters bas just been electcd to parliament, to flll the eeat occupied by the late Dennls Maurice O'Connor. The Irish registrationbill was defeated in tbe house of comraons, greatly to the regret of Gladstone, who will introduce another measure on the subject next sesaion. Count de Chambord, the last of the Bourbons of France Is dead Wlth hl death the Republlcau papers of France unanimiously pronounce the French Monarchy dcad. A collision occurred in the English chan between the French steamer St Germán andtLc steamer Woodburn. The Woodbnrn immediately Funk and 18 of lipr crew were drowncd. Mount V'esuvius is in a state of romarkable activity. Continuous tremblinc of the soil has reuulted in considerable iu.jury to buildings andto the nülvray running up the mountain. Placards appeared in rarious quartfrs of Varis Uie other day inTltlng citizens to rally to the support of the monarchy under Louis Phlllippe II. The placards werpjdstroyed hy the pólice. Recent riotous attacks on Jews in several Kussian towns ehoiv the following resulte ; Ncarly 400 Jc b' houses wrecked or burned aud plundercd, property to the value of $11,000 roublee destroycd and a score or more of riotors killed by troops. Tho Emporor of Annam has mado a special request that himself and hts capital be taken under the protection of the French. In fact he is the most snbmlsslve monarch to be found. By the terms of an exiating treaty Annam must pay all the expenses of the war. The queen's speech in prorogiiing parliament glves no hint of anvthing in the present condittoB of Europeau politics to cause any anxiety to her majesty's subjects. Sho eipreeses gratiflcatlon over the exlstenec of harmony amoug the powers. Egjptiam matter are progreselng favorably, and as to the Madagascar incident it will bc settled Batisfactorily to the rights of British eubjects, which will be protected. The queen hopes to 6ee South África matíers soon composed. In domestic affaire agriculture is improved, the harvestprotnises abundance, and commerce is soucd and prosperoui. In Irelaad r steady improvement is (joiiig on. The Irish tramways bill which Iiab just passed the house of lords Is a measure of considerable importance as affecting the material development of Ireland. It contains provlsions for devoting L100,000 toward the aid of emlgration. Mr. Parnell as not cntlrely satlsfied wlth the clause. Whlle acknowlcdging the benevolent motives of Mr. Tukc and bis frlends, he promised that he would prove that the people removed had been partly shopkeepers and partly laborers, and not farmers at all ; that coBsoIldation had not taken place and that the emigrants had fared very ill. Another portion of the bill provides for migration withln the bordere of Ireland by e6tablishing conditions for advance to companics for purchose of laails on condition of resale. The portion affatting the construction of steam tramways, with a guarantee of one-half on the local ratee and the other half from the Imperial funds, not eiceedlng the modest figure of two per cent interest, was f ayorably received, thoueh the Irish membirs doubtea whether tse grand juries are to be trusted with the initiatlon and prosecution of tramwaye. Prices might be conjidered "fancy" when two-yearold heifers bring from S500 to f640 apiece, and a ten-dyi'old calf $200. Yet such A'fts the fact t


Ann Arbor Courier
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