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MICHIGAN (KNTUA1. RAIMIOAD . „ uní:. ' aA" ¦lime Talilo tnklng effect June 10th,1883 ¦ GOIXf] : " '- a,,vnoxs JL 8 fe QUE :ilüi:Ii{ Chicago dcp 7 05 0 20 4 I 9 20'lnw1 Tventy-MC'od SÍ T 17 U :i2 4 12 íffiSS Ken Ineton 7M10 10 4 50 lulo Vs 5 Hammond S 03, 5 07 u ," i Qibann'i ¦ n 5 15 Tolluston 8 21 5 30 Laíra 8 3.110 47 6 60 10 48 1 1 ¦ Poner 8M 6 17 ",lll! HiOUlfSO CltJ 9 II 31 T 00 11 Ï7 E as' , .. Rfew ffuHhlo 3 47 1152-24 ïm'1 ThraoOaki 10 (B 7 40 'm, Avery's 10 06 4a 1. „I Gallen WÍJ 7 B , '., Dayton 10 21 Buihaaan 10 3HP M. w Á „ , ' 10 15 12 .;¦ 8 20 [si ÍS Pokagon II 00 B SI - ' Glenw.od 3 ;¦"- Decantar H 38 9 0U ,„ U, .ton 11 27 55 P.IL 9 11 ' Mattawan 12 ín 9 48 a.m. (tatemo 12 13 10 (X) ,„ Kalamazoo 12 :t2 1 58 7 10 2 05 SIB üalosburg 12 58 Ir 7 M AuKustu 1 03 íó i Haftle Creek 1 23, 2 35 Lj 7 68 2 46 i , - CerSwo 138 é 8 15 " M-,rl,,,ll i Arr 1 60 3 00 = = Marshall 5 D 210 3 20 ; 8 25 80; 5 (- o a, Murengo 2 211 E! 8 40 "- M Albliin 2 : 3 41 8 51) .; l'arma 2 55 a. Ni. :i h : -1 Jackson 3 25 4 25 7 25 9 50 4 10 g II) w , JncksonJunct. 8 i 7 ai u'010t I.eonl a ¦¦ 7 42 Grasa I,ake 1(62 7 48 10 10 l Francisco 4 02, 7 571 B . Chelsea 4 13 8 10 10 28 c 51 liexter 4 33 8 21 10 33 Dclhl 4 4.') 8 SI , í AnnArbor 4 57 5 27 8 45 10 M 5 22 7&1,., Ypsilantl 5 15 5 43 9 03,11 US 5 37 7 sÍS Wayne Junctinn 5 40 6 03 ::.MI:!í 5 a 3 iy Wayne 5 42 H 30! Doarborn i; 00 I ',l V, BprlnBwellí 6 30 6 3510 051156 6 25 8Sb1 Detroit ArO y ü 50 I" 20 12 1(1 n 40 S sn J OOING WÜST. KS,' Sf tí? S-"! 5 .; , &r v.s J ot r;i .. 1$ l lt ll j 3 AMjAM l'M PMÍPMPM,P Detroit iep. 7 20 '.I 55 6 15 4 25 8 20 0 10 7 m Sprlnwells 7 86 10 10 0 ( 40 8L 025 r Denrboni 7 5i 6 4C 4 53 g M Wayno 813 6 S8 Wayno Jnuctiyn 8 15 10 44 7 00 5 O61 9 05 1 ji I DontnnV. 8 32 1 7 15 Ypsiliinü 8 43 1106 i2o5S5 3aollSB Dexter 9 28 8 03 5 50 10 11 Chelaca 9 45 8 K 6 12,10 33 Francisco 10 00 8 3 Orass 1-nke 10 10i . 8 13 6 32 11 00 I.eonl 10 1C. 8 50 Jackson Junofn 10 30 M 9 05 11 27 A M J ckson 10 40 12 35 9 10 7 15,1135 1 Oj 3 3) ¦ l'arma II 0l 7 : 11 K I Albion 11 21 1 10 ZT, 8 00112 13 1 42 Marengo 11 85 ff 6 1T12 251 ,rh.,n i Arr 11 50 1 30 íc' Iam! ) Marshall ,: D_ a w lx . 8 27 12 40 2 03 ) -!l ?? I reresoo I'-1 h " 8 37 ) Battlo Creek 12 3!) 2 15 CP j 8 551 1 08 2 27 1 a I Austunta 1 ttl 9 25! 1 30! Claleslmrg 1 13 A M íl 35 1 42! Kalamazoo 1 3:1 2 56 5 10 9 55 2 05: 3 T 12 ÍS Oatemo 1 50 5 22 ) Mattawan 2 Olí 5 3C 2 32 Nnwton 2 12 5 45 2 41 Decanter 2 27 (100 ! 57 ÍJlenwood 2 ao: 6 10, D.iwuKiac 2 48 6 22 3 21 Poliagon 3 00' 6 35, A M Niles 3 13 4 20 7 05! 3 47 4 35 1 SI Buclianan 3 27 7 19 4 02 ¦ myton 3 3 7 28 4 11 Gallen 3 41 7 311 ti) Arorv's 3 43 7 42 I rhreOaks 3 52 7 4fi 4 32 New Undulo 4 07 5 07 S 00 4 55 I Michigan City 4 m 5 30 8 28 6 23 5 Sita l..rter 4 55 5 M 8 53 5 50 C 17 ti ,ake 5 15 0 15 9 14 6 11 6 38 S 28 ii? cci isson O7.oioë ;s7a mOLBDO, ANN AKBOR & G. T. K. B. COLUMBUS TIME. Ttarough time table in effect June 10, 1883. GO1MG NORTH GU1XG SOCTa -; .-1 -! i áS g, STATIONS. o. a s h s a 5 20PJ1 8 35A 51 Lv Toledo Ar 10 0ÜAM 5 a 5 25" 8 40" ManhattenJcfn 9 54" 513 F 33 " S 47 " i Alexis Jct'n 0 45 " 5 01 l 08 ' 9 29"; MonroeJcfn 910" 426 C 14 " !) 40 " Duntlee 9 00 " 4 18 6 2H " j 9 51 " Azallln 8 50 " 4 05 6 44 " III 1! '¦ Milán , 8 37 " 3 50 6 65 " 10 10 " Urania ! 