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An inch of fine manure spread around sirawberry plunts set since bearing.will preserve moisture in tke soil. and prevent, the ground from crushing if it becomes necessary to water them. Take special pains at this season of the j ear to prevent any vveeds from going to eed. If they have got above ground, pull and tbro"v them into the brusta heap for burning. Continue to cultívate and keep clean all hoed and growing crops, and prevent the forniation of a crust In har.d-pieking pears, the eye will point out, by ayellow lint or color. those wliich aro mature enough for luwse-ripcning. and if the sterns cracks off when the fruit is partly lifted, they should not be left ony longer on the tree. The fall-webb worm is now making its appearance; it should bepromptly removed and destroyed. The best remedy for cabbage-worrns on a small scale, and which we have used for mkny years, is hand-picking 'oefore the plants form heads, and hot water from a watering-pot when the heads appear - sorue practice being requlred to kuow just how hot and how long to apply the water. Keep all garden and other tools ander shelter every day thaf they are not used, and have them made lean every time, and rubhed bright and oiled. Bud such fruit trees as are ireely growing and on which the bark wil! liftireely. Success in budding depends more on a freo growing stock than all else. Remove the llgature as soon as it begins to cut the bark. Destroy the plant-lice with strons: soap suda or tobáceo water. Cut off the first appearance of blackknot on plum trees. In mowing lawns, allow a gradual higher growth as autumn approache3. so as to havo a thick rnass for enduring winter. The amount of the erop of strawberries next year will depend much on the treatment of the bed this j ear. A strong growth late in summer and during the tirst half of the autumn will give a goed erop next year. Scatter manure between the rows or about the stools, and .vork it into the surface soil with a steel rake, or hoe, if in the garden, or with horse culture in the field. Keep the runners cut, and a fine growth will be the result. The agrieultural editor of the N. Y. Tribune thinks the European knowlpdge of the true inwardness of our diarv methods accounts for the fact that'last yoar only 7,500,000 pounds of butter were exported, against 16,000,000 the previous year. The six leading agrieultural productions of the United States, according to the census report of 1881, were in the following order;Corn,wheat,hay,cotton, oats, anu potatoes. The value of the first was $600.000,000, of wheat $500,000,000, hay $330,000,000, cotton $849,300,000, oats $130,000,000, and potatoes $73,000,000. -Vine culture ceases at various points of altitude in various countries. In Wurtemberff at 1,000 to 1,5000 feet; in Switzerlandand the Tyrol it reaches 1,700, owing to the heat attracting, uarrow valleys;on the southeru slope of the Alps 2,000 feet; in Sicily 2,000 feet, in Tenenffe 3,000,on the Himalayas 10,000 fet, The Germantown Telegraph says in reference to growing asparagus: "The coarser part 'of tbe winter' s covering should be removed and the rest forked in. This should be followec! by a coat of rough salt that from the meat or mackeral barrel will answer - which wijl suftice for any additional manure for the geason, and at the same time keep down the weeds. Care, jjowever, must be taken not to applly any salt to new beds for at least a year af ter being old enough to be cut, or serious resul ts may follovv." Wikb Wohms in Gaudens. - A practical gardener says he kills or repela wire-worms with spent gas lime, largely mixed with manure. He procures a wagon-load of the was litne, and mixes it with three or four times as mueh strong and short manure, mixed with about an equal quantity of good soil. This is spread late in autumn over the ground and ploughed in. The next spring, root or other crops are planted on this ground, titer it has been thoroughly stirred, and no wire-worms are to be seen. The quantity is what would be termed a moderato dressing of the manure; too muengas lime wautri jujure the erop. Farmers who live near gasworks may easily try this onthejr fiejds infested with wire-worms, üestroying Ants. - In gardens and green houses, where boiling water cannot h& poured on their haunts, may be easily effectcd foy jsing pieked bones, which will be soop coyerfid with ants, which may be degtroyed in lijot, ft'atier. Kepeat the procesa ántl the ftnfs VH soon bo cleared out, if a nurober of bones are used, which may be placed in out of-the-way spots where they will not he .spe, but where the ants will soon (iöd tneni. -¦ - - . To Got Rid op the Bqkkb.- 4 hip of wire about the size of a knitting neLíl.c is an efficiënt weapon with which to attack the appjja tree borer, or the borer ín any otber tree. kook around the butt of the tree, uear the gimmd.i8.p4 when you find bis tracks just insert thje wire and push it into the We until it reaches his It efl'ectually prevenís h(g doing any taore miichief. Every tree should be examined and treated in this way every two week3 drlug the growing season In old trees which have been negleeted and which have been badly bored by theso pests, it may restore the tree to vigor more quiokly if Ihe holes are piuggcd with a little graf ting wax. Ho#sg Cakrying Tongue Out. - The Country Gentleman offers the following harmless and efikictive ïemedy to break a borse of carrying bis toncruo ot pi his mouth when drivon: "Tafee a bar bit ¦. i,- ew a piece of solé leather on the center oí i, heart-shape that will run upwards and bacjtw&rJ on the tongue when the bit is in the ni,Mu, This will hold the tongue down under the bit. Pierce two hojea through th,e leather, and tie a piece of thi COid through so as to leave ft loop large enough for the tongue to run through up to the point at which the bit resta upon the tongue, then when putting the bit in the mouth run the tongue throjugh the loop, and it will be impossjble for lijm to run bis tongue out. Use a thick cord $o as not to hurt or cut the tonguL,'J Hot water may be employed to grei advantage in destroying the gree fly and other insects on potted plants. an i it will prove much more convenient than futtiigating. By siaipjy p}avcing boxes filled with road dust in your henrJ),Qus,e, your fowl will not be troubled wiih 'lien. Tbeir natural instinct makes then) to jyaüow in the dust, and thug froe tliemselves of the little pests. Three grains of strichnine (apothecaries weight) will kill foxes, &c , and ten times that will not kill a hog. A tepspoonful did not kill one. I do not believe it will kill them at all. Kaint, the Germán proparation of sulphato of potash, is much used for sowing bvoadcast. and as well snited for the drill as brodcasting. A simple ruelhod of performing th rather difticult operation of grafting the walnut tree succossfully is mentioned by the KevueJHorticole aspractic ed and recommended in France "Oneyear-old seedlings are grafted in the ordinary way, close dowu to the root.and then pottod and placed in a close frame in a propagating house, where the union is speedily efFected." Well-managed, clay soil is known t be capiible of yielding the largest crops of grain; and. if properly drained, with greatest certainty. The reason usually giren for this is that clay is reientive of both manure and luoisture. But there is anothcr reason of scarcely less importance. Insects thatattack the roots of plants living unsoen and often uuthought of or unsuspected, önd it diflïcult to live or worl' in elay. They cannot penétrate it or they perish in it. And these insidiovis enemies are the worst that the farmer or the gardener bas to contend with. When meal is fed plain to covvs they often pass it with but half digestión, for u this shape it is apt to pass into the intestines without being returned with the cud to be remastioated. This creates a loss, and to prevent it mix the feed with wet out hay, straw, fodder.or othor coarse fe?d. It is said that meal fed dry, f not mixed with rough feed, will be better maslicated than when it fp.f


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News