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Manistee has 2,902 school children. Plymouth willsoon erect a new nnioi ScliOol Iioiiri. There are about 900 patients in th Kalamazoo asylutn. Congressman Cutcheon is'booked for Republican speeches In Ohio. Traverse City has three new school houses, costlng nearly f0,000 Seven tons of celery was shipped from Kalamazoo in one day recently. Hillsdale, Hudson and Detroit now whisper to each other through a telephoDe. Bay City is working hard to raise 10,000to ald in building the railroad to Alpena. The Texan cattle plague is spreading n Springwells, acd many valuable cattle have died. Cheboygan is considering the advisibillty of adopting electricity for street lighti-jg purpoeLs. Willis Merritt, a prominent lawyer of Lenawee eounty. (lied at hls home in Tccumseh on the 8th inst. James Donnelly died in jail at East Saglnaw, where hp was resting af ter one of his periódica! sprees. Mrs. Oscar Alderman of Ionia, an insane ivoman, drowned herself in Grand River a few days ago. Work is being pushed vigorously forward on the Chicago and West Michigan extensión to Baldwin. Talcott's Iarge shingle rnill at Stanton was burnecl a few days ago, at a total loss. Origin of fire unknown. The St. Joseph life-saving pi-ew have a record of 3,15 on thp line drill, btiue the be&t record ever made, The 12lh acnual fair of the castern Michigan agrlcultural society will be held at Ypsilanti September 35-28. Laborers engaged in loading lumber at Cueboygan secured an advance of 10 cents Der hour in pay by striking. T. T. Susy of Bay City, who h,as been missing for sorac has returned. He had gone off quietly to enjoy his vacation. E. D Kitchcn's dry goods store at Bancroft was totally deetroyed by a few days ago. Loss nearly Í5,000. Insured, Kalaruazoo already has 10,000 volumes iu lts public H'jrary, and another installmentof books will be addcd soon. The Muskegon salt men have sent five gallons of briue to be analyzed by the head chemist of the Michigan Univirity. Chas. Ulrich, one of Mt. ClemcBs' irealthJest and most prominent citizens, was foucd dcad in bed the othcr in timing. All is not pleasant bet the two couutits of Arenac and Bay, at.d a conimittee has been appointed to settle the dispute. Virgil Von Vloek, cashicrof the First riational Bjnk of Ionia, was found dead iuthe woods near Palo, wither be had goue to liunt. Lake Haron was yisited by a 40-niile blow the other day. So far as learued uo Iive6 were lost, but great damage was done to thtpping. The postoitice aud four stores in Republic ia Marquette County were robbed the other rfighi, $600 bcirg takon from the post oiDce safe. Tho Michigan M. E. conference in session at Albion, proposes tochange the name of Aluion College to the "Asbury Centenary Universitv. David D. Jauk, an aged citizen of Grand Rapids, suicided the othrr day by severinijan artery in his arm. Nu reason is assigned for the deed. Owosso's postruastei: resigns in February, and already the air of Ihat UtU burg is full of bitter persona! invectives against aspiring candidates. One-fourth interest in 60,000 head of cattle in Texas and the rental of the ranch bas been bought by B. A. Olney of Hartford, Van Buren county. A Big Rapids doctor was iined $5 by a justiceof the peace for driving over a bridge in quick time, being in propei baste to visit a dying patiënt. C. W. Garfield, secretary of the state horticultural society says there will be an exhibitionoffruit at the state fair, whkh will astouish the people. Hensier, a lawyer of Detroit, who is at present serving a sentence in Jackson for securing money under falae pretences, has strong hopes of getting pardoned. ' Italian laborei-3 on the Michigan & Ohio railroad raised an insurrection at Homer. The work train was run down to Marshall and 10 of the insurgents arrestcd. ïEighty villages in Michigaa are entitled 1.0 thebenefits of the "local option" law passed by the legislatnre last winter, but thus far none have formally declded to do so. Gov. Begolo recently visited tho in sane asylum at Kalamazoo, and with the exception of itn overcrowded coüdition, seemed pleased wlth affairs at that institution. August Ganser, a sevfer cqnactor of Bay City, fcas been absent from home for 12 days without apparent reason. Fears are feit that he has met with some serious mishap. Quincy, Branch county, is making elabórale preparations for the celebration, od the 8d of October, of the seini centennial anniversary of lts exlsteuce as asettlement. Benj. F. Olmstead of Grand Rapids, has secured a patent