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S ARATOGA SPRINGS, N Y., ( September 3, 1883. } When one goes to the sea-side summer resort he bathes, sails, rows, swims and fishes. "When he turns to tlie mountains he rieles or takes foot tours to beautifu! bits oí land or water-scape. Ilaving been to these and gone through the routine he would naturally ask wliat could be done to kill time at a place devoid of salt water, beautiful scenery or especial historie interest, as Saratoga Springs, for inslance. This place is notcd for being the resort for politieians, musieians and sporting men, and as I did not count myself in any one of these classes I caiue with curiosity as to how I should be able to pass the time for a week. I knew the place corresponded in size to Ann Arbor, and upon alighting at the depot I was sllghtly surprised to hear the howling of as many hackmen and hotel runners as would have greeted me at Xew York or Boston. Tliey are not so rough and pertinacious, however, as a Venetian gondolier, so I escaped ulive with iny scalp and valise. All the larjfe hotels send free busses to the trains, and besides the twenty-five or more of these lumbering coaches there were tifty or more carriages, both public and private, the elegance and niirnber of the private turnouts being surprising,as butfew faiuüiescoineup froni New York or Boston to spend any length of time without bringing their horses, carnage. coadunan and t'ootinan. However, notwithstandingthe vast numberof conveyance?, they do not here rival Newport In variety and style. Here is a place wliiuli really eau beat Ann Arbor iu boarding houses, for inasuiuch as it is said that In our University town cvery other house takes roomers or sells hush, here foor out of live piey on the stranger within tlieir gates. The hotels are nunierous and mínense, the three largor ones in order of size being the Grand Union, the United States and CongressHall. All these extend farback from the street and enclose gardens of flowers and lawns. To give ¦ au idea of size we can say that the United States, covering and enclosiiig seven acres of ground, eau accoimnoOute 2,500 guests. lts piazzas txtend over half a ruile. I do notknowthelengtli of the Grand Uiiiou's, but I believe the measiiremerit is to bc taken by the Governmtntal survtying party when it returns fiom the survey of the Yellowstone. At the hotels and restaurants the feeing system is getting tobe sonietliingof aw sanee, as iilreacly the waiter who serves you win look as expectant and eager lor h is fee as does bis European brother for hispourboire. If twenty-five or fifty cents is to be brought you in change it is liever in one pieee but in several small pieces, and travelers are getting too ready to take the hint and leave one of the pieces on the server. Of course the maiii thingat Saratoga is its system of springs. In the valley at short intervals the healing waters giish and flow and spout. Each is different in taste and strength from its nefghbor and each one has its votaries. It is a curious sight early in the mirninT to see the old and iniddie aged people flocking to the sprinirs, the most of them armed with a bottle which they fill and take back with them. The Vichy and Geyser springs are some two miles out of the city and all day long the connecting road is thronged with carriages, busses, dog carts and pedestrians. The Vichy flows up from a depth of 180 feet and comes verv slowly. It is all saved in bottles and at night it runs into barrels, which are shipped away. The Geyser fountain spouts up to a height of thirty feet through an inch nozzle. Eacli one of the many springs bas something curious about it, but tliey all agree in being at first extremely unpleasaut to the taste. After perseverance, bowever, one can like them. The roatls in. and about Suratoga are as near perfect as they can be made and they are kept sprinkled several times every day, so it is elegant for driving and a perfect parndise for bicycles. The road to Saratoga Lake is bioad enougli for four and sometióles six teams to drive abreast. It is kept in perfect condition over all the four miles by the owner o( the hotel at the Lake. I made the (üstance Saturday on uiy wheel with eare In twenty minutos, beating the six-horse "tally ho coach by ten minutes. The "tally ho" coach is a prominent feature of lite at this resort and gives the place quite the appearance of some of the SwUs mouutain villages, such as Chamouix and Interlaken. When tlie hom blows and the heavy rumhleof thewheels is heard eveiy one tuins to see the diligence with its fifteen or twenty passen{iers, all on top, sorue fifteen feet above terra firma. They run at regular liours to the Lake and throuh Wooülawn- Jiulge [lilton's park of 700 acres. The park is laid out with beautiful drives winding throngh the natural forest, and is only open to private carriages and the " tally lio's." I .ast week Wednesday some seventy colloge boys, assembled at the Beta Theta Pi coriveiition, hired three "tally ho" coaches aod took an excursión to the Lake and through Woodlawn, and the way the jol ly college songs were sung sliglitly surprised the dudes and giddy damsels as we rattled througli Broadway. They probably thought it was "perfwectly hawwid in those loud cweatahs, you kneow, to make such a condenmed wacket, ah." The dudes and dudincsare numerous here and it is a lunny sight to see them