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BUSINESS CARDS. WILLIAM BIGGS, BÜILDER. CORNER C1IURC1I AND ORLEANS ST. A on Arbor. W. H. JACKSOX, DENTIST, OFFICE: Over Bach & Abel's Kniraufo ty l'im National ;-.ank. 733tf WILLIAM HER2 Boom. ttaiu " nmment and FRESCO PAINTEK. :O: PaperlDfr, GlnEing UMd uk. muí ii.:c:iutiii -v jmi-i trock of every descrtptútn done in tn bst ty. and warrantrd v tr;ve satis fa et on. SHOP, N 0.4 WEST WASHlMiTö. ST. Acd ArD-r. .¦ ¦ íim lam . 3S;r O. SCHAEBEKLE, Bealdence, S7 South Main Street. TEACHER OF' Pia&c, Viclia aad Thecry ef Music. Instructions given on plan of the Royal Conservatory of Music at Leips'.c, Saxony. FliED BAMFOKD & CO. FRESCO ARTISTS. Dealers in Fine 'Wall Paper?, Leather Papers, LINCRUSTA, Paper Ceiling, Decorations, Store Shades, Decorativo Picture Moulding3 nd Centres. Estimates given and designs submitted for Frescoing and Paper Decorations. 255 Jefferson Ave, DETROIT, Mich. WIAAaM a.MCI10 ,.:,"". tl as Kemored o Ií :¦ NEW DENTAL ROOMS Orer Jo T. Jacobs' Rtori5Jtf jllkinïsY1lanks PJMM'ED ON SHOkT X0T1CE Al' TUE COUKIKR JOB ROOMS. BMk-blnlln[ quickly done and niiproicmm, Invitaffons, :! :atU lasicfiilly l ïllK'll. L. SUTER, BOILER MAKER, Ha opened a sliop lor Building and Repairing Boilers 3f every description, Stationary, Portable, rhreshini; Machine Boilers, and cvery variety if tturk known to the tradc. Estimates furnished for Boilers on hort uotice. Shop Cor. Wain and Catharine Sts., Op-xisite Couricr Oflce. J. berrtT Tlie Practical TAILOR & CUTTER, Bi the lato Brm of WI.S'NANS BEHRY, haB lo cated his plioe of business at iïo. 7 11 ü RON ST11EET, WIth a full line of SülTüfeS AM) TROUSERINGS, '""ouldsay to hls old Irieods and new ones ISU If they want a Good Fit and a Nobby Fit at i'eaonable l'rlces, cnll on him and they wlll bo ure to Ket ono. lEAN, G0DFREÏ& Cl7 PAI2TTERS, - and - DECOEATORS, 107 100 Grlswold Ki . , Detroit. ftae Paper Hangtngs. Eleitant Celllng Decorations. Fine Frleze8 In all Wldth. líousc Sharles and lionera. A large variety of roora mouldintí and hooks. FRESCO FAHTTHTG. We make a speclalty of Store Shadcs ana we will 'urnish estlmates and samples of colora on applica'on. Shades fltted to roll írom top or bottora of the irindow on Statlonery or Travellng rollers. Wil) furnlsh Opaque shadlnu to the trade cut to mea sur 'ÍIIK AV' Mili ?:? Savings Bank, 'Sivjv AitiioR, jirciira.ix. Transacts (iaeral Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. Pt.rr!1h10'' m""'T the ""al llnklnB bw of tbll n .irt t ",' ckh"lae are Individual Hable for n """""" eual w 'O "ock heldbj 'berVf-Se7O8t-p-te8 E-und for s 100,000.00. „,,".'' ru" f thP ISank and Inlere-t con."?""""" Mon. y to Loan on ud"eren m e8tate ona o.her goo(J BecurUy_ ""'wun, :lï. W. W. Wln.. R. A. OFí-icírs. 11" " Ui8coc. CMblw. [I16.6