on an improvemeut on cut-off valves, whereby the steam may be cut eff at different pointB of the piston's stroke. The Cleveland capitalists who have bought up the Grand Rapids street railways wtll make a much-needed taprovement by building doublé tracks on one or two streeU. Wm. Beddell was drowned at Quaincasee, 10 milesfrom Bay City, a few nights ago whileduckhunting. Hewasayoung farm.r ¦ - ¦ ¦ " " and the son of a wldow whosc home Is I Canada. M. T. Gass has resigned the office oi superintendent of ttheFlint public schools te accept the same positionat the instltutlon for the deaf and dumb at a salary of l,300. Mre. Gass win be matron. Gecrge Cooper of Muskegon, is un der arrest for man-slaughter. He perforined an abortion on his house-keeper, and the woman is ia a very critica) condition. He is held for rlal in the sum of $3,000. Cross & Walker's planing mili and four cars of lumber were burned at Standlsh a few days ago. Loss 15,000, insurance $10,' 000. If there had been any wind the whole vil j lage would have been destroyed. Miss Susie Searlea, a young lady of fle, sails from San Francisco for Japan, on ie 20th. She goos as a raissionary ander the uspices of the woman's foreign mlssionary society of the Presbyterian church. Manistee claims credit ior sereral aluable invenUons. About August 1 II. W. arey introduced a patent slotted shlngle band! ¦Dtember 4, Frank Tuy wort h put In operation successful workiDg transfer chain. Frank Wilkey, arrested at Petoskey, charged with oounterfpRine, has been held for trial in the United States court at Grand Rapids, with bail fixed at $300, not being able to furnish which he was lodgcd in jall. Peculiarly unfavorable reporU of tha damage done by the late oold snap come írom many points in Michigan. The frost played havoc with corn, potatoee, beans, grapes, etc. Buckwheat is almost a complete failure. The Detroit, Lansing and Northern bas provided for special train service during state fair week between Lansing and Detroit, the tariflt arranged being from Lanfing and all intermedíate point one fare for the round trip The Saginaw Beef company is the name of a new enterprisein gast, Saginaw.with. a new building and, a refrigerator capablc of holding 100 pattle and as roany sneep and hogs, n-hieh will Wholesale to local dealers and others. The Hulïbutter plate factory, ernployinjf 100 men, has een removed from Wauseon, Ohio, to Maneelona, Antrim county. The Maneelona iron furnace, bnrned last May, 3 in process of rebuilding and, repair, L,ieut. Henry A. Schroder of the Fourth Artillery, a West Point gradúate of the class of 18S0, has been detaüed as Professor of Military Tacties and Mathematica in the Michigan Military Academy at Orchard Lake. The Shackleton house, a large boardr ing house situated near the Avery house, Mt. Clemen8 has been dtstroyed by flre together with an adjoinirg rcsldence. Origin of the fire unknown. Loss about $ü,000 and partially insured. The Hudson Post insists that to Dr. French of Hudson belongs the credit of inaugurating the movement for leglslation to recúlate the practlce of medicine in Michigan. Dr. French began the crusadu against quacks in 1870. The Texas cattle fever bas broken out in Genesee county in several townships. John H. Thompson, a well-knovn stock raiser, lviug at Grand Blanc, seven miles from Fliut, has lost 13 valuable cows from this mysterious ditease. Uonipany I, Second regimpnt, J$. S. T., of Grand Rapids, bas completed an excelent armory an i taken possession of it. The drill room is $9x56 feet and 30 f eet high. There are also eicellen rooms foi social and uu&iness jurpDses. It is asserted that uedar lands in Pre6que Isle county are worth $30 per acre. though tby are uually sol] for from t5 to HO per aciv. On lands two miles from the ake Í85 per acre have been realixed a 'stumpage." Some of tlio Indiansat Cheboygauing and in Isabeila county are complaiuing regarding E. P. Allen, the ludían agent, relative to ands on the n-servation, claiming that he has 3ecn giviug Canada índíans a choice in the seection of lands. H. H.Thomas' nitro glycerine factory, situated about flve miles from Bay City, was blown up between 12 and 1 o'clock on the 4th inst, No Hves lost; $ö,000 damages. This is the second explosión at this factory. Cause of explosión noknown. The total lamber product shipments from the Saginaw rlver for the season up to September 1, were 494,671,000 feet of lumber, )2,6i3,000 6hingles and 38,117,000 pieoes of ath. Last yrar to date the lumber 6hipments were 555,83,000 feet and 113,477,000 