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"Rongh on Rats." Clears out rats, mice, ronches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, ehipmunks, gophers. 15c. DruggiMs. Au exchange correspondent asks; " Is tliere anything tlnit can be burned to keep away mosquitoes? " Oh, yes. Burn the mosquitoes. That will keep them away. - Norristown Herald. Cured My Wife's Weakness. From Evansville, Ind., the home of our correspoüdent. Mr. Jno. R. Patterson, comes the followiug : "Samaritan Neroine cured mjr wife of a case of female weakness." It's an extract from Mr. Patterson's letter. $1.50. It is a well-known mathematical fact that two nines make eighteen, ut from recent base-ball reports it is learned that our two Philadelphia nines are not making anything lately.- Philadelphia Bulletin. F. J. Cheney & Co., propiïetors Ilall's Catarrli Cure, offer $100 reward for any case of Caterrh that can't be cured with Ilall's Ciitarrh Cure. For sale by Eberbach & Son. One of our best citizens would say to the public that he hastried Hall's Catarrli Cure, and it is all that is claiined for it. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Eberbach & Son. '"Mother Swan's Worm Sjrup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic, for feverishness, restlessness, worms, constipation. 25c. Is a sea-son "a son of Neptune?" - Life. " Blood-food is the suggestive name often given to Ayers' Sarsap'iriMa, because of its blood-enriching qualities. Assistedetniirraiits- The English sparrows. - Milton News. Flies and UugS. Flies, loaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats.mice, gophers, cliipmunks, cleared out by " FtoUjfli on Rats." 15c. The Jews are now being expelled from Russia in job lots. - Chicago News. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging irritation, Inflamation, all Kidney and Urinary Complaints, cured by " líuchu-paibá." $1. A contemporary mentions a case beyond the ordinary oculist. It is that of a young lady who, instead of a pupil, has a college student in her eye. Mr. Paddock, Postrnaster at Wolcott, N. Y., says : "I can safely recommeüd Rheumatic Syrup to all wlio are suffering with indigestión and rheumattem, as one of the surest and best remedies ever offered to tlie public. I have taken many soealleil remedies, but found no relief until I coinmenced tlie use of tlie Syrup, and after three weeks' use I liad no pain, and could move aiound as well as ever. My diíüculty was in my liips and back. and I feared I liudtomeklnd of kldney alfeetion but I am nuw entirely free from it and as well as ever." Nol a Hiiinbug1. Colonel Richard Porgham, of Lvons, New York, says that by the use of a few bottles of Rheumatic Syrup, lie was completely cured ot a very severe attack of iheumatisin, which coijfined hhn to his room for months. He also said that he had DO fait h in patent medicines, but lie has chaned his mind since using Rheumatic Syrup. The card the operators have been playing so far is the deuce.- Chicago News. Wells' "Rougli on Corus." Ask for Wells' "Itough on Corus." 15c. Quick, complete, permanent cure. Corns, wurts, bunions. The greatest huuter of relies is the woman who would capture that rare and quaint oíd bit of bric-a-brac known :s Samuel J. Til, len.- Puck. m ,, , Skinny Men. 'Wells Ilealth Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia ímpoteuce, Sexual Debility. $1. "Please give me something, sir?" savs an oíd wonian. " I liad a bliud child ; he was my only means of subsistence, and the poor boy recovered bis sight ! "-Ex. Try Ayer's Pilis, and be cured. Misety s a mild word to describe the mischief to body and inind caused by habitual constipation. The regular use of Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, in mild doses, will restore the torpid viscera to healthy action. The latest rumors from London say tlie queen vvill soon abdícate. It is not delinitely known who will be her successor, but probably some man from Ohio - Burlington Hawkeye. Dou't Die in the House. " Rough on lïats." Clears out rats, miee, roadles, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chinruonks, gophers. 15c. " Shakey," said a Canal street clothier to his sou Friday mom ng, " mark up eberydinjrsa ca-worter of a tallar, iind I put out a sign ' Trade tollars taken hei e vor a hundret cents.' "- Newark Cali. -"Dr. BensorisSkin Gureeradicatedmy pimples. They vsed to break out continually. öteve T. Harrison, Kochester, N. Y. $1 at druggists. The Idle scribbling of uames ou the Brooklyn bridge is not without a precedent. Upon the worm-eaten bulwarks of Noah's newly discovered Ark, liave been traced the nitials S. B. A. and S. J. T - Life. Swayne's P1ÍU- Comfortlng to the Siik. Thou8ands die from negleet to properly treat Impura blood, constipation, dyspepsia, malaria, apoplexy, liver, kidney, heart discases, dropsy, and rheumatism. But to the debilitated burdened with such serions siokness, we conscientiously reeommend "Swayne's Pilis," which cortaiu medicinal properties possessed by no other remedy. Sent by mail for 25 cents, box of 30 pills; 5 boxes, %, (in stamps). Address Dr. Swayne & Son,' Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Uiuggists. jj[JEHETICJj[JDÏCÏrö. vJohcI'brain ln'erve föodvS! A cure Gnaranteed in all Caaes For Old and Y'oiing, IHale and Fe mal e. MAONETI MEDICINE ; a Bnin ui Net7. Fooi; Unfulug aai Posltire Cire. Tonea up the dcbllitated system, arrests all luvoluntary discharges, removes mental loom and despondcncy, and restores wonderful power to the weakened organs tS& With each order for twclve packages, accorapanled with nve dollars, we will eend our Onarantee to refund the moncy if the treatment does not effect a cure. H is the Cheapestand Best Medicine iu the market. Fnll particularh In Pamphlet, wbich we mail free to anjr address. Sold by all package 50 cents; Sii for $'2.50, or sent by mail on receipt of price. by addressing the MAÖNETIO MEDICINE CO., Detroit, Mich. Onarantees issued in Ann Arbor by C. E. HOLMES. Cook Hotel Block. 1136-85 HepihyWeajthT 1)k K. V,. Wkst's Nebte and Brain Tkeatment, a gnaranteed speciüc for Hysteria, Dizzi. nese, Convulsione, Fits, Nervoue Neuralgia, Jrleaaache, Nervous Prostrntion caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo, WakefulnesB, Mental Depressiou, Softening of tlie Hrain resulting in ineanity and leading to mieery, docay and death. Premature Old Age, Barrcnness, Lobs of power in eithor boi, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused byover-exertion of thobrain, solfabuse or over-indnlgence. Each box contains one month's treatmeut. $1.00 a box, or bix boxee for $5.00, sent by mail prepaidon receipt of prico. WE CilARAXTEE SIX lil':s To cure any case. With each order received byus . for ei x boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will I eend the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect acure. Guarauteea issued onlyby J. II. BBOWK, AKnt, Ann Arbor, Mich.


Ann Arbor Courier
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