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A (jood Recommcud. Hear what Prof. Putnam of the State ííormal Scliool has to say about Appleon's great Ü3'clopedia. Statk Noumai. School, I ' Ypsilanti, Aug. 14, 1883. f I have had in my library for several rears Appleton's American Cyclopedia. í'or Americana and American studente it ?, in my judgment, better than any other -ork of the kind. It ia, in a very wide use of the term, a íoinplete library in itself, and supplies a nost convenient and complete introducion to the whole field of Geography, His;ory, Biography, Literature, Science and iVrt. For the purpose of reference it is of more value than hundreds of volumes of individual books. Every family, and every student and 'eader ought to have this work. Daniel Putnam. GRAND OMi HOUSE! FRIDAY EVENINC, SEPTEMBER 7, '83. THE v sn io v iti.i: i. int. Inauguratlon of the season of 188.V84, wlth the EMINENT COMEDIAN, Jdm T. Raimnfl Under the management of Brooks and Dixon. First appeurauce of Mr. Raymoud In Ann Arbor in two years. and flrst production of iiir original and successful coniedy by Messrs. Jessop and Oill, caüed IN PARADISE! Thls is POSITIVELY Mr. Raymond's only appearance in Ann Arbor this season. Pricesof admisslon: Reservod seats $1.00, general admlssion Í1.C0, 75c indSOc. Seata on sale at Bllss &, Son's, Saturdny, Sept. lst. Terry says, do you want a "Dude"? Culi and see the latest Hat, 15 South Main Street. Mii.kino Made Easy. - Cali at J. E. Harkins, No. 32 East Huron, and see his patent milk pail, strainer and stool combined. 1150-59 MAXAGER FOR II.IIÍÍIIU1 Is a short time quartered at the St. James Hotel, this city. He bas In charge APPLETON'S CrCLOPEDIA for this and adjoiniiig counties. It is a work, by the confession of almost every scholar in the land, unparallelled for excellence. In it you have the thought of tive hundred of the best scholars in the land, boiled down and crystalized ready for use. The work is sold ONLY BY SUBSCUIPTION- never in the book stores. The most favorable time to get it is now. THE TERMS ARE SO EASY that you will hardly be conscious that you have parted with any money- the payments are so small, tlie intervals so long. YOU HAVE THE ENTIRE WORK- 24 VOLUMES - WITHIN FIVE DAYS AFTER GIVING THE ORDER, AND TWO LONG YEARS TO MAKE THE PAYMENTS. D EPORT OF THE CO2ÏDIT ION B -OF THE- t mm s ueghaiigs' mi AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Vt the close of Business July 2, 1883. ifade in accordance wlth the General Bankug Lav of Michigan. KESOURCES. üoans and Diseounts 8 72,581 56 Jverdrafts 70 47 Dae from Banks and Bankers 28,680 BS RevenueStamps lfl 00 B'urniture and Filtures 3,273 16 Expenses _.. 1.050 22 [ionds, U.S. 4 per cents 1,400 00 Premiums Pafd 267 25 Qasb on hand 9,860 86 $117,203 20 LIABILITlES. Capital Stock 8 50,000 00 Due Deposltors 5 154 82 Discount, Interest and Exchange 2,048 38 $117,203 20 I do solemnly swoar that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. _ ., Wiixiam A.Tolchard, Cashler. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Third day of July, 1883. Wm. W. Whedon, Notary Public. Daugliters, TVives, and Mothers. Ve emphatically guaranteeDr. Marchisi's Catbolicon a Female Remedy, to cure Female I)iseases,such as Ovarían troubles, Inflammation and ulceration, Falling and Disptacements or bearing down feeling, Irregularities, Barrenness, Changeof Life, Leucorihoea, besides many weakncsses springing frora the above, like Headache, Bloating, Spinal weakness, Sleeplessness, Nervous debilit.y, Palpitation of the heart, etc. No cure, No Pay. For sale by druggists. Prices $1.00 and $1,50 per Bottle. Send to Dr. J. B. Marcliisi, Utica, N. Y., for pamplilet, f ree. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Druggists Swayne's Pilis- Comforting to the Sick. Thousandsdie from neglect to properly treat impure blood, constipation, dyspepsia, malaria, apoplexy, liver, kidney, heart diseases, dropsy, and rheumatism. But to the debilitated burdcned with such serious sickncss, we conscientioiisly recommend "Swayne's Pilis," which coi-tain medicinal properties possessed by no other remedy. Sent by mail for 25 cents, box of 30 pllls; 5 boxes. $1, (in stamps). Address Dr. Swayne&Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. Yital Questionsü Aak the most eminent physician Of any school, what is the best thing in the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves, and curing all forms ot nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing sleep always ? And they will teil you unhesitatingly " Some form of Hops !" CHAPTER I. Ask any or all of the most eminent pbyslcians : " What is the best and only remedy that can be relied on to cure all diseases of the kidneys and .unnary organs; uun = Biïeht's disease, diabetes, retention orinabilitv to retaiii urine, and all the dlseases and ailments peculiar to Women"- "And they will teil you explicitly and emphatically, 'Buchu.'" Ask the same physicians " What is the most reliable and surest cure for all liver diseases or dyspepsia.constiDation, ndi;estion biliousness, malarial fever, ague, etc ," and they will teil you : Mandrake ! or Dandelion ! Ilence, wlien these remedies are combined with others equally valuable A compounded into Hop Bitters' such a wonderf ui and mysterious curative power is developed which is so varied in itsoperations that no disease or ïll health can dossibly exist or resist its power, and yet ''llarmless for the most frail woman, we'ikest invalid orsmallestchild to use. CHATTEK II, " Patlent8 "Almost dead or nearly dylng" For vears, and giren up by physician of Bri-ht's and other kidney diseases, lire complaints, severe coughs called consump tion, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy I Fromngony of neuralgia, nervousnes. wakefulneas and various cliseuses peculia 'Veo'puTdrawn out of shape from excru riitin" nangs of Rheumatism, Innammatory and chronic, orsufferhijr from scrofula! Ervsipelas I , , Sait rheum, bjood poisonlng, dvspepsia ind gestión, and in fact almost .all diseas es frail nature is heir to, have been cured byHop Bitters, proof of which can b found in every neighborhood in th 1 known world.


Ann Arbor Courier
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