8 20 " 3 36 7 05 " III L " Pittstleld I 8 08 " I 3 8 7 17 " 10 35 " Ar Ann Arbor Lv 7 55 " ¦ 31S 8 U) " II 20 " !Ar South Lyon Lv 7 20 "; 240 8 33 " 11 5U " ArHowell ULSXLv 7 22PM'2M 1) 4) " , 1 l.ip.M Lansing 6 10 " 112 45 11 05 ' 8 00 " lonla ! 4 30 " 11 00 12 30A5I1 ó Ul " Edmore : 2 40 " 9 I 6 40 " Big llaplds , 1 00 " 715 12 30 " 4 15 " Iloward City 2 55 " 4 20 8SS" Petoskey G R & I I 8 30AM 8 25 " i .Maeinaw City 1 7 50 " E Connections: At Toledo, with railroads diverging; ï at Manhattan Junction, with Whecling & Lake Erle . K.Ii.; at Alexis Junction. withJl.C.R. R., L. 8.4 M. S. Ky. and V. & P M. lí. R.;at Monroe Junction, witü ' L. S. & M. S. Ky.; at Dundee, with 1. S. & M. S. Ry.; - at Milán, with Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Hj.; II i Pittstleld : with L. S. & M. S. Ry. : at Ann Arbor. with Michigan Central K. K., and at South Lyon withDe¦ troit, Lansinu & Northern 11. K. i H. W. ASHLEY, General SopL j W. H. BEXNETT, Gen'l Pass. Agent. ' Detroit, Macklnac & Marquette B. R. June 10, 18S3. ! Pioneer East and West Line through the Upper I Península of Michigan. 24O Sillo Marter between all eastern and northwcstern polntfl via Detroit and Sil MilenShortervia Port Huronto and from Montreal and all points In canada, than vi wi other route. EAST. W8 STATIONS. - - EXP. ACC'M. ACC'M. ] UP. a.OOpni' 80 id Ij Marquette a' 5.50pm " . 0. 12 " á Onuto i 4.M '¦ 5.45 0.Í7 " au Train 4.00 " U l.bam ni Snn ! 1.3o " & „ 1.66" jjS McMillan 12.34 " 1A 2.20" 240 DollarrUle ,12.10" IX JS" -H Newberry 11.50 am 1 5.45 ¦¦ i;," st. Ignara 8.50 ¦¦ jlO.OOpm 5.00_pra 6.35 ,„ VIBayaw"" MnpLlfiH 45 " '!¦¦ ¦¦ I.apeer Junct , 7.43 I'-" tí.y „ft .. Port Hurón ÚS ; "JIM' 8':S" SaííSgUy i" "I: 8S= agjfi Jir Í5:lP;á" um ViaG R. &I. R. R. „_, 4.35 pm ; lü-un Grund Rapids ILOOprnlí-Sg :.'.5l ¦¦ Ï43 lloward . ity r.MOnm 1Í.50 L2" i (i)D ' Fort Wayne 3.15pm U ? o ii.-, ,, Detroit 1. b.oo o. Conneetions are made at St. lgnac witli. ,. The Michigan Central Kailroad for DptrpitandíU points in Miliii.-an, und in the east, soulliftna soulfleast. Trama lt-nve JlackinacCltvS.óOa. ¦ anas. The Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad for GrMll Rapids, Fort Wavne, and the south and east. Airo with steamers of' tbe Detroit & Cleveland Sleam Navigation Company for l'ort Hurón, Drtroit ano Cleveland, te, and with boats oí the ortnera Michigan Line for Chicago and Milwaukee, ano with dillcrcnt boat lines for lake shore pointa. Connections luade at Marquette with. . TheManiiu'tte. llnugliton Je Ontonagon ¦ 'r the Iron, Gold and Silver. and Copper Districu, and with boat lines for Dulnth and the Northwest. Night triiins run dailv, have Pullman Sleepen atached. I). MrCOOL, F JIH-L'Qf?!,, . Gen'l Snpt'rintcmient, Gén'l Frt. l'M ' Marquette, Mlck Marquette, Mico. W. H H. Boylan&Co. PAINÏEKS and Pculers iu French, American & Píate Glass. - - Sign Writing, Paper Hanging, Decorting, PrtscoiDg, etc. 16S. Rain Sí., 2nd Floor, W. TREMAÍN, GENERAL Insurance Agency omci over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Stor, COR. HÜRON AD FOORT 8T. North líritish Insurnee Gowp'J (Of London and Edinburg) Capital tl3,000.000, Qold. Detroit Fire and Marine Ins. Ofc CaitiAsseU $SOO,000 Springfleld Ins. Comp'y of Mas., Cash Assets. . . . f 1,800,00& Howard Ins. Co., of New York, Cash Assets.... f 1,000,000. Agricnltural Insurance Comp'jWATEBTOWN. - - NEW YORK, Cash ABsetn L1,200,000. oases liberaJly adjostad and pwmptlj "1


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News