shlngles. Mamie Selkirk and Eaima Bobinson. two young ladies of Charlotte, were playing with a revolver, when the weapon went off, seriously woundlug Miss Roblnson. Thosu young ladies had better return to their dolls if they must have something with which to amuse themselves. On star route No. 24,185 in Oakland county, Southfield to Birmingham, the postmaster at Franklin is permitted to hare mails carried three times a week, on altérnate days, hetween hls office and BIrmtngham, without expense to the department, by 6worn carrier In loeked pouch. A BaUle Creck man, while loading hogs the other day, lost a diamond pin valued at $200. He had forgotten the script ural injunction about the swine ánd the pearls, but when hls gem was returned to him, he promise4 that he would leave }t at home the next lme he loaded hogs. Alexander Hamilton Waught of South Bay City Is said to be 103 vears old is hale and strong, does a full dav's work every day, and walks over a mile morning and evening to and from his work. He is employed as a flretnan in a mili and his employers say he is a good one. Saginaw City is counting on the establishment of another bank with a capital of $150,000, the probable stockholders being Johii G. Owen, J. A. Weaver and G. B. Wiggins of Saginaw City; Josiah W. Begole and Mr. Fox of Flint; L.Axilford, J. B. Simmson and others of Holly. Mr. Mackey, a highway commissioner of Pittsford," HUlsdale couuty, has gotten himself in trouble. He let the contract for a i 4,000 bridge, without taking the legal steps for eo doing. Many of tbe voters ia the townehlp did not care to spend more than half that 8um, heneo the trouble. Isaac Blodgett, Charles Blodgett and wife and the latter's sister, Mary Waters, of Eaton Rapids, were thrown from a wagon the horses being frightened at a freight train Miss Waters' skull was frachired and she was otherwisc injured so that she will die. The othera were not serionsly injureü. UnderRev. W. Gardner's pastorale the past year the M. E. church of Kalamazoo has had a prospcrous year. Nlnetyeight members have been added to the church and there are now 493 members In full membership and 21 on probation. The church has given for varióos bcnevolent objects 11,234. A shocking tragedy occurred in the township of Ingallston, near Meuomiuee. Jim Satunsky was quKrrelllng wlth his wife, who sent for Jerry Williams, tbe constable. Williams came, when Satunsky turned upon him wlth a rifle and shot him .iea1, after which he put a bullen through bis own brain. The Grand Rapids Eagle says that lnmbermen are begfnnfng to get ready for ihc woods, and sorae heavy contracta on the Tltta bawassee, Muskegon and other streams have already boen placed. At present pricos for suppues, compared with last year, the cost of keeping men and teams lu the woods wil probably be less tban last year. The annual report of the school board of Grand Rapids shows receipts to the amount of $163,325 57 for the year en.Jing September 1; expenditures. $133,583 40; balance on hand, 9,642 11. A new stx-room building is or dered in the Ff th ward. The city has 17 school buildiuars, valued at $500,000; but there is still a lapk of sufficient school room. Hon. and Rev. W. W. Johnson, an ex-member of the State Legislatura, living at 167 Aladlson avenue, Grand Rapids, is reponed mtaing and foul play ia suspcetcd. Monday morning 8eptember 3, he went to M. L. Sweet & Co. 's elevator and drew $100 on some whe&t and then went to Walker Road to purchaee a :ow. Nothing has been heard of him sincp, H. D. McDuffeo's barn in Trowbridge tornship, foar miles from Allegan, was hurned e otner afternoon. A mowing machine, a small )ot of grain, and some toste were destroy3, The loss is enimated at about $600, with Dut liftle, if any, Insurance. The flre was caus!d by the carelessuess of some contractors enjaged in opening a r.ew road, who allowcd ieaps to be burning du-ing the prevalence of ather high winde. Warden Waters offers $75 reward for ;he capture of Henry Tompkinsoü, who eepedfroin the Ionia house of eorrectioi. Sep;ember lst. Tompklnson was sent to prison Trom Manistee in February, 1877, for 10 years. Ele is 28 years old 5 feet eight inches high, iveighs 135 pounds. Llgtit complexion, light aronn hair, hazel eye3, scar on Uit oye, long lose, medium mouth, scar on right thumb, jne front tooth out and one deeayed. Had on i heavy blue shirt ana straw hat, grey pants, ;oat and veet. A lad named Vaaglidor was prostrat'd by a stroke of iightuiua; near Big Rapids, ïhieh struek him back of the left temp:e, an down the chiek