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POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel of purity,strength and wholesoraeness. Moreeconomical than tue ordinary I; IihIs, and cannot be sold In competition wlth the multitude of low test, sho't .welght, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Royal Baking Powder Co., 100 Wall St.. N. Y. Infants and Children Withont Morphine or Narcotine. What gives our Children rosy cheeks, What cures their íevers, malees them sleep; 'TI Pastoría. When Babies fret, and cry by turas, Waat cures their colic, kllls their worms, 1 Ilut Citatoria. tWhat quickly cures Constipation, Sour Stomacn, Colds, Indigestión : i But Caatorla. Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and í Hail Caatorla. Centaur Liniment.- ín sb ¦oíate curo for Rheamatism, fcaolns, Bnrns, Galla, &c., and an Éntaneoin Pain-roliever. CONQÜEROR OF ALL KIDNEY DISEASES. TIIE BEST KIDNEY and LIVER MEDICINE NEVER KNOWN TO FAII.. " I had suffered twenty years with severe dlsease of the kidneys ; before using Hunt'8 Remedy two days 1 was relieved, and am now well." JOSHUA ÏUTHILL. "My physiclans thought that I was paralyzed on one side. I was terribly afflicted -with rheumatism froiu 18U9 to 1880. I was cured by Hunt's Kemedy." STEPHEN G. MASÓN. " My doctor prononneed my case Bright's Disease, and told me that I could live only oigni uours. i uien tooK Hunt's Keinedy, and was speedily curod.'' M. GOODSPEED. " Having suffered twenty years with kidney disease, and employed various physicians without being relieved, l was then cured hv Hunt's Keinedy' SULLIVAN FENNEH. " I have been greatly beneflted by the use of Hunts Kemedy. For diseases of the kilneys and urinary organs there is nothing superior " A. D. NIUKEKSON. Ar.nEKT ITolt, Esq., paymaster Boston and Albany Rallroad, writes : "I have nsed Hunt's Keinedy, and my experience with it has been sueh that I can cbeerfully say that I am satisfled that it will do just what it proiniaeB to do." "I was nnable to arise from bed from an attack of kidney disease. The doctors eould not relieve me. I was flnally completely cured by using Hunt's Keinedy." ' ' FRANK R. DICKSON. " I have suffered extremely irith kidney disease ; after ntlng Hunt's Remedy two days I was enabled to resumo business." GEO. P. CLARK. One trial wtll convinoe you. For sale by all DruegiRts. Send for Pamphlet to HUNT'S EEMEDY CO., Providence, B. I. Prlceg 75 cents and S1.35. Catarrli s the seed of üonsumption, an() unless taken In time is a very danfieroiis disease. Hali's Qatarrfa Cure never fails to euro. Priee 75 cents. Sold by Kberbach & Son. The London salvation anny is $100,000 out of pocket, wliich comes of supplyin"salvation free."- Lowell Courier. - Dr.C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pilis are prepared expiessly to cure and will cure Headache of all kinds, Neuralgi:i,Nervousnessand Dyspepsia. l'roved and endorsed by physiciiuis. A genius advertised : "A sewing machine for twenty-five cents In stamp?," and liis dupes did not sec the point until they received a cambric needie. Want of Faith. If Eberbach & Son, the Druggists do not sueceed t is not for the want of faith. He bas sucb faith In Dr. Bosanko's Cougb and Lung Syrup as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and Lung aftections, that lie will give a bottle fiee to eacli and every one wlio is in need of a medicine of tliis kind. An exchange speaks of a man wlio is " bnt one step removed from an ass." He'd better make it tliree or fonr. The animal has a long reach baokwanl.- Milton (Mass.) News. Canse anti Effect. At times symptoms of indigestión are present, unensiness of thestomach, &c, a moisture like perspiraüon producing itching at night, or when one is warm, cause the Piles. The effect is immediate relief upon the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, wbich costs you but 50 cents and is sold by Eberbach & Son.


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