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From the Herald Heavy frosts on the 9th and lOth (lid great damage to corn, tomatoes and other growing crops. On Tuesday evening of last week,a valuable mare mare and colt strayed or was stolen from the farm of Joseph Bersuder, near Dexter, and at this writing nothIng bas been lieard of them. As Mr. B. is n peor man he cannot alFord to lose them. DEXTHR. From the Leader. T. S. Gibb, wife ar.d dauohters, of Greenville, are yisiüng at L. W. Briggs'. Mr. Gibbs was in partnership with Mr. Brijrgs heie forinany years in tlie dry goods trade. Warner & Whltaker a few weeks ago 'hnported from the interior of' Ohio a car of 18 tons of soft coal over the Toledo & Ann Arbor rnllroad. The freight on it to Aun Arbor v as 630 ; the freight from Ann Albor to Dexter was $19, and thafs the reason farmers have to pay $1 n ton more for soft coal here thau at Ann Arbor. How ttbont competitioii ? MANCHESTER. From the Enterprise. S. W. Cl ark son carne over from Aun Arbor yesterday and returned to-day, accompanled by his wife and child. They will begin housekeeping asquickly aspossible and expeet to be well pleased with their ehange of abode. Their many friends here, although regretting their removal fi-oin our village, wish them success and prospeiïty in their nevv home. SALINE. From the Observer. We are told of one farmer hereaway who sowed bil wheat on August 3Ist, last Frlday. Is any one any earlier this yearf Wm. Tuite of Dexter, died last Thursday at the age of 84 years. He was one of the pioneers of Washtenaw county, and was the father of the late Peter Tuite, formerly clerk of this county. About ten o'clock Sunday night as C. Schmid, the marketm ¦ui.was driving home and just as ie was in front of the school house, the front part of his buggy came apart, throwing him to the ground and bruising his face quite badly. TrSILANTI. From the Commercial. Henry Wilson is mourning a broken airo. Last week, nearthe Seininary, his team took a sudden fright, threw hini out of the wagon and fractura) his arm. Fortunately the team was recovered without damage. C. S. Wortley and Kobert Lambie nut in our office Mondar, the former from the National park and the latter from the East, and gave us an interesting coinparison of notes. Mr. Wortley's description of the park, the canons and reysers was vivid and exceedingly iuteresting. From here they went out together and proceedIng to Geo. Moorman paid on the Mineral well subicription $2,000.00. Tliis makes $4,000.00 paid over. Leaving $1,000.00 to be collecle.l and paid. From the Ypsilantlan. From a copy of the Black Hills Times, handed us by Jas. McCoy, we learn that Major Cicero Newell, fonnerlyof this city is traveling about the country with a band of Brale Sioux, giving ezhibltions to orowded houses. At tlic depot, this morning, [Friday 7th] WiUIam Bailey a brakeuian on the way freight, caught liis foot in a. ttog white coupling cars. He wasthrown backward n such a way that his back was broken, killing him instantlv. The v'ictim of the iccident came from near Springrield, Ontario.