to a point a liltle helow Jie ear, then turning, went across the fate ïeck, and hack to the right shoulder, where t turned aguja and. took a oourse underïeath the arrn to the flngeri. The hair above .he ear was c-onsidcrably sined, and the ende )f the Íinger8 were burned to a cri?p. And H't it is believed the boy will live. The exaiuination of John Woolver, n charge of muirteriug Henry Cuteher, of i"erry, ShiawasseeCo., was held before Justice 3oltof Corunna.and John bauud over for (rial it the next term of court and is now in jail. Tüere vas 6ome damageing evidenee against l.ini. Their presenee, t'Jgether with the purchaso of ,he bottle of whisky from which they drank, )V Woolver, and his purchase of otrychu'.ne 'roí. Preseott,of Ann Arbor, also found strychïine in Cutcher's stonuch. It i3 alleged that iVoolver was once arrested on sufpieion of nurder in Ingham county, but got clear. The Lansing Republican reporta the etting of the largest contract for farm tile irainage on record in Central Michigan. It vill require the use of 255 rods of 12-ineh ,ile, 323 rods of 10-inch, 433 rods of 8-inch, i}70 ¦ods of 7-inch, 4S0 rols of 6 inch, 593 rods of i-iach, 431 rods of 4-ioch and 336 rods of 3nch tile, making a total of 3,11? rods of Ml ne, besldes 170 rods of open outlet. There vill be 33 carloads of the tile required. The otal cost of the ditch H $6,338.90, and it will nclude the drainage of nearly slx 6ections of arm lands located on the town line west of Hason. A new enterprise at Allegan is the jrocess of drying fruit by evaporation. Thp 'Montana Evaporatlng Works" ie the name of ,he institution, which is vell backed by forelgn ;apital. Thirty hands are to be employed, aud perations are to begin at once. The capacity )f the evaporator is 200 bushels per day. A culiarity of the work ie that nothing h wastid. The parings are sold to eastern manufac.Brcrs and from them a solutioo ie preparcd vhich is ucedfor making "fast" colors in cali:o printing the spotted or deeayed apples and Dartsof apples are sold to the eider makers, ïhile the cores are used in tho manufacture of ipple Jelly and apple butter, sothat everything í-hich comes to the mili is "grist?I in some !orm or another. One M..inh'o Saltlng. The followlng Js a 6tatement of the salt product of Michigan for August; Barrels. Saginaw eounty 144.01 Bay county 142,484 Huron county 37,341 Ioecocounty 25,106 Midland county.. 3,854 Manistee eouuty 7,053 Total 359,854 Deütructivc Fire. Fire broke out lu Benedict's grain elevator at Cedor Springe, Kent county, a few nights ago, spreadiog rapidly and eemmunicating with adjoluing buildiDgs. Considerable alarm was feit for the safety of the lown and asst6tancc f rom 01 rand Raptds was ealled fpr, whieh was promptly furnished, a stemmer and hose cart responding by special train. The engine could beof little assistance owiug to the scarelty of water. The shingle eheda along the railroad track, the depot and all of the i ings on a tract of land covcring about tro 'acres west of the track were burned. The losees and insurance are divlded as follows: ü. C. Wyman, residence, $5,000, no Insurance; Mre. J. C. Whitney'e house damaged, ineurance $3,000; J. O. & E. B. Benedict, eleyator and contents, $3,500, insurance $1,500; Sinclair Bros, shingle and coal-offlce, $1,500 no insurunce. HUÍ A Shearer's losa on staves is estimated at $30,000 wlth an insurance of $8,000. Their lose on building and grocery stock I is $3,000, ineurancc $2 000. Probable Fatal Accident at Groaveuor The Adrián Time3 gives an account of an accident which happened at Grosrenor in Lcnawce county by which Hueh McCabc, who came to this country from Ireland last sprine, lost an arm and sustained other friahtful injuries. SfrCabe had been to Blissfleld in company withhis nepbews, John and Rob. McCabe and the thrce were returning by No. 3, the evening passenger train. Felii McCabe, at whose house they were etopplmr, Uves north of Grosvenor. They had been drinking, and as they left the cars, which were already beginning to move, Hugh feil upon the track and the wheels passed over hls upper arm, necessitatinjr lts amputation at the shonlder joint Dr. Reynoldi, who was called, performed thi operation, but thinks the injured man canno live, as hls shoulder blade is broten in severa places and his spine is also badly njured. For Hay Fever Victima. At the annual meeting of tbe hay fever sufferers' association, held at Petoskey on the 5th inst., the committec appointed to suggest a suitable place for the assembliug of euffercrs reported some progress and indlcated a disposi tion to eelcct Topinabee, a email villaje on Burtlake, Cheboygan county, onc of whose citizens bas ofEered 100 acres to an association of 40 persons, who would guarantce to erect 40 cottages at a cost of not less than $150 each, in one year Irom date of contract. Advocates of Petoskey, however, had the matter tabled The assoeiation chose the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Gen. J. B. Rather, Tueeumbia, Ala. ; vlce president, Geo. L. Pratt, Ridgeway, N. T. ; secretary, A. Kepbart, Berrlen Springs, Mich. ; treasurer, F. J. Bclknap, Petoskey. 