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Hercis anothef Pftot in favor of the Dnrwinlan theory: TbereUa boyinNorHstown who '-sprang frona a moukey." The monkey öeloiijteti lo au orjfiiii-grinder and at temp tod tu bltetheboy, - Nonistown Hirald. "Rougk on Kats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, (lies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chlpmuDks, gophers. 15c. Drugsists. It is the opinión of the Oil City Derriek that Torn Tliumb was probably the gieatest man of liis size that ever lived. F. J. Ciicney & Co., proprietors Hall's Catarrh Cure, offer $100 reward tot nny case of Catarrh that can't be oured with llall's Catarrli Curé. For sale by Eberbnch & Son. Teacher: "In the sentence, 'Mnry loves John,' what does 'John'agree wlthy Briaht scholai : " With Ma'ry.1' Teacher: " With ? liowdoyou make that out ? " Brljrht Soholar : " Cüiise A[ary wouldu'i love him it' he dldn't .{sree with her." - Chlld'a Grammar. Tliegloomy fears, tliedesponding view?, the wc.iiine.-s of soul that niany complain of, would often disappear were tlie blood made pure and healthy before reaching the delicate vessels of the brain. Ayer's Sarsapaiilla purilifs and vitilizes the blood; and thus conduces to health of body and sanity of inind. It don'ctake no propbet to reckerlect bad luck. 'Motlier Swan's Worm Syrup." InfUlllblo, tatcless, hannless, calhartic, fir l'cverislinesB, restlessness, worins, constipation. 25c. You don't have uo loafersin de martinbox. Tliese are Solid Facts. , Tiie besl blood purlfferand system reruhitor ever placed within the reach of suffeiing liuinanity, truly is ijlectric Bitters. lunctivity or theLiver, Biliousness, Jaundiee, Con.-stipation, weak Kldoeys, any dia ease of the urinaiy organs, or who ever recluiros au appetizer, tonic, or mild stimulaut, will always iiud Electiic Jutters the best and only certaln cure known. They act surely and quickly, cvery bottle guarintccd to fjive entiie satisfaction or tnoney refunded. öokl at tilty cents a bottle by H. J. Biown & Co. Da i's i rht smart 'ligion in a plow han(II e. Flius and Hiis. Flies, loaches, ants, bed-biifrs, rat?,niice, gopheis, chipmunks, cleured out by " Kouyh ou Kats." 10c. Twelve erclock nebber is in a hurrv. Nebber 'peinl too mneli on de black berry blossom s. ïjght Vears Scrofula Cured. A valued correspondent, Albert Simpiii. KW)., wi itiiijr fiom Peoria, III., says: Samaritan Nenine cured me of crofula, Her having suffered for 8 years with the i.sease." Mr. Simpson lives in Peoria. iik liim. Your drugufist keeps it. $1.50. Don't bet on a 'tater hill befo' de grab)lin' time. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stiiiguigitritation, Inflamatioü, all Kklney and Urinary Complaints, cured by " Buchu-palba. $1. Henp o' good cotton stalks gits choppod up tuin 'sociating wid de weeds. Everybody Knows it. When yon have the Itch, Salt Rlieum. GalU, or Skin Eruptions of a'.y kind, and the Pile?, tliat, yon know without being told of it. Eberbach & Son, the Druggists will sell you Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy tor 50 cents, whieh allords immediate relief, and is a sure cure for either of the above diseases. Many a niee corn-silk winds op wid a imbbin in de fall. Wells' "ltougli on Corns." Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns." 15c. (nick, complete, permanent cure. Corns, warts, bunions. A cbicken roos' is de debbul's steel-trap, and a grisgy corn row is his flower-garden. A Startliiig Discorery. Physicians are often sUrtled by ivmarkable diseoveries. The faet tbat Dr. KingV New Diseovery for Consmnption and all Th roa t aid Luug diseases is d.iily curing pat u-nts tliat they have given up to die, is startllng them to realize their sense of du tv, and examine luto the merits of this woede rf ui diseovery; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practiee. Trial Boules free at H. J. Brown & Co.'s Drug store Recular size $1.00. De mornin' glories alnt pcrtiekler lubly to a man wid de backache. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspeusia Impotence, Sexual Deuility. l. Safe blowing- The challenge of American duelists- Norrïstown Herald. Convlucing1. The proof of the pudding is not in chewing the string, bul in having an opportunity to test the article direct. Eberbach & Son the Draggteta has a free trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Couglt and LungSyrup for each and every one who is ailüeted with Couglis, Colds, Asthma, Consumption or any Lung Attectiou. It is said that Mr. Lorillard has nained one of hishorses -'TinTag," aftera brand of his chewing tobáceo. Tt the well Informeel the title would Indícate that the animal isa "plug."- Yonkers Statesman. -Dr. O. V. Benson's Celery and Chamomlle Pilis are prepared expressly tocure and will cure Headache of all kinds, Neurnlgin.NerVousnessand Dyspepsia. Provud and endorsad by physicians. One happy result of the strike accorclmr to the Pliiladelphia papers, Is that the Inhabltants ol tlie Quaker City are no longer obliged to read of the dai'ly defrats of their traveling base-ball clubs- Oil City Di rriek. " Go and Try it." "It will do you more good than anything I can prescribe," is what a prominent . pbysician said of RheumatieSyrup to a lady who was sullering from rlieumatism and neuralgia. She dicl so and was cured, nnd to-day is entirely free from pain and' cantiot say enough in its praise. Thousands of children all through the land are to-day sullering from salt rheum of scrofula, aud thousands of mothers are using linlments aud salves with the hope ofcuring the dear little ones, but how many are disappointed and discouraged when, after trying these various applications, tlit-y find the ehild worse than when they eommenced their use. Mothers do you know that salt rheum, scrofula, and fever sores are all the result of impure and poisonous blood, and that to eü'ect a cure you must first cleanse the blood of its impurities? The safest and most effective remedy to regúlate the liver and kidneys and rid the system of those loathsome diseases is Rheumatic Syrup. Ueing a compound of roots and herbs, makes it a safe, harmless and effective remedy lbryoungand old, feeble or strong. Try it, and before three bottles have been used your child's skin will be as Bniooth and its cheeks as rosy as that of your neighbor. liuidelte thiuks the "Jumbo" bonnet is o called bec.ause it is worth all the rest of the show. - Exchange. Aycr's Agüe Cure, when used according to direction?, is warrantcd to eradicate from the system all forms of malarialdisease, such as Pever and Ague, Chili Fever, ntermittent, Remittent and Cilious Fevers, and disorders of the liver. Try it. J'he experiment is a safe one, and will coat you nothing if a cure is not effected.


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