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-"Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomii Pilis, are wortli thelr wefgtat In gold i nervous and sick headache." - Dr. H. H ', Schuchter, of Baltimore. Mint s sald to keep rats and mice out o the house. If a fellow owned a mint li could also " keep the wolf trom the door. : -Boston Courier. F J. Cheney & Co., proprietois Hall' Catarrh Cure, offer $100 reward for in case of Catarrh that cim't be cured wit Hali's Catarrh Cure. For sale byBoei bach & Son. A western man called his house "lliches, because it had wings. The heavy mor ¦age on it kept it froni doing mucli fly ing, however.- Yonkers Statesman. "Bough on Kats." Clears out rats, mice, ronches, flies anta, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmuuks gophers. 15c. Drugirists. ftipifiYWBW Dit 10. C West's Nebte and Brain TgXAI hent, n Kuaranteed epectne for Hysteria, Diizi ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia Headache, Nervous Prostration caubcd by the us of alcohol or tobáceo. Wakef ulness, Mental Dopression. Sof telling oL the Brain resulting in in sanity and leading to misery, deony and deatn Premature Oíd Age, Karrcnness, Loss of powe in either Bex, Involuntary Losses and bpermat orrhcea caused by uver-exertion of the brain. eelt abuso or over-indulgence. Each box contam one month's treatment. $1.0ü a box, or Bix boxe for $5.00, sent by mail prepaidon roceipt of pnce WE Gl'ARAXTEE SIX BOXKS To cure any case. With each order received byu for six boxea, aecompuniofl with $!.00, we wil eend the purchaser our written guarantoo tn refund tho money if the treatment does uotetlec a cure. Guáranteos issued only by J. II. BROn, Kolf Agent, Ann Arbor, Micli AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the diseases whieh caue human suíferizig result froni deraugement of th stomach.bowels, and liver. AYEIl'S Cathauti Pills act directly upon these organs, and ar especially designed to curc the discases eauset by their de range ment, including Coiistlpatioii Indigestión, Dyapepsia, Headauhe, Dystn tery, and a host of other ailnients, for all o] wliieh they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasan remedy. The extensivo use of these Pillh by eminent pliysicians in regular practice, show unmistakably the estimation in wliicli they are held by the medical profession. These Pill" are compounded of vegetable substanees only, and are absolutoly f ree l'rom calóme or any other injuriouts ingredii'iit. A Sufferer fron Headiirhe writes : "Ayer's Pillr are invaluahle to me, and are my constant companion. I have been asevere sutferer from Headaxihe, and yonr Pills are the onlv thing I could look to lor relief. One dose will quiokly move my bowels and free my heat from pain. They aro the most etfectivc and the eayiest physit: I have ever fouiut. It is a pleasure to ine to speak in their praiee, aud 1 aiways do so when occasion offers. W. L. PAGE, of W. T,. Page & Tiro." Franklin St., Kichinond, Va., June ', lHüü. "I have used Aveu's Pills in nuniberless iufltances as reoomnieudod by you, and have uever known thein to fail to acconiplisli the desired result. We constantly keep thein on hand at our home, and prize tlien as a pleasant, safe, aud rellable family medicine. FOR DïSPEPSIA they are invaluable. J. T. Haveö." Mexia, Texas, June 17, 1882. The Rkv. F&J9CGU lï. Harlowi:, WTltÉBg from Atlanta, Ga., says: " For soine years past I have been subject to constipatioii, from whieh, in spite of the use of medicines of vanous kinds, I suifered increasing inconvenieuce, until aoine months ago I began taking Ayer's Pills. They have entirely corrected the costive habit, and have vastly improved my general health." Aveu's Cathartic Pills correct irregularities of the bowela, stimulate the appetite and digestión, and by their prompt and thorough action give tone aud vigor to the w hole physical economy. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer 6l Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. YOUNG A11 experience the wonderful benefiold, and A , leffectsof Ayer's Sarsaparilla. iprn Chlldren with Sore Eyes Sore Eare, nucu. or any sorofulous or syphllitic taiut, may be made healthy and strong by its use. Sold by all Druggists ; $1, six boules for 3. SfiH (II i Hf can bc inadeJ SU: B I insixir-ouths -¦ OljUUUsellrg 3 TUNISON'S MAPS & CKARTS S ZFor 36 page catalogue, free, (t address, II. C. TTMSOX, Z jkk Cinclnnati, O., N. Y. City, VVl Jockaonvillo, 111., OmRho, Neb. 3S 1150-83 CWAYNES - Known to Men of Fame and Science fob Remoïinu ALLIMPURITIES OFTHE BLOOD. Ackiowlolgid 1 3ri;l. p:oi:i:t, asi ZSciest Cure for U"al IrMI IUn, duU facep hetvine. DYSPEPSIA known by irregular appcand tendeniess at pit of stomach, despondency LIVER BiliomneM. Malari, Chili nd ? Fevor, cusing söreuess ia back and iï3L also bottom of ribs; weariness, irritability, tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cold seneations.eyesdull,drycough,stifledandobstruct- ed feeling, irregular pulse, bad colored stools. nrurLLvi,sigh, soun(1 jn ears giddinesSi contusión in hcad.nervousness, flashes of light befnre eyea, losi of memory. Diseases of Bladder and KIDNEYS urine dark or deposit; "'""'"'"' burning. stinging, hearing down iensationa, frequent deaire to urinate, uneasiness, jnflamed eres, dark circlos, thirgt. Dlieawi of HE ART Mver6 pains, nuttering or weight near ""rtl1 a t heart. more flo on moving qnickly and wht'ii lyinR on left side ; out of breath on exertion. HFADAnHF llu" or "hTl' 1"" " templei, ¦ i Lnunuil u, eTe, or hoalJ. fiintnes,, namca. lri.v is caused by watery fluid. RfaenntaII"", O. by urio acid in blond. Iliinrl lilaorders by corrupt matter. Worma by the peta .. _ f old by choking of the ecretions. SWITHE'H 1-H. l.s, by gentle aetion, removes the cause, makinR a permanent cure. Sent by mail fot 25 cenU box of 30 Pili; 5 boxei. $1.00. (In pnntaireamps.) Addre, DR. SWAVSF Jt SOK, PhllKdelphla, Pa. Sold by Uruggists. 11M-118 G. F. NEWLAND 144 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Musical Mercliaiulise of all kinds, general agent for the celebrated PIANOS OF DECKER & SON, HARDMAN, DUNHAM, AND MARSHALL & TODÁLL, ALSO THE rOrULAH ORGAXTS WILCOX & WHITE, - AND - TAYLOR & FARLEY. AGEXTS WAJÍTED. IW Send for Catalogus and Prices. „gj 144 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News