'Iik-IiIj mixed. An unlque case has just been passed upon by the circuit court of Kalamazoo conntj, the pointb of which may be briefly ëtated thns : A number of years ago a man uamed Odeli wedded as Lis flrst wlfe Eleanor Knight and llved with her for a time, hen, on suspicion that ste was too intimate with one Youngs, and unEaithful as a spouse, they agred to separate, he giviug her a port'.on of the honsehold goods and $25 in money, and bringing her to Kalamazoo that she mlght leave the state, whieh she did, going to Pennsylvania, marrying Youngs aforesald, and living wltu him as nis wife up to the present time. After she left üdell married again ; hls second wlfc died and he married a tkird time, nis third wife surTivingbim. Now comeBup thequestion who is the widow, ïfeither? The probate court saiá that the flrst wife having eloped with another man and contlnued to live with him in adaltery, forfeited all claim to the Odell estáte. This was the statute of Ve6tminster, which became the law ofEnglandand was adopted as the common aw of thla coantry, and ws enacted in the aws of the northwest terrltory in 1795. But it s cïaiuied that it was eubsequently repealed. Judge Mills hokls that no forfelture of her dower right, in consequence of adultery, can )e made effectuai; except through a divorce procured by the husband for that cause, and that Uw agreement to separate and neither rouble the other any more and live apart, is iot binding upon her, and does not stop her f rom claiming her dower right as given by the statute. The case will be appcalecH BtishelN I pon Busliels ofDcad FIkIi In a IUicnfgan Lukc Grand Itapids Letter. New Boston Lake (sometimos called Mili Lake) is loeated about four miles northwest from Belmont on the G. R. fc I. Railroad. The lake contalns about seventy-five acres of land, and is very neep - flfty or seventy flve feet - about the center. The water is naturally cold and apparently pure, and has yielded an abundance of flsh (mo6tly bass and sunfish) ever Bince the early settlements. Qq Saturday last the farmera, whoae places adjoin the lake, were astounded to flnd dead flsh fioating in shorewards by thousands of bushels ! 1 f ound on yesterday's visit to the lake that immense numbers of flsh were still floating in, and t)at on the shores and out in the water for two or three feet there was a deep border of dead flsh, averaging from a quarter ot a pound to ten pounds in weight. Every three feet would yield a bushei of flsh at maDy places. Many of the black bass were of enormous size, and decomposition had already taken place in most cases. Il would seem that the heretofore proliflc waters of this beautiful lake were belng startlingly and speeJily depopulated. Many people were on the ground volunteering explanations. Some believed a large quan tity of poison had been thrown in, others that there was a fish cholera, and some thata polsonous spring or eruption had broke forth at the bottom of the lake. But all (especially the near residents) were agreed that the Board of Health must be consulted and prompt measures taken to suppresB the frlghtful and rapldly increasing stencb, whioh must soon become dangerous as well as intolerable. Few, without seeing, could readily bclieve that the flnny trlbe could so densely popúlate such waters. IIETKIUI 'I1KKKIS. Wheat- No. 1, white f 75 (g 1 03 Flour 500 @550 om 51 @ 54 Oats ; 29 @ 31 llover Secd, bu 7 00 g 9 82 Apples, $ bbl 2 25 @ 3 50 Dried Apples, f ft 8 @ 8H Feaches . .. 14 @ 15 Cherries 15 (m 16 Butter, $ Ib 15 g 16 Eggs 17 (tt 19 Potatoes new bu 1M @ 1 05 Honey 18 @ 30 Beans, picked 2 10 @ 2 15 Beaiii", unpicked 125 (3 150 Hay 9 CÖ @14 00 Straw .....7 00 ál 7 55 Pork, dressed, 100 9 00 9 25 Pork, mess , .18 00 @13 50 Pork, fantfly ,..,. 17 00 @17 50 Haius 14 ( 15 Shoulders 8 ra 8V Lard 1Q#@ lok Beef extra mess 1175 (gl2 00 Wood, Beech and Maple ... 8 40 Wood, Maple 8 00 Wood Hickury 8 00


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