at the hotel hops which tfike place every night. Theii costuines and jewelry are something wonderful. One of the favorite excursión out of the city is up the valley of the Hudson by rail about u buudred miles, then back down througli L-ike George by stearaer. The BCCliery is uot in any way grand bilt it is quite pretty. I was surpiioed to fincl that the lake is not much wider than the Detroit river, b.ut it is ratlier deep in places. About the mlddle of its length are numerous islands and there are the large hotels. All soris ot" Indian, Chinese and Japan:se baz:ia s thrive in Suratrga and the e is an art jrallery with pictures of no sniall nieiit. One is Iienibrandfs "Court of Death" and inother is Regnault'a "Automedon" undoubtedly one of the grandest paiiitings in America. The season is rapidly coming to a close at the resorts but this year there are more at the Springa than at the corn-sponding time of any previous year. Tliedeparture of three or four huiidred froni o::e of the enormous hotels is scarcely noticeable. So with Bampllog mineral water; riding on tally ho's to the Lake or Woodlawn; on the cars to Mt. McGregor, or Lake George; attending hop?, conceits ai;d lcc tures aDd seeiug the people one does not find lii'e ledious at this the Queen of Spa?. Jay 15ee. Wm. Biggs last Tuesday favored the men in hiseinployina way somewhat unnaaal. About ten in nutnber, they and their f.unilies spent a very enjoyable day at Wbitmore Lake in boating, fishing, etc, at their employer's expense. Their Wügea were eontinued by Mr. BiggS the ame as if they h;id been at work. A (llvorce wüs Igrantec! In tlie Goodale case last 'y Judge Josiyn, and Mr.s. Goodale was allowed as allmony $3,000 in cash, ut real estáte free from encumbrance, and personal property to the amount of $250. Uuleís tlie conrt orders otherwise meantime, slie s alsogivcn tlie custody of her child until 12 years oíd. George Hudson, the boy injured 011 tlie Toledo railroad 011 the24th ulr., died Tues day attcruoon about uve o'clock. IIls liinb was dead fioui the knee down, and the veins and tissues much crushed and Injured. There was, too, quite a change ím his conJition Tiiesday forenoon, so that three physicians decided liis only chance for life ay in im medíate amputation, which he did not survive. His reniains will be placed in a vault awaiting the arrival here of au uint beton bm ial. Deceased was about nineteen years of utre and was bom 11 Engtand. He had been in this country but a few years. Work is progressing linely 011 the new Library building, which it is expected will bc coinpleted for occupancy before many weeks. Indeed, the Building Committee, Regents Shearer, Walker and Grosvenor, will be here to-day to decide some uiatters pertaining to the new lieating apparatus, and while in tlie eity thpy expect to complete arrangeineiits with the contractor, Mr. Appleyard, by which the moving of the books to the new building can be begun at once. Studente of the varlous departments will be pleased to knnw that every effort will bc niade to have the library ready for use in the new building at the openleg of colicúo. ' A BdhoB op Kkys."- This great nietfópolltan success with its record of over one liundred nights in New York, will be pesented at the Opera House, Wednesday, September 12th. The Grand View Hotel Set, wil !i its grand stair-case, electric bells, elevator, second floor, etc, is carrled by thls company and is a wonderful piece of mechanism. The eharacters are interpreted by a carefully selected cast, the stellar attraction beiug MiM Flora Moore, the celebrated cantatrice and dramatic artiste, supported by E. L'. Walton. The musical' numbers of the play are all sprightly, new, and rendered in asapenor manner. A fine treat can be looked forward to in (he advent of this corapany on the 12tli. The funeral of Rev. F. Schmkl on last Monday was very larirely attendcd. Sorae tweuty-one ministers were here, Kev. Mr. Cronen wett, of Woodville, Ohio. and Rev. Mr. Khngman, of Scio.delivering sermons. The deceased was the father of Mr. Fred. Schmid, of Mack & Schniid, and came here August 20, 1833, sent from Basel Institute,Svitzerlancl, where application had been maile for a minister by theearlyGerman emigrants to this city and vicinity. Hts first serrnon here was on August 2G, 183.'!. ' The fiftieth anniversary of the same was held in this city on the 26th of last month, and foor days later his death occurred. Rev. Mr. Sehinid's pastorablp of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church of this city dates from 1833 to 1871, thfaty-elfflit years. An accident resulting in death occurred last Saturday evening about live o'clock at the store of Rinsey & Seabolt. Jotham C. Jacobus, who was in the store with his son on business, had the misfortune to fall backward down the stairs leading from the rear room to the cellar. A physician was summoned immediately and every service possible aflbrded the injured man. He was taken home about six o'clock, but death followed on Sunday from the injury received. We understand there has been sorae disposition to rind fault with the partios at whose store Mr. Jacobus received the fall. It is, therefore, proper for us to say that, after a careful consideration by the family of the deceased of the whole question, representatives from them waited on Messrs. Rinsey & Seabolt on Tuesday morning and exonerated them from all blame.