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W TROYALESraj Jk H POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder never varíes. A marre] of purlty, strengtll añil wholcsomontíss. Alore ecoll omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot bp sold Ín coiupetltinn witli the nuiltitiule (i! low test, shot welglil, alum or pliospliate powders. Sold only in calis Royal I3akin; Powder Co., IOü Wall St., N. Y. HÜNT'S Kg 1 REMEDY C THE BEST KIONEY and UVER MEDICINE NEVER KNOTVTt TO FAIL. HÜNT'S REMEDY has saved from lingerIng disease and death hundrcds who have been given up by physiciaus to die. HUNT'S RE5IEDÏ cures all Diseases ofthe Kidnoys, Bladder, Urinary Orcraiis, Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, and Incontinente and Ketentlon of Urine. HUNT'S REMEDY encourages sleep, ereates an appetite, braces up tlie system, aud renewed health is the result. HUNT'S REMEDY cures Pain In the Side, Back or l.uin-i. General Debility, Female Diseases, Disturbed Sleep, Loss of Appetite, and Bright's Disease. HUNT'S REMEDY quickly induces the Llver to healthy action, removiug tho causes that produce Bilious Headache, Dyspepsia, Sour Stoinacn, CoBtiveness, Piles, &c. By the use of HUNT'S REMEDY the Stomach and Bowels will speedily regain their strength, and the blood will be perfoctly purifled. HDNT'S REMEDY is purely vegetable, and meets a want never bef ore f urnishetl to the public, and tho utmost reliance may be placed iu it. HUNT'S REMEDY is prepared eipressly for the above diseases, and has never been known to fail. One trial will convinco you. For sale by all Druggists. Send for Pamphlet to HUNT'S REMEDY CO., Providence, R. I, trices, 75 centa, and $1.25 (large size). Infanta and Children Withont Morphine or Narcotine. What gives our Children rosy cheeks, IVhat cures their f evers, makes theni sleep; 'Tis f!nstorlnT When Babies fret, and cry by turns What cures their colic, kills their worms, ( But Castoria. What quickly cures Constiparon, Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestión : IBllt Castorln. Farewell then to Morphine Syrups , Castor Oil and Paregoric, and Hail Castoria. Centaur Liniment.- An abBolnte care for Rhenmatism, Syta-lns, Bnrus, Galls, &c, aud an teföntancous Paiii-relicvcr. Health is Weajth ! Du E. V. West's Neuve and Bkaix Treatöient, a goArantaed snecilic for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, ïita, Norvous Neuralgia, neadarhe, Nervous Prostrntjon causod by the uso of alcohol ir tobooco. Wnkefalneaa, Mental Depreseiou, Boftoning oí tf Krain resulting in ineanity and Leading to misery, decay and dcath, 1 reraatare Oíd Aro, liarrcnness. Loss of power in either sex, Involuntiiry Lossea and Spermarorrho3a causml byovor-exertion of thebrain. selfabuse or over-indulgeuco. F.ach box contains onejnonth'a treatment. $1.00 a box, or six bosesr for$5.ÜU, aent by mail prepaidon receipt of pnce. WE (il'ABAXTEE SIX BOXËS To curn any case. With each order roceived byua for six boxes accompanipd with $5.00, we will eend the imrchaser onr written pnarantoe to rofnnd the monoy if the treatment doos uot ulfect a euro. Onaraateea ie8eioulyby J. II. IHtOH , Solp AsPiit. Ann Arbor, Mii'h. ___ "] IM)1i iVIII'll, AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a natura], rich brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use ligbt or red bair may ba darkencd, thüi bair thlekened, and baldness often, though not ahvays, cured. It cbecks falling of tbe bair, and stinmiates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. Jt prevente and cures sourf and dandruff.and la-als nearly every disease peculiar to tbe scalp. As a Ladlét' Hair Dressing, tbe Vioor is unequallcd ; it oontatU neitber oil nor tye, renders tbe hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and Imparta a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. MR. C. P. BB20HIB writesfrom Kltiu, O. Juli 3,1882: "Last f all my bair couunenced fallhij? out, and in a short time 1 i ame nearlv bald ï used part of a bottle of Ai b's il. ui: VlOOB which atopped the ralllngol the hair, and started a new growtb. I have now a ftill head of bair growing vigorously, and am couvüiced that bui for the usoof your preparatlon 1 sliould have been entirely bald." J. W. Bowes, proprietor of tbe McArthw(Ohio) Enqnirer, says : " Avkii's IIaih VioOH is a mdst excellent preparatlon for the hair. 1 Bpenk ii it frum my on-n experlencja. lts uée proinotee (hu growtb i new hair, and makee It glossy and sof 1 ihe uiiiu is also a sure oure lor dundrulf. Not witbin my knouiedge bas the preparation ever failed to gwe entiie satisfaction." Mr. AMOD8 Fairüairn-, leaier of tKe celobrated" t airliairn Family ' of Scottish Vocalista wntes (rom Boston, Mass., Feb. 6, 1880: "Ever since my bair began to glve sihcrv evidenceof the changewhicbilc.-iingtimo proonreth', 1 have iised Avkks IIaih VlQOB, and so have been oble to inamtam au appearánceot youthfulness - a matter of considerable conieqnenoe to ministers orators, aetors, and in fact every one ivbo lives In the eyes of the public." Mrs. O. A. Pbescott, -WTltlng from 18 Mm SI.. Charirstown Mass., April 11. 882 says: "Two yeara ago about two-thlrds of iny hair carne off. It thinned very rapidly, and 1 wi'is last Kr..vinK bald. On oslng Avi;n's HAIR VlOOR the falling stopped and a new growtb commenced and in ahout a inontli my CDinpli-lelv rov.-ml vith short hair. It bas continu, ..1 to grow and is now as good as before it feil. 1 règularly néed lul ono bottle of the VlQOB, but now use It occusiunally as a dressing." We have bundreds of similar testimoniáis to tb effleacy of Aveu's Hair Vigoh. It needsbuta trial U) conviuce the most skeptical of its value. rlíEPAREI) IiY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists.


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