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THEODORE BIGUKE, PROPKIBTOa OF TUK AnnArborlJentral Floiir and Fed Store No 29 E. WASHINGTON ST. Dealer in Grocerles and l'rovlsions, Tobacco, Ciiiars and rcmfcctlonarlos. Hole ngent lor Meischmann & Co ' Oompressed V east. I ne only place in the city wh' ro you can tiuy tlifl genulnd Flcischmann & Co's Conipressed Yenst, freli,daily. (Joods dellyered free tb any part of the city. lsOit. SC A LESA N D S A F ES MANUFAC TL'R&KS of Platform, Hay, Wheat and Counter Scules, New anfi Hecond-liaml SchIcm and Safea for wille and repaired. L112 117 M N. KDWLEY. Detroit, Mich. ItKLL IVNUNU& I-OiK mH TH Mii. BUIUJI.All AIAKU9 and ELK0TU1C BBLL8, nEY TTTING, SAFK REPAlBINü, i.n GENKKAI., KKl'AlHK AND JOBBERS. mB-lira m.n. JtowJ.KV, Detroit, mc1k_ Catarrh,Throat Disease. Bronchitis and Asthnia Can be Cured! Aluo diseases of the EYE, E AR and HEART, at tue Detroit Throat&Lung Institute, M. IIILTON WILI-IAMS, M. D., M. C, 1'. 3. O., Proprletor. Over 40,000 Cases Treated In the Last Seventeen Years. All disease of the Kesplratory Omans treated by Medicated Inhalutions, comblned wnen requlred wlth proper constltutlonal remedies lor the STOMACH, IJVER and Bl.ool), 4c. If possible cali personally for nn i-xaminiition, otherwine wrlte lor !;I,IKT OFQUE8TION8" Hnd "MEDICAL TKEAT 18E." Address, Detroit Throat & Lung Institute 253 Woodward Ave., Detroit ,Micb. GET THE BEST Fire Insurance 1&$42,000,000& Swjurity held for the protecüon of th 'policy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK Kepreteats the followinir first-class compalú', ot whioh one, the tfia, bas alone paid óo,"000,000 Qre loases ia eizty jearB: -Ketna, of Hartford 4 7, '00 000 00 Franklln. Phlladelphia 3,30",000 00 Herman American N. r 2,800 000 00 London Ansurance Corporation I&,8 H',000 00 National, Hartford 1,200,000 00 Nortn Gorman, Hambure 2.0"0,000 CO Phoenix, Hrooklyn 2,8'W,00O 00 [Jnderwrltere Agency N. Y 4.B00.00J 00 Losssb liberaliy ndjusted and promptlv paii!. Polics issued at the low9t rate s of premium. =.73-1.25 ClIRISTIAlf MACK. T INSEY A SEABOLT'8 BAKERT, GROCERY AND FLOUR êc FEED STORE. W keep coritcmly on kind, BBEAD, CRACKEBS, CAKES, ETC, rOSWHOUSALE AND RiTALLTRAI'B. We ihall also keep a anpply of 8WIFT DBÜBEL'S BEST WHIrE WUB AT FLODll, t)BLHl FLOÜR, KTE FLOUR BÜCKWHBAT Fl.UÜK, COKN MBAL, FEED, 4c, Ac Ai wholesale and retatl. A Eeneral stock of GROCERIES ANDPBOVlslO onstantly on hand, whlch will be lold on as re on able terms as at any other house In the city. Cash pald for Butter, Efgs, an5 Conn'r PrOflBO" fenerally. lyGoods delirered to aiiy part of the c tï Ith out extra claree. „. RINKT 9KABOI.T UU M Bapcoplc are always on the look ¦ ¦¦Bï"[out for chances to ncreasi UU B ¦¦ their earnings, and in time beII K jl come wealthy: those bode ¦ ' uot improve their opportunities remain in poverty. We offer a great chance to make money. We" want many men, omen, boys and girls to work for us rightin their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the flrst ptart. The business will paj more than ten times ordiuarv ages. Expi-nsive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time tb the work, or only your spare moments. Full information and all that is needed sent free. Address Stixsox & Co., Portland, Maine. A.F.HANGSTERFER&Co., 30 and 32 Main St. Ice Cream Parlors and Oyster Ocean Restaurant. Their Celebrated Premium Ice Cream, Water Ices, etc.smade to order on short notice. Parties supplied with Wedding Cakes, Fancy Pyramids Charlotte de Russe, etc. We have in our employ the flnest Fancy Cake Bakers and Ornamentéis ia the state. Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Figs. Dates, Tlaisins, Nute of all kinds kept constantly on hand. We also manufacture our own Candies. Also Propriator of the Hangsterfer Ice Compaxiy. jhene Connection Ferdon Lumber Yard JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mannfactnrer and Dealer in SA6INAW GANC-SAWED LUJIBEI1, Lath and Shingles. W inTlte all to glve ui a cali, ano examine om ¦tock before purchasinf elaewhere ALSO AQKNT FOB JACKSON SEWER PIPE C ., And sells üre brick. JAMKSTOLIIERT, PFtO.' i. J HICH. 8apt. feb [j .7V Savings Bank, AAW Altr.On, MI, mi; A v. Trausaets Gcnoral aking Business, CAPITAL, 850,000. Org.inlieii unilor tht (eneral HanklnK L.iw of thl taie. the stockholders are Indlvldnatly liable foi ín additlon-il nmount equal to thü took held b ihrbn.irof'íepoBÍtoíi'r136 FUnt' f' $ 1 0O,OOO.OO. Three per cent. interest t alloxod on all aTlrK Deposita of one dollar and upwnds ac ording to thc rule of the l!:ink and Intere.H cm outKleil senil-anouilly Moa y to Loan on udncumbered rea: estáte aml ohergood securlty. DiRECToua -Ohrisian Mack-, w. w Wines R t . al WUiüiin Deubel, Wl Ihim I) Uarrima' lanlel Uiscock, and VVIIInr. u Smith O -"FIC.' HS. 3BH1STI ,.n .Uick, p,-es w.w Winis, Vlce-Pres, CtU l Hitcuc;. Cuuier. [tU-'iii


Ann Arbor Courier
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